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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. You need to put the command AND the lights on the trailer. You'll have to acess them from the trailer though.
  2. I'm playing X-Com Ufo enemy unknown with a fix (I know this isn't the problem) and in order for the colors to be right I have to exit out of windows explorer (Ctrl+Alt+Delete, processes, explorer - end process) That too is not the problem. So after advanced game play it crashes more and more often, but when I start a new game it does not crash. Any suggestions? (Btw there is no log file that I know of)
  3. No she wasn't, but the car was totaled.
  4. There was that but that was I fell over and stayed down for three seconds then got back up. #7 is PASS OUT not faint. How did I flip it... The axle snapped and it did a little U turn into a ditch then as it went into the ditch at an angle that it flipped over onto the roof. This was on a hill as well.
  5. Off the job I cut my eyelid twice same spot, the second two days after it healed.
  6. A love hate relationship, yes.
  7. Is that from Super bad or Hot Fuzz cause I never saw superbad? Oh and I forgot one! I got a papercut the other day filing some papers, worst one ever. It bled so bad in ten seconds the space between my thumb and halfway to my elbow was covered in blood. IDK how but it was bad. But that's a cut. That's 1.1 accidents that happen a year.
  8. Bad karma. List of accidents in the past 10 years, starting as recently. 1- Burned face and leg during bus fire 2- spliced a hand with a TNT tool 3- Had a hose fall from the rack, belted me in face no real harm done to me, but the ego had to be recesitated. 4- Slipped while walking into station for eats. 5- On way out of smoke training centre, knocked heads with another guy. 6- Fell 3 stories off of repeling station, broke both legs, three ribs, and sustained a concussion plus multipule bruises. 7- Passed out at a scene, guy hit by semi 8- Stabed my self with a pencil during a self evaluation test... which is a fail. 9- Managed to flip my supervisor's SUV while repositioning it. 10- Hit with a rolling pen while on a Kitchen fire and... 11- Dropped a fire extinguisher on my foot, breaking three toes. Plus burns, cuts, scrapes and bruises over the... twelve years I've worked with emergency services.
  9. About a month ago I got burned in a bus fire. Face mostly. But I got out and there was melted plastic on the top of my leg, so I shaved it off so that itwouldn't get into the burn, it's comming back now.
  10. IP address and direct web link. It SHOULD start in a blank window.
  11. You can use the command prompt editor to surf the web.
  12. Rough little picture. But cute. Nope in addition, daddy needs his sleep. I'd get so pissy if when I needed sleep I didn't get it. Plus I KNOW that some day I won't come home from work and my kid will go "Mommy where's daddy?" That will make you jump up in a cold sweat. BTW Francis, NEVER EVER EVER give your kid hot wheels cars before they are four. I grew up as a dad (My dad died two days after my 15th birthday) to so many brothers and sisters that they will throw them at you and they will hurt. Also leave all your valuables out of reach (Just trust me on that one;))
  13. Oh my god he's soooooo cute. lol. He shall be... The Emergency Prodigy lol again. I don't care if you're 15 or 150 I think you'll make one helluva dad. I hovever am a different story. I could never be a father, a 30 year old goth dad who is home only at night would just kill my kid.
  14. It WILL work with the command. You put in directional lights as a command and it is accesable in game play. There is no documented case of magical lights that magically appear after you turn them on, you must magically put the magical blinkey lights on in the magic emergency four editor. From there magically select the magiclly awesome magic L.A. mod and it will magically load. Once on the magically loaded screen select vehicals. It will magically appear and you must magically point with the magic mouse to the magic L.A. Fire Department or whatever. From there the magic vehicals will magically load and you must use magiclly select the magic vehical you want (Magically of course!) Afterwards magically with your magically magic mouse select the magic "Edit" box on the magical window that you magically made appear. Then magically use the magic light editor to make magical special lights, then magically work it out your self. My magical spells end there... magically.
  15. Lol Hops is into porn. Makes me laugh. Everyone else's is computer stuff.
  16. Well I'm remaking all the missions from EM1. That's a start. BTW I love the picture on your siggy.
  17. I'm just tired of peeps going "Oh man help me" every five seconds -=Gen. Emo=-
  18. Okay so I've read so many pleas for help about how you dumb *Flowers* can't stop a riot. (I've seen at least four different topics!) Could someone PLEASE sticky this so that people won't ask the same question again and again! Five words for you... <removed curse language> Honestly... So here's a guide to dealing with riots :Note this will be underconstruction from time to time: Okay here's your number one objective... Arrest the dude with the sign. Any civilians who come near the demonstration place WILL join in including men, women, and yes children (WTF????). Your first task is to clear the area AROUND the site. This means deploying cops (Or in L.A. mod barriers) to stop all people and traffic (Redirect it) from comming into the site. Now we need a PC, GT(Optional), Riot Water Truck(Optional but recommended) and a SPC to roll in. The PC should be empty and the special personel carrier should have a sniper and three marks men inside. Deploy the sniper so that he has a clear shot at the rioters (If things get sloppy) and have two of the marks man get flash grenades, have the third one standing by. Have one throw his flashband into the crowd and have the idle marksman instantly arrest the picketer, then put him into the PC standing by. Whisk him away and if you have a Riot Truck turn on the water and drive it up to the group. If they attack the truck throw in the last flash grenade. If you want to take EVERYONE in use the same stratagy over and over agian until you have all of them. It is also recomended that you have an EDV and/or ambulance waiting near the site! *Comming soon videos!!*
  19. No becuase there were some family records lost in a fire.
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