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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Grim_Wizard


    **Goes to lego.com and orders command center** Good bye 4 hour's pay! Yes I have that one.
  2. **Hugs Francis** Hey dude we're cool. What's your stand on this? Do you think it'd be cool?
  3. Yeah, I'm getting the TOTL Radeon graphics card, $200
  4. Grim_Wizard


    Which hospital, there was one in the 90s or 80s, and I have the new one from 2006 I think. And command center?
  5. Ah you found it. I was just like if it does become something I'll clarify. Thank you for clarifying. What are they called, when I need one I call for a DOT Message Board and sometimes I might add thingy If we're at a place and I'm talking to another guy.
  6. Grim_Wizard


    Great, just what I need a re-release of windows vista.
  7. Fine remove my comment... They are all class "B" suits, because the air tanks were on the outside. I was thinking, this might be cool for say a trailer on the Engineer's van. Anyone else think of this?
  8. You configured your program wrong, I think you may want to update, or there was a problem with the last one.
  9. Bull S**t is pretty gay... Our troop wasn't gay, we were the under dogs, we never wore our uniforms right, and we always made fun of everyone else, did nothing the Boy Scout way, but everyone made Eagle. Edit: Here's another one of my favorites...
  10. I know, I speak German, I'm a translator because I've lived and worked in the German side of town since me and my family moved from New York, been a boy scout translator since 13.
  11. lol this is in PA. Took the picture some time ago...
  12. 2nd day hurts like a flower.
  13. Just making sure, I credit my sources, but some of them I forgot.
  14. Catholic, not public, two key words there lol.
  15. Grim_Wizard


    lol you can see the octan station back there. Yeah, I have two of them, but I lost the other one.
  16. Grim_Wizard


    -Custom Riot truck 1932 firestation Big lego technic fire truck having 2 spare beed rooms is great, me and my wife took one, and we hang out together, one for her one for me, like a den.
  17. Not now anyway. A lot of girls are sluts (Common that doesn't happen till junior year in high school! Wth jk) in middle schools. School gang violence is on the increase, parents are sucking at parenting, dude, it sucks to be in schools in this time. It was so awesome though back in the ninties though, man llife was good. We'd walk home and stop at something called an arcade and spent these little things called quarters and we didn't have pre-paid visa cards and there was stuff called old school rap that was about being late for the bus and not about capping some punk ass bloodstimes have changed man, and honestly, life would still be good if there was limited internet and not so advanced cell phones. Dude, this was our laptop in 1990...
  18. Grim_Wizard


    Lol, I doubt I'm getting it soon.
  19. Yeah dude, it's cool. I treasure my youth though, it is the best thing I ever got.
  20. My task force includes... 1 ALS engine 1 BLS engine 1 Tower ladder 1 BLS The nearest patrol car code 3 and another rolling code 2. For a fire BLS arrives on scene and establishes a perimeter while ALS arrives, in ALS the two paramedics stand by or if it's a walkable house they enter and search, if anyone is inside they are taken to a safe location, the BLS ambulance comes in and stands by with the medic team out, and the two other firefighters from ALS hook up. The tower ladder comes out and starts to hit the fire and as PD rolls in they contain the place.
  21. Grim_Wizard


    If it ends you won't get JD mod 1.2 for emergency 4, I'm releasing it the day after the the end of the world lol. I doubt there will be an absence of religious hysteria, But common guys wasn't the world supposed to end at 11:59 PM December 31st 1999?
  22. Grim_Wizard


    Wow you guys seriously need to get girlfriends, or be like me, have a wife that also likes legos! I have most of the lego fire brigade, I have the new fire boat launcer. (Truck with the crane) and it sucks! it looked cool but every two seconds the arm falls off because it wasn't engineered right. Lol, my guy is a TRS guy, he has fire gear and (Had) a black construction helmet. lol. working on a new SUV for him.
  23. ^ | Sounds like you don't have a credit card, there's also a magic thing called e-bay that you use pay pal with, but you have to be 18 to use it (Actually I can't remember.) here's a good one, EM3 and 4 at a steal, if you don't want EM3 you can just auction it off again. Click here for it
  24. yeah lol I remember sneaking out for that date too. Found the girl's number, was in a photograph called it, and got her mom and dad, got her new number and called her. She's bumed that I'm married though.
  25. Question: If you willingly give the person something to work with, like say IDk some mod team, and you work for them, does it need to be notated somewhere thaat they worked on it?
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