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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Your cookies shall be delivered tommorow. Also what's the first one?
  2. Hey I'm looking for a BSP viwer for the game FDNY firefighter American hero, mostly so I can cheat. However if someone else knows where I can find the files for the hose so I can make it have 9999999999999 length and the extinguisher so that I can make it actually put out fires I'd love you and make you a plate of cookies and give you a picture. I have no idea what that has to do with BSP files but I know someone here has the game.
  3. ... you know this mission isn't supposed to end....
  4. This game is about the vauge plossible missions that are extreme in the Emergency series. Add to the mission and I'll put it here: So it starts out with a car fire on a whale watching ferry and then the ferry sinks and everyone dies due to all the cars exploding and A terrorist's bomb was on board and was the only thing that floated. As soon as emergency workers got there in boats and helicopters, it was bumped into by a boat and exploded. THEN THERE IS A TSUNAMI. Surrounding land is all flooded and destroyed (Unless you have a lot of skill and you move one of your guys in the cutscene) but disease runs rampant and aid works come to the rescue unknowingly contaminating themselves and bringing it back to there countries then after the cutscene a terrorist comes in a military helicopter and shoots all rescue people so you have to send more rescuer to recover the bodies, and then for some reason, a previously unknown gas pipe leaks and explodes, causing another gas pipe to leak and explode, causing another... well, you know the drill (Yes the feinish enemy of emergency, the gas pipe!)Some guy puts drugs in a burger, and the SWAT raids the resturant! But the SWAT arrest the wrong guy! He escaped and killed a panda! He got arrested but there was a bomb in his man-danna! It blew up and the jail cought fire, and all the prisonors escaped, and then took their hostages into a gas pipe factory. Meanwhile The Drugged burger was sold to little 6 year old timmy who goes on a mass killing spree in the McDonalds play place ball pit, and a wild pack of heyenas comes in and tazes Timmy, just as a tank truck smashes through the front of the building. But... The driver is SANTA CLAUS. He dies leaving several unhappy four year olds who riot, flipping over cars and setting buildings on fire, one building happens to be the gas pipe factory where the terrorists are held up.
  5. XD yes of course finland bombed itself. Happened and hour ago.
  6. And in other news forty bajillion years ago, the UN forced Finland to bomb itself. =D When is that from? I've had sliced wonder bread since I was a kid
  7. This is a good funny little thing that sums it up in a comedic way.
  8. Yeah, just plug the device in and soak the whole thing in water. What type of soda was it, was it a cola, a lemon lime, ginger ale, the type of cleaning depends on it due to chemical makeup.
  9. No... I'd bust the pad lock on DOT signs, take out the keyboard, press (Crap need to remember what it was) I think it's like ctrl-alt-c something like that and then the pass code would be DOT then you just edit the message.
  10. Hahaha when I was about thirteen I was in the road sign hacking buisness. Traffic lights, construction signs, etc. Aressted and completed parole. I love things being stricken from records don't you?
  11. To bad we coulda had a beer, hope you have some fun, and just never ever ever buy anything from street vendors.
  12. Well, emotional thread eh... (I used to have a dog as well and I remeber its last minutes, it's name was Randy, a german sheapard.) well lately I've been feeling kinda down that I didn't really shape up in my teen years, those were some good times, I suppose that it's like an early life crisis, but you know I grew up with so many brothers and sisters that I rarely ever got time to myself. Therefore I took all my sister's stuff, built her a new standing closet and took the closet as my own, setting up my computer and my 80's and 90's music and memorabellia, I got hooked on computers. That's not to say I didn't have a life of my own, and that was spend with women and... yeah women, just lots and lots of them, (No offence here to any of you gals out there) I was not a very well behaved kid, I acted out in school, never really made deccent grades, and got in trouble constantly, and my mom and dad really wanted me to shape up. My sister really helped me through it, sharing a room with her... she was tough (AMI if you say something I will travel to St. Louis, find you and do something that could only be described as the emergency mission from hell) I mean she really did make it a point to make me spend time doing my homework and hanging out with the family. Now here are my bros and sisters... Mike and Lia, Identical twins age 17 Ike: age 20 Sarah: age 26 ME!!!!!: age 27 and Connor age 29 Now note that there are no mother or father, anyone wish to guess why? Yes they have both passed away, my dad in 1998 and my mom in 2006. My dad is the reason why I'm using the jaws of life and not shooting coke in an alley. On Augest 29th 1998 (My birthday) my dad gave me this exciting new game he got while on buisness in Germany... called Emergencyand the whole damn thing was in German. And well, it still is but I won't ever forget the fact that he really did make such an impact on my life with this one game, that there was more then just being bad ass all the time, and on Augest 31st 1998 at about 8PM my dad keeled over from a stroke and died. Eight years later my mom died, due to over complications of the flu. So I really do have the Emergency games to thank formy current position, and well yeah you to sis for waking up at 4 in the morning and helping me out with random missions. ;-) I also used to hit it up with this girl named Misty. STAY TUNED FOR THE EXPLOSIVE ENDING WHEN I GET SOME SLEEP!!!
  13. Crap, another tourist. Oh well, if you're going to DC and stuff I'd recomend taking the three/four hour drive down to colonial williamsburg, and touring there, or going to newport news and going to Endview Plantation. I think they have a reenactment there soon. When do you depart Hops?
  14. I can do that, I just need to know the size and I can do the tarmac, I could likely do a full runway I just need the size and shape, the terminal I can do, and the control tower maybe, if just only the outside.
  15. First off for what game? And I can do it, the level of handicraft depends on time given.
  16. Hey I was just wondering about your teen years, and what you did. I have many stories if anyone wants to listen. Pick something and I may be able to tell you an experiance. Phone Phreaking, computers, awesomeness, cartoons on cartoon network, orbital, farms, Emergency 1, the adventures as an angst, and well suburbia.
  17. Hope nothing bad. He may just be having a life.
  18. Why the hell is this woman alive? http://www.break.com/index/genius-plan-to-fix-california-economy.html
  19. What if I already did that? The ports are still intact. (Thanks for that important safety tip) Uhhh... so how would I do it?
  20. Question, I have a net book and I have a tower. The netbook unfortunetly has Windows 7 starter and the desktop has windows XP serice pack 2. I'm wondering if I can use a LAN cable to connect to the netbook which is using a wireless connector from my Wife's computer, (you know the one I can't touch ) so I wanna connect via the internet with the net book on my desktop, how would on go about doing this?
  21. Way to go off topic in the off topic section in an off topic off topic thread.
  22. Hops, I feel bad for you, if you do need another secratary, I can hold about ten more messages... XD But really I hate n00bs that do that, seriously, someone came to me and asked me to make a full epic las vegas mod for emergency three and repeatadly badgered me to do it. Hops, do you want me to create a topic about the common issues in missions and tech help?
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