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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Hey we just did a video update... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tToyC5LcqQU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ElrfiBJ1S0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieRVkHQhHUQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeXdwoEXvPM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfuUyo_S-14 Well shoot the last two the sound didn't record right. Damn, in short the glove command is to get gloves and to equip them, this was clarified in the second screenshot in emergency news time. Also please post your responses on what you are doing for the release!
  2. Complaint: I don't think I'm going to like the new B.A. in the next A-Team movie...
  3. Sounds like some people have scrolling issues...
  4. Could you be more specific? It generaly helps to know a specific issue and any hardware you have before people can helpyou mate.
  5. Ha, lol. I walked into the station kitchen and grabbed a kool aid and then one of the female firefighters is eating a meatloaf sandwhich. The newest dude who's still a probie comes in and just stares at the sandwhich. So finnaly she just blurts "What the hell dude? Haven't you ever seen a woman eat meat before?"
  6. Grim_Wizard


    I'd like to point out I'm the only one who has given pictures of his/her own creations.
  7. Well what about an emergency planet mod? Something that the users can join to promote the planet. Oh, and because I didn't see one I started a new help topic in the EM3 game help for all the common helps that everyone posts. Including the idiots who post the question over the same question. Good lord. Back to topic, I feel that we should do this (if we do) in the standard game colors, just to show non bias. As a team I feel that we can make the Planet more.
  8. I think for the clarity of this we should.
  9. Hello all, as a well rounded forum member I would like to help out some of you who may not have accounts, and to help prevent some useless topics from starting up I would like to help clear up many of the common issues associated with the game. Also this page will always be under construction so keep looking in if you can't solve your problem. Also if a mod/admin would wish to make changes, please do so, but make sure you use the "Edited by line" and please use the template I've been using as well. First, I would like to point out all the mission walkthroughs are here made by our very own "Ash" and "PyroThijs" thank you. Before posting here I would suggest reading these. Second, when you "use" rescue dogs, it doesn't mean look for five seconds and give up. To make a complete sweep of the mountain area where the skiers are in the avalance mission takes about 4-5 minutes, also people are on different floors. Several Mission "Help mes" MISSION 5 - HIGHWAY CRASH Walkthrough here This mission can be hard for the unexperienced Emergency player, as it draws back themes from the original game. There are two objectives that people get hung up on. OBJECTIVE- SECURE THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT All you need to do is send in an engineer in an engineer's truck to an overhead highhway sign, there is a specific one, look for one that appears blank, and follow it to the grassy side, there will be a switch there, have your engineer get out and flip the switch, and the sign will light up. OBJECTIVE- DISPEL THE BYSTANDERS FROM THE LANE Okay I'll admit this is a bit lacking on the details, but what you need is either a police psycologist or a policemanofficer to question the rubberkneckers in the lane going the opposite direction. (The one that still has cars flowing through it. Have a helicopter with onne of the forementioned units land by the people standing out of their cars gawking at the accident, you don't need to arrest them, only question them, they will fuss and whine but leave. STILL STUCK? STILL SUCK? HERE'S A VIDEO WALKTHROUGH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLgkz58niEE MISSION 6 - BUNJEE JUMP ACCIDENT Walkthrough here This mission is mind numbingly easy, for a normal player, which is why I'm confused as to why it's early in the game. Oh well. The two main things here are location and the whole rescue the person from the bridge crap. OBJECTIVE - RESCUE ONLOOKER FROM TRACKS - This is easy, the train comes from one side but it's better to shut down both tracks, send in a RW with a firefighter, and a RA, along with two engineer's cars with one engineer a piece. Each engineer should take one signal, the signals can be found on the far ends of each train track, while the engineers are doing this, start making a bridge. OBJECTIVE - FIND THE TWO JUMPERS This one they are relativly close together. One is in the lake thrashing around like a 80's action villian on PCP and the other is in the under brush around the inlet over the rail tracks, there is a dead cat under a big rock which will throw off a search dog. But just search farther up the shore the person will be under a tree, you really don't need a search dog as you can see the person moving under it, to get the person out from the shore and into medical aid you must use either the medical helicopter OR the motorboat. STILL STUCK? STILL SUCK? HERE'S A VIDEO WALKTHROUGH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Iyg5HnaGQ MISSION 8 - WATER PARK ROOF FAILURE Walkthrough here I think that this mission is one of the most help requested, due to the fact that there are so many people in the place and because it's one of the first missions where the player has to actually look into searching for people while there are bits of the roof falling, plus the idiot civilians keep trying to come in. (Hath humans beeen absent of common sense?) OBJECTIVE - RESCUE AND TRANSPORT ALL DEAD AND INJURED Okay so here are the victim locations compiled in some screen shots. --screen shot omitted until I can find it on my computer -- As you can see they're scattered around but it's not that hard to see them. There is one on the frint lawn but that's it for people outside of the dome.There are very few people inside the dome covered with debris, and they're moving so it should be easy to spot them. STILL STUCK? STILL SUCK? HERE'S A VIDEO WALKTHROUGH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfZ-lqkCRTs
  10. You don't have to save them all, just get a bunch of fire and policemen to bring them into the far corner (Bring your units in after evac) and then move the cars by the concourse by crance, set up ladder trucks and LPF tanks outside and get a bunch of emergency busses. Automatic extinguish should help.
