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Everything posted by rettungstier

  1. Version v1.0


    Tutorial on how to add traffic lights to on a map!
  2. i always wonder who the hell (probably people who don't know anything bout police/fd/ems business) decides these things. damn... as long as other people are getting warned and alarmed by these lights who cares?! same thing in germany here... only blue lights, only one type of sirens allowed, restrictions everywhere and a law for every piece of s***
  3. nope, there won't be any engine in the mod. this is a NYPD-ONLY modification which means just police units available.... no seriously, you forgot to wrote the number buddy ^^ which engine do you mean?
  4. alright traffic lights, automated gates and a detailed description to replace vehicles in an existing mod will be the next (as pdf) available tutorials. no promises but i think i can upload them tomorrow!! i think about making a lighting tutorial too, that would be a video then - maybe a series of videos. that'll take more time than just writing everything down so be patient! greetz
  5. @josh honest and understandable opinion! as long as we don't lose a fan i'm alright with that
  6. where's your patience??? i don't know how you define the word "soon" but be patient man. i'm really gettin bored from these posts. damn... start your own major modification and SHOW me progress EVERY SINGLE DAY! come on, do it! i'll be waiting (null)
  7. if you select the dds file in dds converter, does a little preview appear on the right side of the converter window?
  8. ehmm... have you ever played em4 ? seriously ? :D you should know that the end of the map always leads into black nothing, standard, always, not to edit afaik.... i guess that would need more programming skills to change it ^^ greetz
  9. 1. that depends, if it is part of the model you'll need zmodeler. if not, in the editor -> scene -> select vehicle -> edit -> -> edit childs -> edit childs (again!) -> select lightbar and remove 2. download it to any folder and unpack if necessary. copy the files to (for example) /yourmod/models/objects/lightbars - just create this folder... open up the editor: load up your mod/scene -> objects -> new -> type in "lightbars" -> select new editor folder -> klick "new" again -> choose a name -> in the line "modelfile" choose the directory of your lightbar v3o file via "browse" button -> confirm your selections to add it to a vehicle: in the editor -> scene -> vehicles -> select vehicle -> edit -> edit childs -> edit childs (again) -> select your "lightbars folder on top" -> select your lightbar from the list and klick "add" -> adjust the position and confirm your selections greetz
  10. try to adjust the pivot in zmod if needed. if not, just re-export from zmod anyway and replace the files in your mod folder. helped me
  11. some tips from a mapper ^^ : first up, go and get fraps for screenshots (will tell you later why)! i'd also recommend to download standard map textures (available as jpeg). if you got a freeplay (which is maximum) sized map texture but have not finished every street etc just save it and keep empty spaces empty (white or so). so if you only got the south east corner done just fill empty spaces with one colour to have it already at freeplay size. there are several ways to get your building spaces right, depending if you use your own models or standard buildings: standard buildings: load up several standard em4 maps on the editor. like freeplay, deluxe freeplay, any mission map. see if you wanna use any of the buildings used there. make a screenshot or remember where on the map they are. open up the needed standard jpg texture into your graphics program. search the place where the building stands and cut and copy the ground texture to your map. edit it so it fits your map but keep the dimensions. keep that up for every place you want... new buildings: if you are working with different layers while making your texture draw a grid (as new layer so it can be deactivated easily!) on your map (maybe name the squares) and export it. reimport in the editor. place your new building somewhere on the grid and take screenshots from different views to get an idea of how big your building is and where it stands - if you already placed it where you want it. with the screenshots you can keep going with editing your texture. by looking in which relation (with which distance) a corner or edge of your building is standing to a gridline you can adjust it pretty good. yeah, that's it for now (null)
  12. Just finished a new m4a1 model for ESU officers... hope Dyson posts a little pic or two of it in use
  13. there is one important thing i didn't read in your quote while flying over it: any map texture file has to fulfill the conditions you wrote above PLUS .. it has to have a "resolution" of 72,00 dpi (dots per inch)! some programs (don't know for gimp 2) have other default values like 96,00 or so. try it with 72 dpi
  14. it is possible! there's already some topics about that issue on the forums! check for example LA Mod with it's "reversed" crane. it's all based on a prototype change (scripting knowledge needed) which works for aerial ladders too
  15. you forgot the NYPD Detective buddy but he also asked for their possibilities to call each other!
  16. i'd suggest to take a look at ERS Berlin. stretcher is scripted as a kind of child that is generated in front of one medic! try to search the forums, i bet there's bee a thread "swap the old stretcher with a new one"
  17. hey raf! if you'd manage that you the normal siren (which ever you got selected) would not be interrupted by the horn it would be awesome. like having the normal yelp or wail sound running and you can throw some horn sounds in manually
  18. hey! not a bug, but could you edit the texture a little bit? so that you can reckon where that cabin etc. starts and begins. having everything surrounded you know ^^ would make it easier to retexture! just an idea, the rest os awesome
  19. same thing for doors! most people add them under objects/vehiclechilds doors in the editor. to move a child up or down hold down ALT key while moving the mouse (holding left mousebutton too) easy to remember ALTitude
  20. the easiest way is to just replace the current modelfiles and keep the prototypes! make a list first of which truck should be replaced by a new model. i don't know if it works for berlin mod but this is how you could try. create a new folder under (example fire dept) mods/ers berlin/models/vehicles/ name it "us fd trucks" for example. so you got: mods/ers berlin/models/vehicles/us fd trucks then copy the v3o's (modelfiles of your new vehicles) into this folder. open up the editor and load up ers berlin. open the "scene" dialogue and search and select the truck you wanna replace. klick on "edit" and search the line where you can choose the modelfile. klick "browse" and search your new folder "us fd trucks". select the new v3o and confirm your changes by klicking "ok". that's basically the way how to do it.... BUT you'll have to do this for every truck, door, wheel, child etc. then adjust the childs, adjust the lights and maybe you'll have to add sone models with creating a new proto (new truck has more doors than the one you replace for example) so be careful and always secure original files!!
  21. yeah... european vehicles kinda suck :/ dunno, just kinda boring. that's why i started working on palm view county mod. i also like the bluelight schemes of us vehicles yeah.... i like lights :O
  22. Dominik ... do you actually read anything before posting here? THE TWO STATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN SINGLEPLAYER! DIE BEIDEN FEUERWACHEN WERDEN IM SINGLEPLAYERMODUS VERFÜGBAR SEIN! DE TWEE KAZERNEN ZIJN OOK IN SINGLEPLAYER BESCHIKBAAR! ... sorry, no french version from me ^^ eng ... but without removable roof and gates deu ... aber ohne "abnehmbares" dach und tore ned ... maar zonder "afneebaar" dak en deuren greetz grüße groetjes rettungstier
  23. if you're all talkin bout missions.... i'm working on a batterytunnel mission map that could replace the car accident mission... uhmm... ups! did i say this too loud?! ^^ oh well ehh yeah... missions are cool!
  24. import both files (you've got 2 models now). delete all polys you dont need from both of the models. if you've done this make sure you are working in "object mode". move the objects so that they are positioned as you want em to have. select "modify" -> "attach" (keep the presets) -> klick on model one (a little line should appear) -> klick on model two to attach it to model one. that's the easiest way. to get a nice connection make sure that polys do not "overlap" while attaching the models. once you attached the models to one you can easily create new polygons to visibly "connect" them. greetz
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