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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. BECAUSE PEOLPE HAVE LIVES! Seriously no one here is superhuman and we all have personal lives. Personal reasons are about 60-70% of the coause of all mod deaths I'd say.
  2. ^ | | Agreed on ESRB but the fact that kids can easily get it (Because some places don't ask for ID which is stupid) and the fact that the pearents are actually willing to give them the game because thier child wants is is just stupid and should be regulated. If it's AO then the pearents HAVE to prove that they're 18. Plus you know there are rape sceens ect. that younger kids shouldn't be seeing, it's courruption of a minor. Now I don't hate GTA (I just don't play it often) but I think it's out of hand.
  3. Favorite real life: LASO Prison bus lol In game EM3: UMPC In game EM4: Swat truck 2
  4. BTW you also need to make an entry point on the map.
  5. I was wondering what you thought on this. It's either yes or no and why. Me, yes. Why? Because the other day I was giving a class and this ten year old goes "You suck, If I had a gun Id kill you like I kill everyone in Grandtheift auto" I've actually gotten that a lot. Your views?
  6. What units do I send: A lot... actually my response is somewhere else and it was long.
  7. You're very welcome. Edit: you can also do an LAE3 move and turnn off the lights and put em' out side.
  8. Because I neglected to give a statment and I was the highest there, appearently they couldn't find me Plus TRS does animal control which means I have a tranq gun in my car.
  9. Yeah. I looked in on my new office first thing I have to do tommorow is inspect 3,000 ft of rope and pulleys and then I have to check on traffic cones. ANd the excitment begins!!!! Lol, kidding about the traffic cones. but I do have to check the rope. THen: Visit US parks ranger station for statment on bear inside of USFS truck. Lol idiot probie left his door open and a bear jumped in and tore up the seats.
  10. My freewebs photos4now because photobucket hates me.
  11. Well I felt like getting you back for calling me a nub cake on your about me page. I couldn't #%$%^ing resist lol.

  12. It's pretty easy once you do it a few times. Pumper42 used to do it like that *snaps fingers* Lemmie find a little part of his directions lol. This was for bay doros 1.Place door on map 2.Click on door and select properties tab at bottom 3.Where it says object name remove UNNAMED 4.Put in name gate_fir01 (just change number for additional doors eg: gate_fir05, gate_fire09 etc.) 5.Go to edit and select TRIGGERS 6.Select NEW 7.Give it the name that represents the door eg:gate_fir01 8.Check boxes person squad and vehicle squad 9.Now make a box 10.Place box accordingly (make the width of the door, about as long as a vehicle, and make the boxes extend slightly inside door. This allows for it to open when the truck leaves. Height does not matter as long as nothing is inside the box. eg. light pole 11.That should do it. (OMG IM SO WASTED)
  13. SO are you like making a new station or just mixing the units up.
  14. Pretty much, I can respond to any call and I also have a picture of our command unit taken from the rear while I was in a moving car. Then I actually have a supervisor (A.K.A. The Chief) who looks over my shoulder. Man Im gonna have one hell of a hangover tommorow. I also get to work with ordinance disposal and repair crews and the exciting "Scaffolders" a truck that just carries scaffold. Why, I don't know .I have to read a bunch of paperwork though. When I'm finished I might burn it to keep up my skills as a firefighter lol. May upload my acadamy pictueer too. =^.^= kitty
  15. Question that I don't have an answer to. I used to be in bomb squad (univentful so I transfered) and we didn't have a bomb robot, is it possible that the frequencies from the controler could set off a radio controled bomb???
  16. lol HI you wern't sppeding. Like my gun? SIGN THE ****ING ticket now!!!!!
  17. So question when the cop gives a ticket do the cops always come out with guns?
  18. Yeah I just turned 27 today, got promoted to technical rescue service commander, annnnnnnddddd got slammed at a pub. Gonna upload some pics of my new Ford Explorer which has green LEDs!!!
  19. No then the I left the house (Parents were gone) I got banned from a K mart, and what I did there is not to be repeated.
  20. 3 days later I came in and demanded a whopper jr. THey gave me a Mc Donalds equivalint and I didn't like it so I told the manager to stick it, and he goes look I'm sorry but is there any way we could settel this. I said in my awesome accent, sure give me three quarters of a hamburger with anchovies and pickels and 17 french fries, I want to see you eat it. And apearently there was some off duty cop there because I wound up going home in a police car lol.
  21. Nope when I qwas 14 I got banned from ever comming inside because I came up to the drive thru in a shopping cart and fought for 30 mins on if I could get service, backing up the line during the lunch rush.
  22. Nope I've ordered a policeman into the house that the hooligan is in but he just throws fire bombs on me and sets my guys on fire, I can't get in the building.
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