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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Awwwww. Non complaint: I went out for Italian food with the Mrs.
  2. Thanks both, hopefully I'll live to be 60 before my next heart attack.
  3. I have no idea what this is but it almost gave me a freaking heart attack when I logged on here and a fanfare played at an insane volume. I haven't downloaded anything lately and it keeps spamming my search results with "Find this near you" and asks surveys on every site. Anyone else got this?
  4. I'm watching the A team right now... And my favorite food... Grilled Cheese Remix Bread, butter, pepperoni, provolone, and shredded italian four cheese.
  5. ... The hell... Complaint, there was some blood in my eyes.
  6. Okay, I guess I'll serve as mediator. Both of you have stated points, however terrorisim will always exist, but it only thrives on greed of others, poverty, and attention.
  7. Nope, I think that Roman Polanski's head is still attached. IN THE BED!!!! Okay AMI, everytime someone says something that could possible be sexual, say IN THE BED, really loud. Did that sooooo much your age.
  8. Hey trooper is back, haven't seen you in a while. Hope you're doing well.
  9. Doesn't matter. If it explodes it acts as poison, and that's where the real hurt comes from.
  10. Had my biggest call ever. Went down to eat dinner and didn't pause, smart right? A big fire starts in the center of town. Come back up, almost entire map was on fire. In the end here are the total units: 27 BLS engines 12 ALS engines 3 MCUs 42 Tow trucks 15 Tower Ladders/Tillers 3 LAX crash tenders 10 Foam tenders 2 Brush patrols 3 USAR trucks 5 medical choppers 4 fire boats 1 SWR truck to rescue some guys that got blown back into the lake 1 USCG chopper 3 HES trycks
  11. Oh and the bomb DID have fertalizer in it, would have been one nasty sucker if it had gone off.
  12. - --- ..- ... .... . / .-- .. - .... / .- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / - .... .. -. --. / --- ...- . .-. / - .... . / . / .- .-.. ... --- / -. ..-. -.- / ..- -. .-.. . ... ... / -- -.-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .-- .-. --- -. --. --..-- / .-- .... .- - / .. -. / - .... . / .... . .-.. .-.. / -.. --- . ... / -.. --- - / -.. --- - / -.. --- - / ... / ..-. / -- . .- -. ..--.. / .- -. -.. / -.-- . ... / .. / ..- ... . -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / --.- ..- . ... - .. --- -. / -- .- .-. -.-!
  13. Oh I forgot to tell you all, there was a VERY suspicious device at Fort Eustis in Hampton about a month. EOD arrived and disarmed the divice, the device was situated between the post office and the shops, apearently durring the lunch rush. I don't know if it was a bomb or not. Then maybe a week later Norfolk bomb squad rolled out on a possible pipe bomb, they detonated on site and took a chunk of pavement out from in front of the new road construction (SUPER IRONY!!! lol suck on that VDOT!!) and it turned out it was a discarded piece of automobile, and looked exactly like a pipe bomb.
  14. Hahaha, oh man I got a story of a fight. We had been messing around and took krav maga lessons, we got to like the third lesson before we ran out of money for more lessons, but we did get to learn how to disarm someone. About two months later when we were in LA I was walking home from school, tis guy comes out of no where and asked for my money, I did the move and took his knife, and belted him a good one to the face and ran off. DAMN IT AMI!! I lost the game too.. If we're talking about the same one. The one where you can't think of the game and if you think of the game you lose.
  15. I'd agree, just something to create a bunch of smoke and fire to "scare us" doesn't seem like something that is a big plot. That stuff happens constantly, more often that most people think. But this IS a major city that has had so much happen in terms of terrorisim, *Looks back to the guys with missile launchers*
  16. Well at least it didn't explode and there wasn't say, weed killer, fertalizer, rat poison in it, then it would have changed things. From what I can collect I'm thinking the timer had a fault in it and set something on fire that shouldn't have been on fire.
  17. Improbable but not impossible, dude I'm glad I got "sick" today and tommorow. lol, to many sick days that I never use.
  18. Actually I'd agree with you, your bio says being a good father, and honestly I think I should trust you because I'd think you know what's best. Now I digress. Well there's also a probobility that there are MORE of them out there in a major metropolitan area, and this was a major attack again.
  19. God I hate conspiracy theroies, heard this one about the plane crash on the HUdson, that the government had a ROBOT BIRD THAT THEY INTENTONALY FLEW INTO THE ENGINE and of course the plane was landed automaticcaly too, just to support John McCain. WTF SERIOUSLY????? Lol, sometimes I miss New York and sometimes I don't.
  20. Grim_Wizard


    Okay, first, nobel effort, however think about the repiditivity involved in the game, take car crashes for example, the same damn thing happens again, and for some reason every time I get a car carsh the next three car crashes that happen are the same one, also you'd need to have copyrights to everyone's stuff, violations and crap, plus I'd think you'd need to have premission for this from the game creators, you're better off getting a blog.
  21. Hey guys (and girls), I was wondering if anyone else with Mercenaries 2 would like to show their stuff and be a partner in a new game. If you wish to join you must be good at shooting of of jeeps, tanks, helicopters, etc. and be able to play reguarly (Once or twice a week) let me know please. EDIT: Trying to play online today and guess what? Got the error that I couldn't connect to the server, did some digging and guess what? EA was is retarded again and took down all the servers for the old games, plan shot to hell someone please lock this.
  22. Yeah I think it was probobly sold for crack money at one point though.
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