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Everything posted by robert4260

  1. Please advise as to how to upload files here. I have only done e-mail attachments. I have both the program log and the dxdiag file. Thank you, Bob R.
  2. Good Morning, Yes! I had this problem this morning. I am running an HP with Win 7. Also am having the same problem with Emergency 3. I have followed the instructions given in Didigal Download Emergency 3 Installer: by MickeyPI dated June 8th, 2008 to no avail. If anyone knows how to fix this please advise as I really like the game, but would also like to use the LA mod. The following actions were taken this morning with results as indicated: Open LA mod in the 911 - First Responders mod file "Cannot create file folder C:\program files\WizardWorks\911- First Responders\mods\LA_mod_V2.5_V_by_Hoppah" Extract with in 911 - FR mod folder - "Cannot find file specified". Double click on Mod Installer - 911 - First Responders not installed correctly. Please reinstall" Any advice? Thank you, Bob R.
  3. Good Morning, Same problem that is the mod installer doesn't work. Have looked a the instructions for installing getting mod installer to work on Em 3; however, it doesn't. I did download the la mod to the mods folder and tried it again using the opening program as mod installer, still get the same old message "reinstall em 3. Just tried to install by extracting files in mod folder. Says I don't have permission access denied. Also when I try to open using the mod installer it tells me EM 3 isn't installed right. Help please? Bob R.
  4. What, exactly, did you do? I have followed instructions, and installed in both C:\program files, and C:\ program files (x86); neither of them will allow me to contine beyond the "reinstall emergency 3" Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Bob R.
  5. Me too. I believe I did the regedit think properly. Also did the error correction on the unstall section of the programs file. Any assistance. Will the logs and dxdiag help? Thank you
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