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  1. ya but I mean I want to make it so it says ALS ambulance bought for $2000 when I run out of vehicles
  2. could any one please tell me how I can enable/disable for example the battalion chief's ability to "buy" or call units from off the map?
  3. could any one please tell me how I can enable the battalion chief to "buy" or call units from off the map again?
  4. what about siren assignments for diffirent vehicles? Can I get at those in the moder as well?
  5. In terms of realism captains don't really do anything at incidents besides call for tow trucks, other units, and micromanage where the firefighters make cuts and spray water! ;-) Also the other person on the engine would be the engineer who stands by the pump panel and adjusts pressure and stuff. So really you'd only have two firefighters. I like the balance between realism/game play in the SG submod and used the firefighter from the BC's car or an ambulance to make up for the "missing man" but definitely agree with swaylord about making him usable. It just gives you more options.
  6. hm I assume the v30 is the file that controls the skin. I rename the prototype file for each LAPD cv which gets the new lights. Then I assign the V30 which changes the skin back to whatever I assigned it to. Thanks!
  7. but if I just rename the prototypes that changes the whole skin to!
  8. Is there any chance that you would consider adding captains and some sort of police supervisor similar to those in the SG submod to this mod? Haha I guess I just wish I could have the best of both worlds!
  9. The answer is sort of. Since the SG submod has essentially added a bunch of units (for example Engine 51, Engine 10, Engine 210 Ext.) the light mod only changes the files or whatever for the original system with Engine's 1 and 2. As a result only engine 10 has the new lights while the other ALS engine's dont. With the future release of new versions of this submod I think it would be a really good idea to include some sort of lighting submod in the package the same way the 4X4 mod does.
  10. is this mod compatible with any of the lighting mods? P.s. LOVE these changes, WAY more realistic!
  11. dyson is there any chance that you might release the new ford ambulance in LAFD skin as an additional unit? I've tried to copy the files and put it into LA mod myself but I can't seem to get it right.
  12. Actually I got the same error sometimes when I try to send back the engine to station two. I have read through your list of bugs and certainly didn't make the mistake of trying to send an off map rig to the station.
  13. Edit reeplayparameters.xml so there will be less person/vehicle traffic.
  14. How do I reduce the amount of traffic and reduce the amount of people walking on the street? Is it someplace in the specs folder?
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