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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. What's that like 5€ Yes Catholic.
  2. Yes, I love my morning sleep mostly cause I work nights. And Hoppah didn't call gay, he placed you under a homo alert.
  3. Triple Whopper with cheese, that'll put some hair on your ass.
  4. Let's hit Mike with a stick instead. Mostly just camp fire stuff when I was a teen.
  5. Save it for brown coloured Jello shooters.
  6. Yes, although they aren't flame retardent and I've had at least two on catch fire before, and don't ask. Haha nnow you have a bigger role in my siggy.
  7. ... =0 me too. Except I wear the Black wrangler cargo pants.
  8. One I didn't know I had it, Two yes, and you're NEVER heard of girl jeans, kinda hard for a girl not to hear of them.
  9. Lol, Hey it's not nice to beat up a woman, and Hunter, I happened to have a screenshot of when you put up the ingrown toe nail, why are you wearing girls pants?
  10. Well that's what I did, hmmm may have to re do them...
  11. Hey I'm making those popsicles that you make in the ice cube tray, I used to make them with my mom, but I can't remember how long to put them in the ice box for, cause' if you put them in for too long the tray will explode or rupture or what have you.
  12. He looks exactly like my old school bus driver.
  13. Grim_Wizard

    rescue me

    I'll likely give it another try. But the episode I watched was the one where the guys were sliding on some ice in the begining, then it was a fight between two of the guys and then the rest was all about sex. 5 min of what I want, 55 minutes of what I can do on my own. was kind of a let down. Low battery now damn.
  14. Lol I know that feeling. I wanted ot put it on a many cam thing with a stripper and then freak the shit out of people.
  15. Life Net Westchester? T=I'm going off the building, it kinda looks like Westchester.
  16. *Hits Hunter with a baseball bat* Yo you still got that picture of your ingrown toenail?
  17. Grim_Wizard

    rescue me

    Well the ones I'd watch, it'd be one emergency, and then everyone yelling to have sex with someone.
  18. Ummm.... what is the problem exactaly?
  19. Haha yes, as a matter of fact they stop at green lights and move on red. Think I figured out why though.
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