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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Hahahaha in junior high I played Alto Saxophone, I spent a summer repairing arcade games for it.
  2. I hate exam times. What do you play?
  3. me trying to spell on the night shift. I'm alone, in a fire station, and there's a DDR game here think of the possibilities. AND WITH POWER THIRST!!!! Oh and I have a BFC of Monster
  4. Yes well Ray Park is better then Chuck Norris. Infact he played chuck Norris.
  5. OOOOOhhhhhh I'm sitting here at my desk, Net book in hand no chance of rest.... I wanna play emergency three But I chose install path D So I look around cause I'm real bored and EMS is on a woman gored........ Cause It's the night shift, With some funkey guitar rift So I go on in and sleep in the stokes and some idiont plays a joke Ohhhhhhhhhhh Night court Dvds are old, Oh my god Why is it so cold?? Where are all the frickin Milk duds I love to chew them like cows with their cud... So I look around cause I'm real bored and EMS is on a woman gored........ Cause It's the night shift, With some funkey guitar rift So I go on in and sleep in the stokes and some idiont plays a joke Ohhhhh It's the Niggggghhhhtttt shift Ohhhhh It's the Niggggghhhhtttt shift Ohhhhh It's the Niggggghhhhtttt shift Ohhhhh It's the Niggggghhhhtttt shift Ohhhhh It's the Niggggghhhhtttt shift
  6. I do have to agree that adding every feature humanly possible in the first mod isn't right. 1.) You make the Vehicals and personell and relese them 2.) You make New UI and improve the vehicals 3.) THEN start making add on scripts
  7. Did you change all the vics to ccarp peersons or whatever?
  8. The advice will cover every Emergency game made and possibly some mods depending on if I get premission, and If I do they will be integrated into each pack.
  9. ---=New Mod=--- It has struck me dumbfounded as I look in on the mission help threads and see an overwhelming amount of "I can't do this" or "This is too hard!" Honestly? I've seen people asking where are the injured in the later missions without calling in dog squads to help find them. It's absolutely insane. I haven't realized how much of this game is based on personal experience then on the basic joe who doesn't know jack about Emergency Management. (I proudly have a degree). So I "Forgot" all I knew about the subject and headed into a new game. The damn tutorial is near bare! And the learning pace is set to show you what you're "Supposed to do". Some people cheat and use 999999999999 credits to buildup a massive amount of units and make it "Realistic". That's what I do. So I'm making this new mod for those of us who can't go to collage or have no interest in learning class room style. So I present the tutorial mod, a work in progress. It will be released in 4 packs... 1.) Game Style play for Slower computers + New Tutorial 2.) Game Style Play for Faster computers + New Tutorial 3.) Emergency Management and Advanced skills for Slower Computers 4.) Emergency Management and Advanced skills for Faster Computers What are these packs? Because not everyone has the same computer there will be a significant reduction in RAM consuming elements while still providing the learning functions of the new lessons. Advanced one's look more "Kick ass" then the ones for slower computers. Game style play packs are designed to go over every function of the game step by step and then increase in difficulty, then do a mission on your own then receive an evaluation. The new tutorial explains every command that can be given so it will be one of the longer missions. Emergency Management and Advanced skills will show the player how to respond to a given situation, such as a bomb or fire, like real emergency services would. While using these tactics in the real world are good they can slow down the computer, never the less people want realism so I'll give realism. There will be about 20 missions and a new tutorial in the game pack and about 10 in the advanced pack. There will also be guides that come with the game on... 1.) Money Management 2.) Unit Quick Reference 3.) Walkthroughs What will you be concentrating on the most in this mod? A lot of the problems encountered by players are generally not being able to find missing persons and controlling large fires with limited access to them. (i.e. mission 14 of emergency three train derailment, it is regarded as one of the most difficult missions ever and is a large scale brush fire) Also finding missing persons when time is limited can be tough, therefore there will be two large missions, after the instructional ones, TOUR BUS FALLS OFF OF RAVINE and FIRE IN A SELF STORAGE AREA plus with the possibility to create more missions on there is already a plan for a whole pack (Slow and fast set) directly relating to forest fires. This way we can help out the congestion on the site due to one post users that just ask one question. Oh and did I mention... I NEED