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RangerDog last won the day on October 12 2023

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  1. As mentioned above, Ludenscheid is a fairly big mod. You also have Bieberfelde Next generation and Beaverfield. You can find most mods that are available on the german forum: https://emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?filebase/548-modifikationen/
  2. We are familiair with the performance bug for ladders and we are working on it! For getting the ladder to extuingish fires, you need to hook it up to the engine for water flow. So just like setting up the hydrant, you need to set a supply line from the engine/tanker (and have their pumps on) to the ladder, and you should be able to extuingish fires with them!
  3. Hi, that is not possible unfortenately, for the vehicles yes, every vehicle is an unique vehicle so you can only dispatch it once, in the upper left side of your game, you have an arrow up, if you click that you can see a map where the units are stationed. You can both report bugs here, or on our discord: https://discord.gg/mz5UYGGZVn While planned, multiplayer is not yet available yet.
  4. City of Beaverfield - Release Version 1.0 After a long development time, the time has come. On Monday, 02-10-2023, version 1.0 of the City of Beaverfield Modifikation for EMERGENCY 5/2016/2017/20 will be published. We will start a live stream on Twitch, so feel free to come along. Start is 19:00 CET on https://www.twitch.tv/olfde (It will be in german)
  5. Hello! I cannot message you, however if you send me a message with what you can do, I will ask if we need help in that department! Not having experience in emergency 20 isn't a very big issue, as long as you are willing to learn!
  6. You need to open winrar and unpack it with winrar!
  7. The city of Beaverfield is a fictional city in the USA. Link to the gallery Link to a recent showcase video
  8. We are looking for programmers! Emergency 5 is written in C++, however if you don’t code in C++ yet that is not a problem! To strengthen our team we are currently looking for people who want to support us in the area of programming. It doesn't matter if you've been coding for several years or if you've just gained your first experience - what's important is that you're motivated and want to work with us for a longer period of time. If you want to take a look behind the scenes at the Bieberfelde Modification and support our team, please contact us with some information about yourself via Messaging me or mail to bewerbung@stadt-bieberfel.de.
  9. It means you already installed if. If you cannot find it in your mods list go to your mods folder and see if there is a empty "London mod" folder (Not the exact name but something like that).
  10. There should be a folder within the installation zip you got. Don't know the name out of the top of my head but it has the usual mod structure. You can drag that folder in your mods folder and you should be able to install it http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  11. Hey! Quick tip dont put your email adress in the public like that. Spam bots will pick it up and go and spam you (well duh).
  12. Go to the root folder of the game, there should be an "modinstaller.exe". Right click on the mod file, select open with. Browse for a method to open it with, and open it with the modinstaller in the root file of the game.
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