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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Call an Amberlance!!!! No I'm not a cheerleader, but in 10th grade I was an unnoficial manager for the team, just so I could hang out with two of the girls I just went to practice and stuff and I somehow became a manager. Hahaha, that was some serious fun.
  2. I was just wondering mate. I bet you don't know what I do. XD
  3. I'm the king of the world, there I figured it out. Also someone said something about window licking somewhere, I think it was here. SHUT UP FARVE!!! Also Hunter out of curiosity af=re you a firefighter/cop/emt?
  4. Except for terminator 2. That one was a helluva lot cooler then the original.
  5. ... the vehicals that patrol in my game stop for traffic lights...
  6. Wait, Night at the Musuem one was funny, the second one, not so much...
  7. EDIT: The message just happened to be from the same user from the day that the system was backed up...
  8. Hey the quote colour is green now. Hurray. Hmmmmmmmmm... How about... "That guy"
  9. Two words. Hot Fuzz. Anyways. Mr. Scotland (That's your new name) IRELAND IS WAYYYYYY BETTER THEN SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND!!!!!!
  10. Decent. No movie is ever good these days really.
  11. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was just thinking of that.
  12. You actually physically have to go up to the sign to hack it, I just chose to do it in front of a cop.
  13. I made one to say: All your base belongs to us! And a few others, it's been quite a long time since I did those. Almost 14 years ago.
  14. And before anyone says it's illegal I got busted for that and some other computer related crap. (Changing road signs ) And before anyone questions on if this affected my empployment, I would guess it's written down somewhere but I did complete probation.
  15. That suck big time, but it is a good concept.
  16. It's where you use computers and tape recorders to get free calls (Back when people used pay phones) and to hack into buisness telephones and use extentions to start party lines, international party lines, and of course free sex lines. The phone system has been upgraded to the point where you can't do it anymore.
  17. Go with th law suit, not with soliciting a felony. Yeah, I can't find the place where you edit the fire extinguisher. Oh and I wrote a review for In The line of duty firefighter. :Can be found here. Also there's a burn notice marathon today and I have today off so if you wanna work together on it I'm up for it. EDIT you can get hose really long if you keep dropping it and picking it up.
  18. I liked Hunter's better...
  19. All I want now is a way to make the extinguishers actually put out fires. I'll give you a glass of milk AMI.
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