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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. Teaser Trailer 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTlilDfSUag
  2. Proud to present Teaser Trailer 1 for the Montana Mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTlilDfSUag

  3. The new official support signature has been added to the first page of the forum, add it to your signature to show your support!
  4. You can get the new official support signature for the Montana Mod here: http://i.imgur.com/FNns2E5.jpg

  5. Working hard, or hardly working?

  6. Hello! If you don't know already, I've been developing the Montana Mod (which can be found in the "LA Mod submods, not released" section) for a little over two years now, as a one-man team (with the exception of several generous contributors) and have added my own new models, lights, skins, and tweaks. Now the mod is nearing completion, in terms of units and tweaks. However, I would very much like to add a new freeplay map to complete the experience. This is something I could do myself over time, but it would take far too long, as the mod has a release deadline that is fast approaching. So to cut to the chase, I'm looking for anyone with a certain level of skill to help me create a new map, events, and such, for the mod. If you can create scripts, you might also prove to be very useful. You'd be working hand-in-hand with me to develop these things. If you feel like you have something to offer, send me a PM, or reply to this topic (please note: I'll need to see some of your work portfolio). You have an opportunity to be credited as a co-creator in one of the most original (and best!) small-town American mods ever to be created for Emergency 4.
  7. Hey everyone, quick update for the end of this month: I've been hard at work trying to get each department wrapped up. New models have been added, liveries re-done, etc. The police section is the most finished, with fire and EMS following, respectively - TEC is being saved for last as it is the easiest. Plans are in the pipe for a new freeplay map but that depends on whether or not I can get a helping hand. You can expect a good bit of new media within a few weeks. An official release date will be announced within a few weeks. Side note: If anyone with experience under their belt is willing to lend a helping hand, send me a PM. If I can get some assistance it will cut back significantly on the time it takes to release and will allow for more features! Anyone who can do (and do well) the following would be helpful: Creating textures for a map, creating events for a freeplay map, editing or creating scripts. Thanks to all for the support and feedback!
  8. Excellent skins and lights Xandarb, keep up the good work!
  9. Well, yeah, but it's bad taste as well Hopefully he'll learn his lesson this time around. Fred, maybe, but its way down on the priorities list.
  10. For future reference, it's bad taste to ask for release dates on the forums, but no hard feelings. Spring/summer of this year. The mod won't be as resource-heavy as Manhattan but it will be more so than LA.
  11. Not fixed yet. It's not too big of a problem, so I've put it down at the bottom of the to-do list. Working on other things right now.
  12. I see my F550 and Pierce in there! Looking good Flnn.
  13. That may end up being what I have to do. As for now I've put that little bit off to the side and I'm working through a checklist of new models, skins, lights and add-ons to get to completion. There are a few things, like a new map, that I would like to do but simply don't know if I'll have the time or manpower.
  14. Adding a new helmet and gear model is causing the game to crash.
  15. Next release is final release.
  16. Yes. There will be multiple rescues and multiple supervisor vehicles. And I can't wait to get it released, believe me but I'll be taking my time to make sure it is top-notch.
  17. Originally there were two departments: City and County districts. Now all have been changed over to one department, Volunteer Fire. If you notice, all the units with the updated scheme are marked Volunteer. As for a POV system I'm not sure yet but you can expect some sort of personal vehicle in the mod.
  18. It's been a while since I posted any media. Here's a new screen: Still trying to get the soldier model working. That's my biggest problem right now. Thanks to Cops for his light bars, they saved me a lot of time and effort.
  19. @Fred03 working hard. (or hardly working?)
  20. I'm trying to add equipment to a person model. I've gone through all of the steps listed in Hoppah's tutorial and made sure the calculations are correct. Every time I try to click on the model in the editor, I get a crash to desktop, with this in the log file: |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\05 US Army\us_army_soldier.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] ?Model vertex is referenced by more than four bones. !WARNING: global listener object is still registered! Unregister listener before destroying object! Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
  21. Quick update: Right now I'm working on the military aspect of game play. I want to give the user a feeling of absolute power when they call the military in, like a hierarchy: the police are powerful, SWAT teams are more powerful, and once you call the military in you're looking at total power. I felt that the National Guard in the LA mod was under appreciated. I'm having a very hard time modifying person models. With high-poly/vertex additions to the person models I'm finding it extremely difficult to get all the math right and fix crashes when adding things like helmets to soldiers. That is partly what is taking so long. I'm also working on the finishing PD, FD and EMS; PD is almost done, FD and EMS are close to halfway done. There are some game play and map touch-ups that need to be added as well. All in all, be on the look out for more media in the near future and an expected release in Q2 2013.
  22. This is incredible! Please keep it up and keep us posted.
  23. Update: New screenshot posted on first post.
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