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Everything posted by Grim_Wizard

  1. I just thought about it and is Emergency 3 + 4 one of the few games you can kill kids?

    1. TacticalRooster22


      WOW! You're right. You can just shoot them with the sniper rifle.

    2. Newfoundking


      It's rather fun.. I kinda wish GTA IV had children.. It'd be a lot more fun to crush a pack of kindergardeners on a rope than just some silly adult boozer

  2. Because life just sucks. lol. BTW Mikey, I seem to remember you saying you were like never comming back lol maybe not.

    1. randomperson139


      I remember something about him leaving as well... but obviously not :P

  3. It sure doesn't feel bad. Uh it's okay, but I'd recomend Gmax. Idk if it's compatible.
  4. ^ | That's not dangerous at all.
  5. Lol that's true, I remember when I quit cold turkey it was hell, that's the problem, is it sucks so much to wuit that it feels better off just smoking.
  6. HAHAHA! I really doubt he was as bad as me in junior high. Man have I got stories... Also I'm not trying to be the insensitive dick here, just trying to take people away from the topic of death.
  7. What brand do you smoke? I used to smoke half a pack of marlboros a day when I was 14, finnaly quit cold turkey cause of house arrest.
  8. God Bless America at Busch Stadium on Sept. 4, lol copy paste, and when you display the time will it be in Central or eastern.
  9. What do you mean which thing? And Hops. For some reason this is what I think you look like. .\|/ ..| ./ \
  10. I just like the music in the HTC commercials. BTW AMI what time are you guys preforming?
  11. Anyone who has me for skinning, the mouse on my desktop broke, and I must get a replacement. Right now I'm also worried on other things so. Yeah.

  12. AhI hated band band sucked where I was. But I'll see if I can see the sarcastic french horn player. n00b. iPhone ftw. I have no service where I bought it so I cancled the contract and threw it down a cliff. (Yes I did) I have the Intensity II.
  13. Heh, love the Patsy Cline one.
  14. They should have a holiday for Stanny boy, call it Stan's... awesome day. And they should have a holiday for EMP mods, that has free beer for everyone 21+

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nick the greek

      nick the greek

      it's 18+ in my country lol

    3. Grim_Wizard


      I don't trust you how about that? ;-)

    4. Stan


      Beer for 16+ here :)

  15. Dude, every place has huge cans of Arizona sweet tea for 99 cents.
  16. California gimmie love, get buzzed let's get... well you know!

  17. This isn't model models, it's model skins. My bad.
  18. I hate those kit kat commercails with the people chewing... damn it makes me cringe. Also hate totinos pizza commercials, but I love the product. Anyone hate certain commercials?

  19. No, Xplorer, is it okay if I PM you about this?
  20. When I open the games base model files (NOT FOR LA MOD!) They open, but 90+% of the time they're not fully loaded and anything displayed is mostly transpearent, but sometimes I can get it to work. Any help?
  21. There should be a feature where you can unlock skins for doughnuts. Lik bagel skins, glazed skins etc. Would make me laugh.
  22. Thinking about doing a SWAT KATS mod.

  23. Ah damn, I was going to say that. Not only that but you get to play as a metal whale after unlocking area 5.1.
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