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Everything posted by wgffiremedic

  1. How many players can play multiplayer?? (*Crosses fingers* Please be more then 4, please be more then 4 lol)
  2. Xtreme Gaming Community was formed in February of 2015. We were formed to provide a community for gamers from multiple platforms to get together and hangout. The whole point of our community is making new friends, sharing gaming ideas and reviews and to just have a fun place to get together to talk about gaming or whatever else is on your mind. Some of the gaming platforms we support are PC gaming, Xbox, Playstation, handheld/mobile gaming etc. Being that we are an open gaming community we typically do not conflict with established clans, as we do not play or endorse one specific game or system which a lot of clans typically do. We are open to all members and understand that you may have commitments to other clans, as long as you can be active on here a few days a month we are willing to take you in! We only have a few rules and requirements for membership and are easy to get along with. If your interested in becoming a member please click here and then click "Join Us!" at the top of the page! We are currently looking for a few moderators also if anyone is interested. Hope to see you soon! -FireMedic Owner (Admins/Mods if this is posted in the wrong forum I apologize, if you could let me know I'll remember for the future.)
  3. If it's moddable (easily) then I'll consider buying it, but as for the base game I have no interest.
  4. Yea, I don't think my laptop will be able to handle this...lol
  5. So you have the EM4.CFG file in your Montana mod folder?
  6. I just took and copied my original to my desktop then used te replacement file from the Montana mod. Helps to back stuff up. Common sense I think but that's just my 2 cents.
  7. Awesome!!! That makes life so much easier while playing lol
  8. Nice! That's awesome, I've been playing the 2.0 and it's awesome minus a few bugs lol. But anyways I know it was probably covered in the last 134 pages but I simply don't have the time to go through all of them but is the mini map gonna be fixed to match the map in this weekend release?
  9. Are you going to post a change list? or is it too much? Just curious.
  10. Update for everyone: I've added all missing units, lights, etc. and am currently going through the list of bugs and knocking out the final few small bugs and touchups. Expect the patch/final version this weekend! Woohoo!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!
  11. Yes exactly Ok thank you. I'll have to try when I get home from work.
  12. All 3 downloads all say that "Setup.exe may harm your browsing experience, so Chrome has blocked it" or that its malacious and chrome has bloakced it..........any suggestions???
  13. Do y'all still have the teamspeak server?
  14. We will get to it ASAP we just had an influx of approx. 12 applications just trying to sort through them all and process them.
  15. http://www.emergencyopscommand.us/ we are easy to join! Laid back, relaxed clan, we have 3 of our own custom mods available to members only PLUS we allow and encourage our members to play whatever public mods they want together. Head on over if and check us out!
  16. Hey guys just wanted to throw out there that EOC is allowing members of other clans (Mutual Aid) to register a special application on our website that will allow them some general forum access. The following forums will be available to Mutual Aid Members: TV and Movies Emergency Services Gaming Off Topic Non EOC Game Reports We are in the process of adding more forums to participate in. Squad 55 is already on board with us, trying to get the rest of the clans involved and even those not in clans! Any questions feel free to reply on here or submit a "Contact Us" form on our website. If you are interested in submitting a Mutual Aid application please click here and fill out the application on the right. For clans that do not allow double clanning this is NOT double clanning, this application does not make them an EOC member it makes them a Mutual Aid member who can post in limited forums, that is all. Also you must have an Enjin account to participate with this.
  17. EOC's doors are always open! http://www.emergencyopscommand.us
  18. EOC is always actively recruiting members for recruitment into the clan. We recently did another huge clan revamp and had another round of good changes. We now offer only one type of membership. After successfully completing your probationary period you will be promoted to full member. If you would like to become a trained member to participate in hardcore dispatch games you may contact and FTO to begin your training program. Training is not required. At EOC we take pride in being a relaxed and casual EOC community. If you would like to just come around and be active in our forums and play an occasional game that's fine. As long as your active we are ok with that! Come on over and play! If you'd like to know more head on over to our website!!! http://www.emergencyopscommand.us
  19. Yea I'm missing the red and orange 5's as well. Link doesn't work, new working link??
  20. Exactly, the engine is there to block for safety, I'm not gonna trust a cop car to stop an 18 wheeler, at least the engine will slow it down and give me some time to get out of the way.
  21. What system do y'all play on? I'm interested. (Never mind I found the answer on your website finally lol)
  22. ok makes sense now, all it is, is a reskin of the LA mod vehicles lol and E51 CTD.
  23. Ok this may have been answered in the 13 pages of posts on this thread but I really didn't want to look through all of them. So I downloaded v1.0 off of the Boston Mod facebook page...is that the beta version? Beacuse what is in that version is very different from the pics and videos you have on your first post.
  24. Y'all can follow EOC on twitter now!!! Keep up to date with all of our events and the latest EOC news!!! @EOC_Updates
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