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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Noo onewants to comment on my Cheez-It box? I sunk behind enemy lines (Wife's private stash of food on her diet) and risked life and limb (If I got caught stealing from there...) to get it. And no one commends me?
  2. On the Virus. I hated those monkies!!! There's a plave on the map though that you can get to where they can't get you, can't remember where though.
  3. I do, but that's brewed and also a jump start for waking up, otherwise it's black. sorry for that.
  4. Hoppah, would you mind if I made an Animal control truck out of the SWR truck?
  5. You spawn in Time splitters two, one shot thrills, one life and I shoot you.
  6. Why, because I like ACTUAL coffee, that you POUR into a mug, and DRINK from, that's not coffee that's addings to drown out the actual coffee, it's like a little kid wearing a plastic fireman's helmet because he wants to be a real firemen, but can't because it's for big people. So lemmie recap... By drinking coffee with chocolate, flavors, ice, sweets other then sugar, tons of cream, and whipping cream, you are broadcasting that you are insecure about yourself aging and want to say that you are a little person trying to be a big person while you have a mid life crisis.
  7. Haven't you heard? Curiosity kills the poster.
  8. ^ | That's where we got the inspiration. Before hand while he was waiting to go he was watching Trauma, the one with the sniper. Oh man. Then when we unlocked the door he was swearing everything under the sun.
  9. According to the super, he did a really high pitched scream and fainted. I was Rotflmfao
  10. The throne of awesomness!
  11. I deam you a stalker, the police come. You resist and they shoot you.
  12. My cousin is having his first ride along tonight with a FF/PM so we got together and we're going to set off a prank. We're going to have a "Fallen person" in a house, when he goes into the house the door will shut and lock behind him and Capt. Jamie will come out with a freaking chainsaw from the shadows. Really going to lol.
  13. It's effectively hardcoded. But what he's talking about is a command. It's possible. Write a command script that adds X ammount of time to suicide jump "Set_Suicide_Timer:+Xammount" or something like that.
  14. Man mine too, It's about three feet tall, my dad got it while on buisness in Korea, got it seven days after I was born. Complaint: Two days after my 15th birthday my dad died of heart failure...
  15. Chuck norris doesn't like the number 22, you die because he says so.
  16. Well that's a crappy excusse. Congradulations, you are Hop's new animation test subject. you will die because of a 1st time trial error animation!
  17. Ohhh you read this. Now explain your self! Why did you read this topic? (Game)
  18. So you like to eat vommit? you're the weirdest girl I've ever met. (Yup I'm keeping it up because you have insulted the throne)
  19. IDK my camera has been getting "Read Errors" when I plug it into the computer, I'm getting a new one though.
  20. I see that some of you guys on a topic got confused between Backdraft and Flashover. I would like to correct you guys and show everyone how dangerous AND SCARY these phenomenon can be. Flashover example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58DLiJ8733M-Very good example. Backdraft example: Contrary to most video games, backdraft is not immediate, you have anywhere from about 10-30 seconds before ignition. =-=-=-=-=-= Personel experiance: I escaped a flashover once at a hotel room fire, after about a minute and a half, the room flashed and it was HAWT in there.
  21. That looks like puke with whipping cream... nuts included.
  22. I don't have a picture of my car specifically, but I have a black 2007 Dodge Charger, sold my old Ford Taurus to get it.
  23. Wow, what ever happened to regular coffee? You are all insane!
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