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Everything posted by s3ns171v3

  1. s3ns171v3

    [WIP] San Diego

    im cant wait for releasing it !
  2. AWESOME! Good job boys i think this will be the best mod i'm ever played !
  3. If anyone can make a barrier with buttons for dig up and down please push a link in theme please
  4. Version 2.5


    My nickname is NewHappyRabbit (thats why I changed the author) This is Super freeplay mod for LA 2.5 Added:U.S.A National Guard Base Technical Base Police Department parking is full with cop cars, swat vans, motorcycles, bomb squads, Unmarked vehichles, Dog leaders and others Hospital parking is full with Ambulances, EMS Supervisors car, Coroners vans, Mass Casualty unit, SAR Dog Vehicles and others Fire Department parking is full with LAFD Engines, LAFD Aerial Ladder Truck, LAFD Tiller Truck, LAX Crash 80, USFS Utility Truck, USFS Engine and others Gameplay Video: . Video made by em4modfreak
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