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About PFAexplorer

  • Birthday 09/15/1992

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  1. I am having issues installing this mod in general. Im using steam on PC. When I run the application and drag the zip folder into the 'mods' window; I let it run through and when I load the game, nothing. I created a 'mods' folder in steamapps/common/emergency5 and dropped everything in there from the zip file and nothing... help?
  2. Comes out tomorrow June 3rd on steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/339210/ Sequel to Rescue: Everyday Heroes Looks to feature Working water supply, more realistic from last game Use of aerial apparatus Less micro-managing from last game More use of the RPG elements that actually impacts gameplay Pretty stoked; couple videos on youtube too
  3. I am getting the same error...havent been able to play at all..help?
  4. fantastic. I found it, one last issue, it shows up in the editor, lights, childs, skin, etc. The wheels are there; but they have no skins. they are white. The corresponding V3O files are in the correct models folder (the same location from the mod I pulled them from) but still no skins..
  5. where would I find them within the mod folders?
  6. Yes I did, because all my doors and windows have shown up..unless they are not marked as ambulance and are just in the folder somewhere..
  7. Hey guys, I am trying to add an ambulance from one mod into a modded version of the LA mod I have. I would like to use it to replace the vintage ambulance; I have gotten the model to show up in the editor, I the doors and lights came with it. The wheels I had to add, but the light bar itself, and the LED light housing (not the actual lights in the editors) are missing from the cab/grille, and the rear turn signals and brake lights are not present. Help?
  8. What file/folder do I need to access the minimap? I am trying to plot out first due districts
  9. Hey guys, Im trying to move some of the units from FD command to the LA mod...Help??
  10. So i would like to replace the EMS vehicle in the smaller station to a BC, how would i go about doing that?
  11. How do you get the model into zmodeler??
  12. yes but it didnt give me the answer i was looking for, i just need to know how to open existing models in zmod2
  13. I would like to do some work to the models on the LA mod for personal use. Is there a way to import the engine into z-mod and edit it? and one i edit it how do i alter the skins? Im very new at this and understand it will take some work and trial and error but if you could give me the best step-by-step instructions thatd be great! Thanks guys!
  14. my question has been answered.
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