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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. So you can get a lap dance?
  2. It'll be my private leer jet. Once smuggled on board you'll have a fine selection of hard drinks, soft drinks, american women, and anything on the on demand section. Once we're in American air space you'll switch out with the flight engineer. The plane is set to leave on Dec. 20th 2012, be careful there will be several nuclear weapons on board, don't touch any big flashing red buttons.
  3. Go to the air port and exchange it.
  4. Hops if you don't want the mod anymore can I jsut have the whole thing? I'll be really good and just own it. just never update it or do bug fixing work.
  5. \_/ hey look my cup of care is empty! Oh what a shame. Nah just kidding Hops. Hopefully you didn't get ripped off.
  6. Glad you had a good time. By the way how did you afford that working at a grocery store? Did Hops get a new job?
  7. HAHAHA!!!! Oh my god that's pretty true. Well I'll see if I can smuggle you on my next weapons shipment plane, that cool?
  8. Before I forget Hops have you been on your trip to America yet? Also... THE NEW EXTENDED BED INTRUDER SONG!!!!!
  9. They probobly thought that you were such a hard ass that you were a admin. Just kidding xplorer.
  10. I'm thinking of getting that graphics card. How does it handle Emergency?
  11. *Internet hug for Hops for all his work and likely laack of sleep for years, and the fact that he did or still is working at a grocery store*
  12. I saw this comming a long way out, there wasn't really anything to improve on, also is there a place where the first version of the LA mod for Emergency 3 is?
  13. Lemmie clarify the computer store that stocks things from the 21st century is 4 hours away in Richmond.
  14. Lol I liked that one, didn't like how they put the advertisment thing at the end.
  15. In the older computer I did, but it fried along with the sound card, in the main desktop (In the picture) I have possible the worst graphics card ever, made by intel. But the nearest computer store is like,4 hours away in Richmond.
  16. I had a dual setup but the other monitor was 800x600 and the computer's motherboard fried like chicken.
  17. Grim_Wizard


    There was a lot of blood, and I just leaned back, the mechanics inside the chair failed.
  18. I'm going to be stupid and preorder immediatly!
  19. Grim_Wizard


    100% destruction and I bent the pole.
  20. Haha, I don't smoke anymore, and when I was smoking, let's just say it wasn't cigs.
  21. News flash, it was or still is against forum rules to write in all caps.
  22. Francis you're really making me cry here... Why must you delete my posts?
  23. We gon finnd ya!! Oh my god, that was sooooo funny.
  24. Well it was inacurate, but it was still a good drama, btw your website has a cow on it...
  25. Grim_Wizard


    HAHA!!! omg, I wish I still had my N64. I was playing Starcraft 2 and I leaned to far back in my chair and landed hand and face first into the 1932 firestation, cut up my hand and my feet.
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