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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. You're also forgetting the damn hippies that made us drill in deep water, the government for denying the use of dutch ships, and also, think of the regulators that were bribed... I'm not saying your dad is a bad person, I'm saying that the practices in place are bad.
  2. Why must we be so negative, wait... if you can be negative... then that means *gasp*... I CAN BE NEGATIVE TO YOU!!!
  3. Before you make even more claims that are based on truth, look up BP's safety records... let's see... In 1991 the Amoco refining planning department proposed eliminating blow-down systems that vented to the atmosphere. But funding for this plan was not included in the budget. In 1992 OSHA issued a citation to Amoco for unsafe design of similar pressure relief systems at the plant. However, Amoco successfully persuaded OSHA to drop this citation by relying on the less stringent requirements in API Recommended Practice 521. In 1993 the Amoco Regulatory Cluster project proposed eliminating atmospheric blow down systems but again funding was not approved. In 1995, a refinery belonging to Pennzoil suffered a disaster when two storage tanks exploded, engulfing a trailer and killing five workers. The conclusion was that trailers should not be located near hazardous materials. However, BP ignored the warnings, and they believed that because the trailer where most of the deaths happened was empty most of the year, the risk was low. Despite Amoco’s process safety standard No. 6 which prohibited new atmospheric blowdown systems and called for the phasing out of existing ones, in 1997 Amoco replaced the 1950s era blow-down drum / vent stack that served the raffinate splitter tower with an identical system instead of upgrading to recommended alternatives that were safer. In 2002, engineers at the plant proposed replacing the blow-down drum/vent system as part of an environmental improvement initiative but this line item was cut from the budget due to cost pressures. Also in 2002 an opportunity to tie the ISOM relief system into the new NDU flare system was not taken due to a $150,000,000 incremental cost. During 2002 BP’s Clean Streams project proposed converting the blow-down drum to a flare knock-out tank and routing discharges to a flare. When it was found that a needed relief study of the ISOM system had not been completed due to budget constraints, the Clean Streams project proposed adding a wet/dry system to the ISOM instead. Between 1994 and 2004 at least eight similar cases occurred in which flammable vapors were emitted by a blow-down drum vent stack. Effective corrective action was not taken at the BP plant. And the new one...
  4. Okay, before you send it PM me and then after I reply send it and reply PM right after you send it. AOL is retarded and auto deletes my messages.
  5. Hey bro, I see that you are new here, but here we got some rules you have to obey, otherwise MikeyPI may have his way with a baseball bat. One of the first and foremost is that we don't give ideas to mod creators, and no offense but... ehhh you have disturbed the natural order of things, not good for ya.
  6. What wouldn't? Interviews with modders, current positions on the Emergency Planet site, game tips, walkthroughs,. Just make a new forum for it with admin only posting capabilities for download.
  7. This is LA mod related... Not the base game. However the oil is by the hangars to the North and the elecrtical box is in the terminal.
  8. Grim_Wizard

    Mission 15

    Look for the moving truck I'd suggest a police car with a cop, just roll up and people will scatter, go after the guy rinning towards the house then take him down and say a really cheesy tag line.
  9. I had to go to city hall and go to a little room where you got civic job applications, not the firestation itself. I can't say much for your diabetes though as our department does not allow diabetics in, on account for a pretty big mishap in the 70s.
  10. Hoppah, you are my best friend.
  11. Ugh, I volunteered at the county fair for traffic control with my sister. I'm wearing bunker pants (with reflective material) I have a pair of the flashlight things that are all glowey, and an orange FD traffic vest. This dumb ass starts racing down the dirt road and she's smoking and talking on her phone, I expect her to stop but I have to jump out of the way and as I do I make it a point to throw the flashlight cone thing at her car. It hits and she gets out and starts yelling at me. So my siter, the cop comes over and the lady spits at my sister and shoves her, so not wasting anytime my sister maces her and arrests her. -WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DUMBASSES????
  12. You just have to get vilolent... LIKE A BOSS!!!
  13. New york sucked to live in end of story. Apartments suck end of story.
  14. What service pak do you have and what sevrice pack do your cousins have?
  15. can you put up the logfile mate, it's in your emergency 3 folder
  16. Ehhh you didn't get this from torrent or direct from drive did you?
  17. Everything but your saved games
  18. Ignore it... or maybe reinstall
  19. We can't help you at all if you don't tell us what's going on. Putting 30 (Yes I counted) exclamation points doesn't make us help you any faster... Now if you would please read the first post you'd find out what you did wrong. AFTER YOU EXTRACT THE FILE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. Hope that helps!
  20. Extract itm I'd recomend your downloads folder.
  21. No it won't, but it's from a bunch of people that just want to have fun. It's an attempt really to help people get into modding and learn skills!
  22. Actually it took me 2 hours, and second, it's much better then the constant drabble sometimes. Plus blind people know what's going on.
  23. Sorry, I have a habit of saying things like that. That's William in the videos, not me, I however did post them.
  24. Wow, you guys never read any of the stuff I post on other topics... Okay first off why would I say my name would be William and not Ewan...? New challenge, find out who that is up there in the videos, I put it in a topic, you just need to find it. Hint: It's in the off topic section and I posted it about two months ago. I await your apology for when you find it, cause if you jump to conclusions I make you work to find the answer. Cheating link.
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