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  1. Hello everyone, Based on the activity and not to mention the expenses related with the hosting of the download website I regret to inform that I will be taking down the site within the next month or so. I will make an announcement on the site itself too. If anyone wants to continue with the hosting do let me know so that i can forward the download to you. It has been a pleasure hosting this mod, since it still is one of the best ones out there and yes, I still play it occasionally. //sideinfo: I am taking down the entire domain website since I am going to open a new service/company, and there is a chance that I might even offer web services, but for now once the site is taken down, the server itself will be offline for atleast 6 months until my new projects are ready. Thank you to everyone who supported this mod. If you wish to contact me, you can do so over the forum's messaging system. Take care everyone, LoKii
  2. I have been getting a few mails lately telling me that some people are not able to download the mod from http://norwaymod.oscss.eu. As I can see here on the forums, some people also have these problems. I have gone through dozens of logfiles on the download server, and I have talked to the Host's support team about this issue. The results are that the server and the download section are 100% working correctly. There is no fault from the server or the host, or the mod file. The md5 checksums are still intact, so nothing has been tampered with. Now I can only think of 2 solutions left. 1st - please take a look at : http://norwaymod.oscss.eu/forums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6 Make sure that you are not triggering or violating ANYTHING mentioned there. Especially the 2nd answer (A2) on the 7th question!!! 2nd - The website does have a rather complex protection script against known bots/dnsbl/annoyances/infected clients which block access to the site in general. It is possible that some people may fall in to one of these categories even if they do not know it. The site blocks some access based on DNS Black Lists from various sources. Unfortunately, these issues are not server sided, but client sided, hence; I can not or will not be able to assist you with this. This may lead to issues concerning your ISP, due to them being on some blacklist, or it may be that your computer is infected with something, or you are using some form of proxy or other software that triggers the protection. (In opera, the 'opera turbo mode' for example is a form of proxy that may not work with the download, just as an example, or you are behind a network from school/work/other that has a proxy without you knowing about it). I can not and will not de-activate any form of protection on the site. The site and download has been tested, so far we have over 2614 successful downloads and the server is running smoothly. So for people having problems, Check your end more carefully as the server will not change anything. I am really sorry for the hassle that the security may cause for some people, but I have more stuff that is really important running on the server, and I will not compromise it's security. Cheers.
  3. Ooops, forgot to post back here. SQL database transfer went smoothly. The site was offline for only 20 minutes. Everything back to normal. Cheers.
  4. Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you know that on Friday, 12th October I will be taking the server (norwaymod.oscss.eu) off-line for about 2 hours, because I am going to transfer the MySQL database to PostgreSQL. I will do this probably around midnight GMT+2. No need for worries, as I will make a full backup before the database transfer, so no data will be lost. So my apologies in advance for the inconvenience. I will post here again at once, after the database has been successfully transferred. Cheers.
  5. I avoid any contact with facebook at any costs. Facebook in my opinion is just a data-mining leech that collects too much personal information and then ABUSES it. (Never mind what they say about how they use it). Facebook invades privacy, collects data and gives/sells it to people that I dont want to supply with my personal information. All the rest such as the social part and games and features are just a front-cover decoration for their data collections, as well as an extra income. (How can someone pay real money to buy freakin pigs on a virtual farm????!@!!?!?) There is absolutely 0 privacy on facebook... and privacy has never been as important on the Internet as today in this world. I don't even want to know how deep the GOV has their claws inside facebook. My opinion... stay away from facebook if you value your privacy. The only advantage I can see from facebook at this moment is if you are a business and want to advertise your business. Its a good way to spread the word about your business on the internet. But NOT because its facebook, but because its a site that has a large amount of users. Advertising a business on ANY site with a LARGE amount of users is helpful. Just my 2 cents.
  6. I am glad you managed to work it out. But please for future reference, in case someone else has similar issues, can you tell me the following: - Your OS & Version - Your AV - Are you using a proxy - Are you using a download manager - What browser are you using - Your Internet connection (adsl/cable/dial-up) It would greatly help to troubleshoot future issues. Cheers and have fun with the mod.
