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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. Lol haven't played the game in forever. Also is this your big Stanny secret? And can youmake it so the like and dislike buttons actually work?
  2. Ewan the first responder. Classy. I'm kinda buzzed.
  3. It'll be about a month to get everything ready.
  4. Yo bro, my name is Ewan E-W-A-N Francis F-R-A-N-C-I-S Raven R-A-V-E-N. And yes it does, currently a S.W.A.T Sniper about to take a shot at armoured car bandits is on the fire station roof.
  5. Ah damn it USman. Now I lost the game as well. SWEET!!! Btw.
  6. San Antonio kicks ass, used to live there.
  7. I just downloaded 30 GB of crap last night, mostly Youtube videos...
  8. HAHA! I love the guy that said "Oh I thought it was a fire truck"
  9. Exactly, so what I'm going to do is get my old cop uniform and ride with one of my buddies, then he'd going to get pulled back to the cruiser, and I'm going to take his car, and drive it back to the station, then change back into my normal uniform like nothing happened.
  10. No, his equipment has to be usable. This, this is going to be big, I may have to pull some strings with some cop friends, cause no one goes into my charger without my premission.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oWWbAqSHcE No I'm not doing Eeeeeeviiillll shenanigans this isn't middle school, it has to be a practical joke, like pouring a full thing of maple syrup into his boots, or putting pepper juice on his tooth brush.
  12. Epic funny It was even funnier right there. His response: Um, uh, er, um, heh heh. *leaves* The other day he took the steering wheel out of my car and put it in the lost and found. Haven't figured out what to do to get him back. Maybe a cupcake in his helmet or something bigger. Any suggestions?
  13. I have moar!!!!!!!! Fire at an auto parts factory. S.W.A.T. making entry to a repair shop. Major car crash caused by a helicopter accident. (This was a secret bonus mission if you get 100% on every mission ever in emergency) Finnaly, a simple traffic stop.
  14. A local hobby shop in 1991. You can get em' on eBay for like... $5 for two of them. The ladder by the cheif's caprice and the rescue 7 lights up and makes noise.
  15. No it wasn't. Searching for a better price. I'm missing a few cars from my emergency crew, 2 ambulances, 3 patrol cars, a plane, a helicopter, and 5 fire trucks.
  16. The new ones arrived today!
  17. Messy? I call the UCP scrunched at the top of the screen and the lack of propper wording (An image of a house? It took me two days to find) makes it messy and unorganized.
  18. Series: Emergency! Also I'm kinda sad and kinda glad they canceled Trauma, the show wasn't as much helping people as it was about personal relatioonships. Adding more explosions could've helped.
  19. IPB without question, as the Velvet ones are messy and hard to navigate
  20. Actually I did, and that was my opinion before I voted.
  21. Stan, no offence, but uhhhh this.... sucks. It's not EMP colors and... it's weird, why'd we change again? The change we had a few days ago was perfet, now we have all these drop down menus that slow my computer down... the navagation is impossible, it took me 15 minutes to find where to log in, this is... horrible, honestly the worst piece of shite I've seen in a forum Stan, and I really mean it, the bars at the top don't even fit right and are crowded. The last one we did where it was a mix of this and the old forum that was the best. Now I know you likely put several hours of your life into this and one person saying that it's horrible won't change much I do encourage you to please reconsider your actions.
  22. Grim_Wizard


    For crying out loud I'm the one PMing you describing treatment!
  23. I did the bottom broke open.
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