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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. I really want to drive a camp tractor back in L.A. when I retire.
  2. Yeah for Christmas me and Carrie went to visit my twin bro and sister. We rode arond in the twins sherriff's slick top and ate then we have presents tonight.
  3. HOw did we get to my older brother being 13. He won't be back he moved out of VA for a new job. He'll still mod but he's trying to raise a family. Also nimrods check his profile page for christ's sake. EDIT: Appearently there are a few things to clear up... in one of the few first posts Ewan made he thought he might have published something that could give a near exact location of where we lived (As a family we kinda live really close together, money and such) so he decided to post some stuff from an old buddy back in Virgina, he feeds info to us still. So Ewan conspired at our house to what we were going to do about it and me, my sister, and I decided to use the Virgina mask, so now that Ewan has moved we don't really need much more from it. With that being said I suppose I should say this: Ewan and Myself work on the judgment day mod together (Hopefully a new release this summer!) and I may post from time to time. Sorry but our family is a little careful cause of something my mom did a while ago. Don't ask please.
  4. I think that flares shouldn't block traffic. (Too bad it's not like Wuppenportal where the cars slide around them) and should "Burn out" (Dissapear) after a while. Any possibility of adding crime tape?
  5. @ Hops, maybe you can see my wedding photo maybe not. And they're saying that the blast at the middle school was caused by propane. And I may need to move again sadly way far away. I really hoped I would stay in VA. I have to say that the worst accident scene though was when I lived in New York, on Sept. 11 2001.
  6. FOr real. I g2g library is closing.
  7. Actually the helicopter was almost able to not take off that was how much her weight displaced.
  8. ^ | That's a life LOL When I was living in East L.A. I only had a bike and my mom and dad lived from hotel to hotel until we moved to New York for a job offer. But in that time I was riding my bike in the 90s and saw the LAFD putting out a structure fire, it was then that I wanted to be a fireman. Also when we lived in a house in LA I miss going to the Arcades or Seven Eleven to play arcade games. I miss those times when we thought that life coulden't get any better.
  9. I really am not too engrossed in the case but I may have to go to court because I was 1st on scene. Another... I was eating at KFC (COmmon it's not like I don't work out) and this massive blob of a woman comes trundduling in. After 30 minutes she ate four chicken breasts and was really panting. THen she started complaining of angina, (Chest pains for all you not know it alls out there) I radioed for an ALS and when I was finished she had the most massive heart attack I have EVER seen. We had to call for THe nightengale it was so bad.
  10. Ohh man I had the most awesomest call two days ago. So C shift's commander wasn't back yet so I had to ride in my old rig. With everyone but Q3 M71 and TRS3 we got a call of a person stuck in a 180ft tree, so we go out all three remaining vehicals, blasting through rush hour traffic and get to this tree and we get there sirens blazing lights flashing and this older lady comes over and says "My cat is stuck up about 10 ft and I can't get her to come down, can you help me out. I tried keeping a straight face but I coulden't. Funniest call an ambulance an quint and a rescue truck out for a cat in a tree classics never die. @Hops The Dad gave the kid some work to do and it was rather dangerous and appearently the dad had a history of stuff kinda like that. Supervising without doing anything.
  11. I used to have this game (Which is god awesome) I think it's in my attic. I had the most awesomest base. It had those jet thinggys that blew the commandos that sucked so bad into a bunch of incinerators. I did hate how the minions won't attack automattically.
  12. Yeah well I wished you could tag someone with 1st degree murder in DUIs. The DUI killed the guy in the other car. He had been fishing and drank too much then went down the wrong side of the highway at 80 mph. He had like 4 priors and a suspended license. If you know the effects of alcohol on your body, you know it's not right, you're by yourself, you have no other way of getting home, and you decide to go home in a car without a license that shows premeditation, you have considered the consequences and well understood what you were doing and you killed someone, even though you didn't intend to you are guilty of premeditational murder. Still I've seen worse when I lived in East LA and when I lived in NYC durring 9/11 the most wonderful times of my life. Not. @ambulance the man was really elderly and went through a yellow light, it was so close to the school that you couldn't really make out the individual sirens, no one was really badly injured. And it was a he that went through the chipper.
  13. Yeah his dad who was "Supervising" (By reading playboys in his office) is being charged with manslaughter I believe. Oh and while responding to the Middle school my best friend's ambulance got hit by a ford taurus. AND... I got a pay cut due to budget issues. Oh and the rear view miror on my SUV fell off. =) If I couldn't laugh stuff like this away I'd suffer from PTSD
  14. DOA head went through first not a pretty sight.
  15. I got the new patch and in the gas station hostage thingy I threw a stun grenade while inside the building and it managed to go negitive feet pounce off the roof and into 3 police cars.
  16. Hey I'm at the library because I have recently gotten married and moved into a new house (Hopefully it won't end up like my apartment- A cinder) and would just like to say that due to monetary issues I do not have internet at my new house. I will be getting a new iPod touch soon so I'll probobly drop by then. ANyways back to the topic. I've had a lot of freakey calls recently. A blast blew a 1,000 sq. foot hole in a middle school A 14 year old got caught in a wood chipper and was made into mince meat. (That was the first call I have ever fainted on) And a DUI case that was so bad the liscense plate from the drunk guy's car was found in the vic's back seat. it traveled through the glove box. Anyone else noticing changes in their calls?
  17. Yes but it also shows it as being at night. When I took that video it was about noon. (Game time it was really late when I took that)
  18. I have four Armed arrest Rapid deployment SWAT Ropes Chase Though directional lights and cones come in handy too.
  19. **Side note the game tends to run faster if you launch it from the desktop
  20. Emergency Planet forums has an estimated worth of $6,136.38. (My randomness 2 bits)
  21. I have a video of the traffic problem near the L.A. bridge, I'm thinking that it's a problem with the traffic lights. And Hops 1 question... If Mike is skinned as the L.A. battalion cheif, and he's watching the station in the map... what's going on. And you do appear in the mod you're the U.S. Army General (Hope you don't mind but I kinda accidentaly destroyed your limo.
  22. In real life it has to do with what the house is composed of, it's also in the original game. Love all the mod team's names on the wall.
  23. Here's improving your departments average efficiency The best fire teachings anywhere
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