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bama1234 last won the day on March 17

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About bama1234

  • Birthday July 30

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    United States

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  1. Hey bud, so I downloaded the montana mod 2.5 and the map isn't showing up at all, it's just a blue grid with nothing on it at all. Is there something I did wrong or is there maybe some missing files from the download?

    1. fireboss751


      Having the same issue.

    2. kloosemore14


      You have to go to campaign freeplay not just regular freeplay from what I saw. 


    3. KV-1


      Hey, not sure if you are still having this issue, but you need to go to the campaign and do it, this tricked ol' KV as well. It's kinda like the US army mod.

  2. Version 2.5


    The Montana Mod includes many new vehicles, personnel, structures, and equipment. It is set in an alternate history/re-visualization of the real-life ghost town of Monida Pass, in Beaverhead County, Montana. The mod provides the player with control over the first responders of an American small town and changes the look and feel of the gameplay environment to match. All content in this mod may NOT be used in other mods! Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this mod. Conversion of any assets to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited. Reuploading this mod to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
  3. This right here ^ Keep in mind as well that when we had the last release available to the public, the sentiment was quite different, while there was a lot of positivity in regards to the content of the mod, we were also getting flooded with bug reports and reports of the mod crashing to desktop quite frequently. The impression we were getting was that it was unplayable for a good number of people, and we couldn't immediately find the fixes, so we figured better to pull it until we had a stable version. I can't speak for Itchboy, I just know he's been tied up with real life in recent months. As for me, I have quite a lot going on as well, most recently with family, educational commitments, and working to further advance my career. That being said, I am definitely still committed to this project and I am still actively working on it. Itchboy has been busy, but he's left me with lots of updates and a good template to continue working from. We definitely want to get an updated and stable version out to the public sometime in the next year or so.
  4. Very cool! Great to see a solid American mod for EM5 coming together. Can't wait to try this out
  5. Itchboy has been hard at work lately, but as the creator and his partner, I will say that I don't necessarily have an issue with people circulating the old version if they choose to do so... but it doesn't need to be done on the public posts in this thread. What users do in private messaging is totally up to them. Essentially there's no hard feelings, we just don't want the old unstable version to be "advertised" for lack of a better term in this thread. We want the focus here to be on the improvements being made and on stability for the next version.
  6. Boston actually runs mostly BLS crews with ALS ambulances/supervisors to run and intercept as needed. Just food for thought
  7. Man, what an awesome mod! I remember when this was just starting out so many years ago. Immediately downloaded and started playing yesterday as soon as I saw the release. My favorite part so far is all the different fire units that are available. EmC, and the rest of the team, you've outdone yourself and should be proud! Great job!
  8. This looks great, looking forward to playing it!
  9. Impressive work Miggles! Keep it up, you've clearly got talent for this.
  10. In the US an EMT is limited to basic life saving skills. Bandaging, bleeding control, oxygen, vital signs, simple drugs like aspirin. Paramedics perform more complicated skills like cardiac monitoring/EKG, defibrillation, intubation, and they are able to give a much wider scope of drugs.
  11. Lozano Thank you for your post. I appreciate all the kind words and I'm sure itchboy does as well. I apologize if I offended you with my previous comments, I believe I mistook what you were saying to be demeaning/demanding as opposed to just making suggestions. As for your suggestions, I'm not sure if we have any Caprices or older Crown Vics planned but I do know Itchboy is doing that Dodge Intrepid and we're going to keep the existing older units already in the mod. Version 3.0 will have new models that are both retro and modern day, but most importantly it will be more accurate to the real life units found in that area.
  12. And what are you doing to contribute? .... (crickets) As Itchboy said, we did in fact receive a lot of complaints about the instability and bugs of our last release. That's why we're taking our time for the next release. This has been stated multiple times in this thread already. Making a complete mod for Em4 takes an immense amount of time, hard work, learning, trial and error. I've been doing it for 10 years and I still have things to learn. We do it for free. We have personal lives which take priority. So unless you're going to pay my salary, frankly, put up or shut up. Asking for release dates is against site rules. Demanding a release is no better. Besides that, it's not even relevant for this mod, since we have guaranteed a release will come and we try to post regular updates. I'm not sure if you've been warned already, but I can promise I will make sure that any future comments of this nature see administrative action taken.
  13. This pack includes three modern-day U.S. style firefighter models. The original models are from Emergency 4/911 First Responders and have had new helmet and SCBA models added onto them. They have also recieved updated high quality textures. The goal was to create a firefighter with more realistic textures and bunker gear. You are free to use these in any modification you wish, so long as you credit Bama1234. You may also modify the models to your liking. PSD (Photoshop) files have been included for easy text editing, so you can modify the textures to fit your modification's department. You can find these in the downloads section or download from Dropbox: Download from Dropbox: Better US Firefighters by Bama1234 Please post any comments, questions, and suggestions here!
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This pack includes three modern-day U.S. style firefighter models. The original models are from Emergency 4/911 First Responders and have had new helmet and SCBA models added onto them. They have also recieved updated high quality textures. You are free to use these in any modification you wish, so long as you credit Bama1234. You may also modify the models to your liking. PSD (Photoshop) files have been included for easy text editing, so you can modify the textures to fit your modification's department.
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