  11. Okay okay, start again, which mission, which mod, what objectives are you having trouble with?
  12. It doesn't matter if you have the people on or off, I transport them away because I can, but there is one person lying on the grass, you have to cut the generator power first thing and there is a person under some debris that had been electrified. Also thanks much for using the search dog before you came on here.
  13. It doesn't matter how many firefighters you pour onto the scene it matters how you deploy them. Have the fire trucks go in and start cooling all the houses around the area, you will have to get a civilian out of a house, otherwise he/she will be injured, do not automatically start to extinguish the fires, cool the area around them and move into the center, not from the center out.
  14. For the best clarifacation: Buy a police helicopter with a psycologist, and have it land by the gas station. The gas station is on the oposite side of the accident. There will be cars with people out of them on the shoulder, have the psycologist talk to them and they will fuss at you and leave.
  15. This is more or less the general idea, however the fires are so powerful that anything shotr of a fire tank will blow up, so surround the area with personel to cool all surrounding objects.
  16. I really think that the help topics need to be policed up. But let's make a list Stan. THINGS STAN WANTS THINGS MEMBERS WANT THINGS THAT CANNOT TAKE PLACE
  17. Well at least his last name isn't Raven otherwise I'd be super spooked. RIP
  18. 10 fires at once???? *Turns up event frequency* Wow this is reallllly fun. I'm loving this now. Tried it out with a super event frequency and nothing but fires. 47 Trucks were deployed at once.
  19. I can't sponser but was this other Ewan a fireman perchance?
  20. Here's my point.... .......................................................---Mad at weight gain ..................---Hunger --- Solve Situations --- Eat cookies < EMERGENCY PLANET < ................................---Eat some peanut butter ..................---Bitch about something --- Reply with smart come back .......................................\Make edits as you misread something That's my point. For help with this read it through, then see step A if you cannot find step a refer to step 1 to guide you in the right direction. Also Stan, give your self a 100% warning just for saying bullfecalmatter a lot, come on what the truck dude. ---- I really want to have a place for modders to get together, without n00bs, what in your power Stan is possible. Let's work with this. I think that we should have a mod competition to start out with, raise intrest other then for some people to bitch about problems we've heard about tens of thousands of times. I think we need more creativity outlets then just mods. Say art work or fan machinima?
  21. You will have to clear a path with the crane, it's one of the most involved missions with it.
  22. True that bro, but I get a lot of messages for help too, here and on other sites as well, I don't mind it though, even if there are 100 PMs I don't care, I just enjoy helping people out with their issues. I guess it's who I am. But maybe only visable to a group. Say Make a new group called "Veteran Users" and have them only be able to view it. I've only used free IPB but there's a lot you can do even with that.
  23. True that, however the way it is now it's... near impossible to find someone to help with a mod, you know? You put something up there and two days later someone takes it and changes it for themselves. We need a modders union I think. I was just thinking if we do anything at all why not put catsup on the server? It makes everything better. =) Thank you for your nice come back to that, and thank you for creating a well thought out counter argument.
  24. What do I think? I think that this site really needs to help out with modding. First off there would be two infinitely useful items that could be added to the member bar on the side of their post. The member bar should display: Modding fields: Here is where people put what they can due i.e. skinning Available to Work on mod y/n: A yes or no option that lets users see who could offer any help whatsoever. Also I think that there should be a section just for modders, doing away with the "Mods and Help" and moving the help part into the help folder, that way people can browse by name and the modders that wish to have a focal point for their modding can do so with out linking to different pages. It would be great to have the modders come together, like a group for scripting, a group for skinning, a group for testing etc. To be honest this site is more like a place for 2 topics. Off topic and LA mod. It's like going for the fries after you leave McDonalds. I really think that there should be at least two more mods, and then bring back chat, that way someone who is on a lot can police it and keep order. Ads... I honestly don't care about ads, as they mean nothing, once in a while I'll click on them and make revenue for the site, but that's it.
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