HELP WITH SOME SCRIPTING BECAUSE I ONLY HAVE A RUDDEMENTARY KNOWLADGE OF C++ The maps will be ones that come with the game. Also, anyone who does voice acting, let me know! This will also have a large amount of voice overs for instructions. Contact me via PM as Gerardtriloski@aol.com no longer exists New_Tutorial_Quick_10.txt -- 10 quick steps to think about before coming to Emergency Planet. Staffing ---Writers GerardTIII X X ---Research GerardTIII X (Preferably a Moderator or Administrator) ---Map Editing GerardTIII X (Someone who is really good) ---Scripting (Must have good knowledge in this field, understand mission scripting and command scripting) X X X X(Up to four) ---Voices (Preferably ones that have done work before) X X Can I suggest things for this mod? Up to a certain point yes you may, in fact because this is not an aesthetic type game it is highly encouraged that you do so, as this will help out certain functions of the mod. For example if some one asks, "Hey I really have trouble with a certain mission because it's really hard to find this object", we will create a new section for it, and if you have to preform this task several times, we will specifically make a new pack for it in the game play packs section. However if we use another mod (Take Mine for example) DO NOT ASK ME TO CHANGE CERTAIN ASTHETIC CHANGES OR RELESE DATES! Chances are we will not use another person's mod unless they ask for it specifically. Progress/News Mission 1 is written up already and will be put together soon, it teaches evacuation, creative problem solving, dealing with panicked civilians, and prevention of a time delay event. There will be two new units, an instructor that you must find and catch with negotiations and a red dummy that you will have to take out in one of the training exercises. Mission 3 is on the drawing board, and it will be a very descriptive one on how to assault a heavily fortified compound, contain a very large fire (Remember drug cartel assault in EM3 LA mod, I found a new way to assault the compound and it has to do with cranes, guns, shipping containers, and a railway car muhahahahahaha!!!!) and rescue hostages. Mission 8 is in early development but it will deal with finding lost persons, clearing an area to make it accesable, and the best way to question civilians. Mission 9 is almost written, it is entierly traffic control, traffic light failures, and moving cars with the crane. :ATTENTION COMPATIBILITY: The Packs will only be accessible to Emergency 4 and 911 First Responders Retail Version (1.01). IT WILL NOT SUPPORT DELUXE EDITION due to a freeplay issue, don't ask because I've tried, (However anyone with Deluxe edition can help me out that would be great) Termonology Written: Not made yet but the idea is there
  10. Funny thing from My brother's german class and I know what they're saying.
  11. Haha that's what I like to hear. I've though about saying that but I figured some guy would get offended.
  12. lol Montey Python. I have a pair, and a reproduction of The Terminators sunglasses
  13. I'm using a net book as we speak and had the same problem, you need to run it in saffe mode and install it with no videos.
  14. Lol you know I just had to. --=Gen. Emo=--
  15. Original Boom Boom Dollar by King Kong & D. Jungle Girls Remix for DDR. I maay have a video of me playing this in full turnouts on the hardest level.
  16. HopsI'm working on a secritive mod and I'm hoping to get your premission on something privatly and I need to ask a question concerning some voice acting.
  17. When will the next version of the L.A. mod be released? Can you add tear gas? Can you make a new blinkey Light Brigade? Will it be faster then the old one? Will the gangstas look american and ghetto fabulous? Will you make the fire engines a darker hue? Can I suggest something? How come there are no midmount ariels? Can I use all of your models and stuff for my mod? Is it going to be good? Can I test it even though this is my first post? (Please?) Will it have dogs? Why does it crash? Why is there no sky? will there be sky in the next release? How come all the unit numbers are the same? --=Gen. Emo.=--
  18. Proboble cause if you say I don't want to be searched I've heard.
  19. ATTENTION ALL: I am one of Ewan's friends and have helped him out before in his mods (I am known as Gen. Emo and Fruitloopy. The 911 first responders version of our Judgment day mod has been courrupted, and the next release will be for Emergency three, it will include ONE new unit (Police Truck 2) and ONE new unit (Civilian pistol shooter) Also we're changing most of the firefighting apparatuses into a blue color. It's losing the zombie theme (For now) and will be released this summer. Also First responders will be a completly different freeplay map, fixing things and cleaning up will get you points.
  20. Foam fights are so fun, especially when you add a hot chick to the mix.
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