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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. This one gets my vote for the LA mod and JD mod http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OUkexdBXP8 New York mod
  2. Wow, I'm sorry but.... Homo Alert! Any guy who goes to Starbucks for coffe other then black or sweet is GAY... lol jk.
  3. I hugged Hops and NFK. There we talked about it.
  4. In all seriousness, you're a good mod, and I enjoy having you around here.I hope you keep up the teriffic job and keep the idiots away.
  5. Complaint, AMI is posting here...
  6. Continental. They game me only 5 min. to make my connenction at Newark because the pilot tried getting busy inside the bathroom beforehand or some crap like that
  7. @VFox If you're British(Well wwe don't descriminate by country but...), Play Emergency 4, and are a woman, I think every person here accepts you, as long as you post sarcastic comments. =-)
  8. ^ | Strong and sugar black. Lots and lots of sugar. Tee is good too, Citrus is the best though.
  9. **Group hugs Justin and NFK** IIiiiiiiimmmmmmmm ooooooooonnnnnnnn ccccrraaaacccckkkk. (Lol jk crack is whack)
  10. No that's just a way of being polite .
  11. @Pyro, One of those is me!!!! I wasn't on so I never really looked at the PM.
  12. This is a Cheez-It box... Another random picture of my cousin.
  13. *Hugs Justin evvvveeeennn more so he can't give me the finger*
  14. NFK is on yay!!! He's so nice.
  15. Start a topic about peoples game experiences if you want to get noticed.
  16. @Ale. Here is a demonstration of flashover. It's very scary.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58DLiJ8733M
  17. How about making a forum about me? Lol, is it cool if I make that topic like we discussed?
  18. No but I saw the picture of your feet with the ingrown toenails. WTF kinda guy has the foot bone structure of a woman?
  19. That's because I have something called a life.
  20. No that's backdraft. Flashover is when everything explodes into flame because the temperature is so hig that everything reasches its flashpoint and bursts into flames.
  21. I couldn't find any pictures but 400+ teens got together, started a fire, shot at a cop, and stabbed a kid from a different gang.
  22. And my sister has posted on here before.
  23. No. You're wrong. lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollol
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