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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Grim_Wizard

    rescue me

    I haven't a clue. I thought the concept was good, but I just don't like the content.
  2. Oh okay, well Xplorer if you do see him, please tell him that I said hi. He likely just wanted to get away from all the questions, I wouldn't blame him.
  3. He does, I'm just hoping nothing bad happened to him.
  4. Hey has anyone heard from Mikesphotos? I haven't seen him since January, I'm just a little concerened that something may have happened to him. Did he just pack up or something?
  5. Well we did have hack saws, but the blades couldn't take it. We should have used nail files.
  6. OMG THAT IS ALMOST AS EPIC AS tits Oh and if you're wondering the bars we had to cut through were 3/4 inch steel.
  7. About an hour and 15 minutes, but we had no units with the available equipment to help avaliable, they were held up at a 3 alarm warehouse fire. And we had to deal with this guy screaming for it cause he couldn't keep still.
  8. Jobs... I'll go first. There was this construction crew and they were digging a hole for drainage. It was rainy so they were starting to width draw. They had a bobcat parked right by the hole. The hole was square and about 6x6, for a metal grate, it just hadn't been fitted yet, but they had some guys fitting concrete. The bobcat rolled into the hole breaking one man's legs, he was able to crawl 40 ft down a pipe to get to the another finished grate. *Cue the theme from S.W.A.T.* We roll up and we get a ladder, the saw, and the tripod crane with a stokes and we step up to get this guy out. We rev up the saw but some genuis did not put in a metal cutting or all purpose blade, but nooooo they put in a wood cutting blade, so we fire up the extrication saw and the blade shears and cuts the saw's fuel line and gets some shards in someone's hand. So we back off. Then we go for plan "B" some one has to squeeze into a small opening and drag the man a few feet back into the pipe and stabalize him. So the only woman (And medic) on our team volunteers. Then we get a set of spreaders and start to bend the bars , not much clearence, only about 8 inches. So then the entire team gets sledge hammers and we hit them, respread them, hit them, respread them, until our pal metal fatiuge kicks in and we just hit these things and they break loose.
  9. Okay whatevs bro. Omg I hate being the only one awake here as highest ranking officer. gurrrzzz. I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!!! anyway, you wanna go ahead with the story first or you want me to go? No I want to see Hunters.
  10. Yes Fred, Are you playing on ERT? If not you should join, then we can share our latest rescue, or a really cool job story. http://ertrpg.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx
  11. Okay Steve, Have you played the judgment day beta yet?
  12. Grim_Wizard

    rescue me

    I watched a few episodes, but I didn't really care for it.
  13. No not really. So can I call you Mike?
  14. It flies in the Hudson Valley. I think it's tail number is N55 something, Designation 7-something Albany?
  15. Off to work peeps, be on in about thirty minutes.
  16. 7:32. Now answer the question at hand!!!! Hey do you still ahve that picture of your foot with the ingrown fingernails?
  17. I don't go to work till 10:30. But when you come back without changing the topic, tell us your gender, some people have money riding on this.
  18. No I just gave him $80, laughed at him, and told him to go find a hotel, then me and my wife are off to work, my wife works in admin late night, and I work in the department.
  19. To much time on our hands, I just taught my self to hack road signs. WTF is my older brother doing at my house? What the hell. Now he wants to stay for the night. He still thinks I have work durring the day. HAHAHA silly brother.
  20. Lol, I'm leaning the other way, so that if he is a dude I can question his masculinity.
  21. To his room to pout and cry.
  22. OMG stup using GIFbin, they won't load/ Also I leave at 10:30 so yeah... Enough time to watch the new EUReKA
  23. Lol, I'm about to go eat. My wife makes an awesome grilled tuna. Then later tonight nightshift, I'll be on the station's internet. Anyways Hunter check out my new siggy.
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