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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Crap they spilled in the closet, and now I'm missing about 10 units.
  2. Maybe, I wanna check out a local guy though, he may have it at a low price, if not I'll buy it from that guy. Thanks Hunter.
  3. AHA! They are hot wheeles from the planet micro set, they came with a tiller, helicopter, and fireman. Going to try and find a normal one all they got are gold plated ones. Found it: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110475106515&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=%3F*I8&GUID=e83236491290a0aad27731d7ff740f19&itemid=110475106515&ff4=263602_263622
  4. Yes those, I'm trying to hunt them down. I found a hobby store that still has boxes of Micro Machines, I got one circa 1988 and it still had 1988 glue in it.
  5. paint.net skillz with a z =) I want that fire engine. Do you think you can track down the pack it came in to help my? EDIT: Yeah I'll get pictures withen a few days, I wanna take a picture of the new ones I'm getting.
  6. lol... hahaha sounds like someone doesn't like you.
  7. lol, what's with the random apple anyway?
  8. HOLY CRAP!!!! YOU HAVE TERMINATOR TWO MICRO MACHINES!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG. The fire truck on the far right is one I'm looking for as well as the city transportation pack. I'll post pictures of the ones I have later after I get some new ones, just ordered a set of EMTs, Firefighters, construction workers, and police officers. BTW hunter... Your apple looks sad...
  9. Grim_Wizard


    **Cough** NEW SKINS **Cough** also, now I don't care about what's happening with IPB, the ticker should be for calls.
  10. Grim_Wizard


    the new ones or the old ones?
  11. "Hey bitch we're getting another bitch."?
  12. I still have mine from the 80s. Don't have any tillers...
  13. Grim_Wizard


    F**KING <Censored> #$%^@ <Censored> <EXPLICIT> <Censored> <Censored> **** mother****** <Censored> $#$@#$#@ assf&*$#s.
  14. Hey, how would someone say "Cool story bro" in Dutch? I'm in a fight over the internet, but it' one of those frienly fights.
  15. I'm about to eat a pizza, say hi to your mum and dad for me.
  16. Heehee, watch it in the dark, and turn up the volume really loud. usmc123 you realise I'm goth right, even though I'm waneing on it, I still wear bondage pants and a hoody every place...
  17. I can't tell if you're making fun of me...
  18. I love hot topic... =-) And Farve is from the movie super troopers.
  19. ^^ nice, I got lost in the ball pit before. By the way, nice to see you. Sort of.
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