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Everything posted by Dominik31

  1. Nice! Chicago hmm good mod! Looking forward!
  2. Manhattan mod Topic closed!!!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marshall8946


      Yeah....got out of hand...

    3. Tank
    4. cops


      well we need to thank the unpatient persons on the world >_<

      I totally stand behind the choise of the Modding team :)

  3. Oh yes I'd like to see Satellite 1 done 100%!...is this new map for single player and multiplayer or only for multiplayer?
  4. hmm I saw that new video shows us a lot of interesting things!
  5. Must the church be next to the WTC because it looks like quite strange(skycrapper and tiny church) ?
  6. Dyson's L24 Ferrara Rig looks amazing!
  7. Now I can play EM4 polish mod!

  8. Does tiller ladder 6 have bug like in L.A. mod that they can't turn normally or you fixed it?
  9. I mean why don't you do presenting fire engines, police and ambulances like here or here
  10. Dyson why don't you do presentations videos of fire engines, police cars and ambulances after release?
  11. I saw that engines are very shine in game.
  12. Yesterday I thought on the top of the page there is a button "Follow this topic" and to my mind it's the same as "like" on Facebook. So Let's show them that We like The Manhattan Mod and click on "Follow the topic"!
  13. Ok I watched it one more time and now I see it dependes of angle.I also saw that it will be available extra camera zoom!
  14. So You Dyson think that everything will be with normal size? Engines, police cars and ambulances like on the first page. When I was watching the video I thought everything is so narrow.
  15. On your last video on livestream I saw that ambulances are shorter than on the others videos like "Precint Under Fire" there they are longer in front?
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