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hqueen last won the day on October 7 2021

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About hqueen

  • Birthday 07/08/1994

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  1. Here is the engine with the comic sans gone.
  2. Yes. The Comic Sans is more than likely going away. lol
  3. It;s EmC-Unit, Rihis's engine. All i changed was the lightbars and the skins. Those light bars look good with how i have them lit. I may post the lights soon.
  4. I will be adding more info to my first post soon.
  5. I have started an new modification. While developing Huntersville, I have learned some of the mistakes i made. The major one being that the file is huge due to all the unorganized stuff that I'm not sure if I need or not. My goal with The City of Elmway Mod is to improve my modding skills and deliver a great mod at a much smaller file size. There is still a lot of undecided stuff about the mod but, I will be posting more frequent updates. I am also looking for someone good with scripting and/or modeling to join the team. Below are Engine 1 and Battalion 1. -Elmway Battalion 1 Ford F350 Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit, Whunterq -Elmway Engine 1 Rosenbauer Commander Credits: EmC-Unit, Rihis, Whunterq
  6. Fire skins are getting some much needed love. Note: Models not made by me, just small edits to them were.
  7. **Sneak Peek** Foam 4 Model by: Itchboy(cab) Hoppah(body) Myself(slight model edits and Skin)Note: Skin isn't 100% complete. http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_12/2040196107_Emergency4Deluxe12_4_20199_51_11PM.thumb.png.93965eccb3b20bccd5aa752ab5158a79.png
  8. It looks a lot better black. Thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Thanks man. I always update the credits whenever i add something new. lol I need to buy Zmodeler3. I absolutely CAN NOT figure out Blender or Zmodeler2.
  10. 1. I suck at modeling, I can break apart/combine models but I've struggled with actually making a new model (i'm attempting to learn though). 2. With that being said I'm relying on stuff made by other people for my mod. I know EXACTLY where the content i use comes from and my credits file is in order for when i release the mod. 3. That is the Ford E 350 by Itchboy in fact, most of the vehicle models are from Itchboy. He is listed in the Credits for my mod. I'm also under the impression that I'm not required to post credits for every picture i post, Just when I release content with someone else's content in it. If Itchboy wishes that I give him credit for every picture/post I make, I will gladly do so. I am in no way trying to take credit for someone else's work. I only take credit for the skin on that particular vehicle.
  11. Huntersville Coroner. Ford E Series by: Itchboy, Skin by myself http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_11/1645863794_Emergency4Deluxe11_29_20198_39_06AM.thumb.png.b5089be25aee4c9044b0c00431476f67.png
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