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Everything posted by njboy13

  1. This is a forum a few of my friends made up, it's more geared towards their writing, but it's supposed to be a General writing forum, you can go ahead and join if you want to. I haven't posted any of my stories on there yet, but I am registered on that forum as Socal000 EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to put a link, haha: http://generation0.50.forumer.com/index.php
  2. njboy13

    Wii Fit

    Does anybody else here have the Nintendo Wii? Do you have Wii Fit for the Wii? I got it for Christmas, and it actually really surprised me. It gives great work outs. (Although, it's not a substitute for actually going out to work and and going out for a run) But I actually went for a 30 minute run (You just jog in place in front of the television) for 30 minutes. And it has training and workouts in the following areas: Strength Yoga Balance other training games I found it to be pretty good, it would be a great way to get in a workout on rainy day. Does anybody else have it? What are your thoughts on it?
  3. EMS2, Engine 1, Pedestrian Struck
  4. I ban you for not using proper capitalization and punctuation.
  5. Hahah, I thought you guys would like it.
  6. I mean Emergency Codes. What do you use. Is it the General "Code 3, Lights and Siren, Code 2, no siren, lights" or is it something different. It's actually different in my town: Code 1: Regular call, Lights + Siren unless otherwise notified. Code 2: Mass Casualty, all available manpower report to headquarters. (We have never ever had to use Code 2, and let's hope for many more years without using it) Code 3: Non-Emergency Transport Code 4: As we are volunteers, that means we need a second volunteer crew because the on duty one is on another call. Signal 74: Working Fire, All manpower report to headquarters.
  7. I have a Blog! It's for flight simulator! http://flightsimerblog.wordpress.com/ (I apologize if you consider that advertising, I'm not trying to) I also sometimes use a website called "GoodReads". http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/2041164 <----- My profile I haven't been keeping up on it though, my last story was started a few months ago, and I forgot to post that I ended reading "The Call of the Wild". As far as everybody on there knows, I've been reading it for over 100 days.
  8. I really don't know what to say about this. Just see for yourselves:
  9. Every town in my area has a personal Ambulance Service, but as for private, Rural Metro is used.
  10. njboy13

    Ladder 49

    Haha. I love the way that I tried getting this back on topic, but I completely failed at it
  11. I write. I write some of my own stories. I' don't think I'll ever go to a publisher or anything serious like that though.
  12. njboy13

    Ladder 49

    Well, Ladder 49 and Engine 33 weren't the only trucks in the movie. If a general BCFD game was created, you could still include L49 and E33, but with more variety of trucks and stations. What kind of game do you intend on? Similar to Emergency 4/911: FR, but as Role-playing or First Person?
  13. I ban you for questioning your ban. (I think he meant Yorkshire)
  14. I ban you for not living in New Jersey.
  15. I ban you for having numbers as your username.
  16. I ban you for being the Secretary of Homeland Security in Clearwater City Roleplay
  17. I ban you for being member number 2,501
  18. -San Diego, California, USA (At least twice) -Orlando, Florida, USA -Dublin, Ireland -Bermuda -I'll probably go to New York City a few times (45 minutes train ride) -Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (Well, it may be a 30 minute train ride, but I call it a vacation, because it has great restaurants, Gremaldi's Pizza, Carlo's Bakery (As seen on the TV show "Cake Boss", and more)
  19. I just found this on YouTube of all places, and even though it's from a random, most likely not well-known YouTuber, this user posted this excellent comment on a San Diego Police Video: I just don't understand the people who go "'F' the police" and stuff like that. I mean, police officers risk their lives everyday to save our lives, and make them safer, and there are some people who just don't care. I really don't understand some people..... A world without law enforcement, would be absolutely terrible. Just think of Compton, California in the 80s, and think of that covering the whole world. Those of you who haven't heard of Compton, I'll explain for you: Riots, gangs around every corner, cars being torched, and the paramedics treating 10 shooting victims a day, that is, if the paramedics aren't the victims in the shooting. Not pretty, is it?
  20. Here are some pictures for you guys. All 3 pictures were taken by me: Ladder 114 Link back to Original Page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/socal000/4215...in/photostream/ Ladder 114's Ladder Link back to Original Page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/socal000/4216...in/photostream/ Miami Fire-Rescue Ambulance Link back to Original Page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/socal000/4216...in/photostream/
  21. Haha, I had a huge fail the other day, but never took a picture of it. I was playing EM4 at the ambulance building, and we got a call for a structure fire standby down the street. I looked out the window, and didn't see any smoke. I expected to be back in 10 minutes, so I left EM4 running, and when we got there the attic was fully involved, and we were there for a few hours. I come back to EM4, there are 32 Casualties, and a lot of fire.
  22. Merry Christmas! But in case I ever get tired of these holidays, I always have my Festivus Pole handy
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