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  1. I believe he was asking if anybody knew where to find it, not where you supposedly work and how that relates to why you can't find it. Anyway, here is a link to the post where you can download it. Download FDNY_Tone.wav http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/6926-fire-station-alarms/?p=84504
  2. Some people are just too stupid to argue with.

  3. Little odd that somebody who's trying to prove a point won't upload the only piece evidence necessary to prove his point correct and everybody against him wrong. Further reason for all of us to believe none of this is true. Don't even know why I'm getting into this with you. Until you prove yourself, we all know that you are full of BS.
  4. I don't know why you think I'm joking, I'm just as serious as you are. I said I wrote today's date on it to prove it was legit and not photoshopped or anything. That was written back in 1935. Oh so you do have something to prove it to us? Go ahead and upload it then. I uploaded my proof, you upload yours.
  5. No documentation whatsoever? Well then... Wait, I just remembered. My great grandfather claimed that land in 1935, who passed it on to his son who passed it on to me, there's even documentation on it! Crazy coincidence, guess it's mine now. I updated the document to my name and wrote in todays date to prove it's legit. My land now, sorry. Here's the document to prove it:
  6. I spent a good 5-10 minutes trying to come up with witty, funny, and even serious replies to this but I'm actually incapable of that. So here's my best effort at a serious reply... What makes you think you can claim that portion of Antarctica, that is already being used for research by various countries? And because I know all you're going to do is say the same thing and provide the same link you've been giving us, I'll just post my follow up question now... What possibly makes you think you are the first/only person in 101 years, (The land was first spotted in 1902) to try and "claim" that land? That Family Guy episode when the Griffin property is discovered to be not on any map and not part of the country, and in turn is claimed as "Petoria" by Peter Griffin has a more legitimate, believable story than this...
  7. My mentality for that, coming from a more urban/city style department is if they're calling 911, it's an emergency. Could be dispatched as a broken leg, but you truly do not know what it is until you get there. If it is indeed just a normal, everyday, non severe broken leg, well then you just made the turn around time quicker and made the ambulance available for true emergencies faster than if lights and sirens were not used. If the bone's sticking out and he's losing blood fast, good thing you used lights and sirens. Everybody disagrees with me on that, but that's how I operate. In my almost 10 years of being an EMT and driving ambulances, I've never once been in an accident while responding or transporting with lights and sirens. Just have to be smart with using them, know what you're doing, and drive under the mentality that everybody else on the road has no idea how to drive, (Most people do drive about 10x worse when there's lights and sirens nearby anyway).
  8. Where did you hear that? Safety of yourself is number 1, safety of your partner is number 2. Meaning you drive to any scene, regardless of age or nature, safely. Urgently, but safely. And you always stop, or at least slow down before going through red lights. I'd drive to an unconscious infant the same way I would for a middle aged person with trouble breathing, or a teenager with a broken leg. You can't help anyone if you get hurt on the way.
  9. Scene isn't safe so I'm not going anywhere near the house with the dog. Can't help anyone if you get injured yourself. Call police and advise of both situations. You sorta make it sound like this is all happening in the same house; if that's the case, then yeah not going anywhere near the house. If these are two different houses, then I'll go to the residence of my patient and look for any signs of obvious death (Any mortises) , then do whatever needs to be done there depending on signs of death.
  10. Honestly, being an EMT, I don't like those kinds of posts. Is EMS underrated? In certain aspects it might be. But myself, and I'm sure many others don't do what we do to look for recognition or to go "Yeah I save lives, I'm cool." We are not, or at least I am not in it for that. I do it because I enjoy it, and when people look forward to seeing you at what very well may be their worst point in life, it's a good feeling. I don't like to brag about my job or look for attention because of what I do. I get the job done, and if I can make someone's day or help better their quality of life from what it was when I first met them, or even save their life, then I've done my job right. But those kinds of posts I'm not a huge fan of, because it makes EMT's and Paramedics just look like a bunch of people looking for attention. If you truly enjoy your work as an EMT, you don't care how the public looks at you as long as you're satisfied with yourself, your work, and doing what you're doing to the best of your ability. If you become an EMT expecting attention and "fame", then you're certainly in the wrong line of work.
  11. Happy Fourth of July, and God bless AMERICA (America, not " 'murica ")

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