  7. I downloaded it again few minutes ago to test, and the archive was fine. Please tell me the MD5 Checksum of the zipped file that you have downloaded from the first link. It should be: 9024cab27bdc94cbc41eb11c125bf079 Pm me your result BEFORE you unzip it. If you dont know what MD5 checksum is or how to use it, you can get http://www.winmd5.com which will do this for you. I compared the MD5 to the file on the server, and the results were clean. Maybe deactivate your AV only while you download it, it could be causing issues. If you are worried about security (which by the way is always a good thing to be) then after you download it, and unzip it, run an AV scan on it. Some things to consider: - Are you using a download manager? (if so, then THAT is the problem). - Try what i wrote above about the AV. - What is the file size of your downloaded zip file? (should be around 321.5 - 322 MB) - Check the MD5 Checksum - Are you using a proxy? (If yes, try without the freakin proxy) I could go on and on with checks that you could perform, but since you are actually able to even reach the last part of the download page-procedure, it means that most checks are actually alright (such as cookies, browser, javascript, enabled referrers, etc...) The issue is clearly taking place while the file is in transit, since the original file on the server is fine, and my download was also fine. Please be aware that everything I said is related to the first download link only, since i dont have access to the 2 mirror links. If the problem still persists, PM me and I will try to offer you an alternative download URL (which in my opinion doesn't make any difference at all to the file)
  8. Which links on which website 'an archive' is broken? I just tested the link on http://norwaymod.oscss.eu for download and it works fine. Unless I misunderstood you, please make some sense when posting about problems with downloading the mod or the website. Cheers.
  9. Heh, we don't love it SO much........ we love it MUCH MORE than SO much
  10. This mod looks amazing. I don't know how/why I have missed this thread for so long. Keep it up, I'm sure once it's ready it will give us MANY hours of entertainment
  11. Transfer successful, all systems back online
  12. norwaymod.oscss.eu is down from 9th - 10th of august due to server transfer. All data is backed up and the site including the download will be available again in a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience this might cause. http://www.hetzner-status.de/en.html
  13. Anyone need a site & hosting for their Mods?

  14. Small update on problems with website. What i totally forgot to mention was that my hosting provider is moving server locations between the last 5 days and the next few days. For a detailed list please take a look at: http://www.hetzner-status.de/en.html Anything affecting the Norway Mod website should be over now and things should be functioning normal again. Cheers.
  15. I'm glad you solved the issue. Indeed the MD5 result that you pm'ed me was not correct. I re-checked the checksum on the server itself, and the file was still intact (not corrupted). And as i mentioned in my post above, i also downloaded it and tested it. The file on the server is fine. I would have to say that it looks like the problem must have been one of the following: 1 - The server for whatever reason was maybe lagging or experiencing technical issues. (Im now scanning the logfiles of the apache webserver and the network for clues)... or 2 - The problem is on your end. Maybe problems with your provider while downloading or just internet issues. Nevertheless, it's good that you have solved that issue. If any other problems arise from the Norway Mod website, please do take a look at the FAQs on the forums there first for a solution: http://norwaymod.osc...pic.php?f=4&t=6 and if that does not help, you can use the contact form on the Norway mod website ( http://norwaymod.oscss.eu/contact.php ) to contact me and let me know what the problem is, and I will try to resolve the issue as fast and painless as possible. As a side note to the website for others having a problem too. I saw in the log files that MANY users are being redirected to the NOT-SUPPORTED browser page. Unfortunately, due to some security php scripts, I have had not choice but to ban IE from the site, since IE is not capable of handling the Internet properly. Get a real browser instead. ANY browser will work correctly except IE. Im sorry for this inconvenience, but thats just how it is . Since this site is hosted on one of my business servers, I will not lower the standard of my security just for a download. Any questions that anybody might have, or rants or whatever, feel free to contact me for anything Regards, LoKii
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