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    Charlotte North Carolina

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  1. Hey Guys, I need some help, someone offered to skin the FD Rigs which is a +, but noone else is able to help im all aloneeeee come on help a friend out
  2. Officer_Brant


    You said its text right, i dont really understand, example?
  3. Officer_Brant


    thers an ERT mod for Operation Flashpoint, and a police mod for ArmA -Brant
  4. That was awesome, standoffs never ever ever work lol.
  5. They are replaying it Lawl
  6. i know it made a really loud beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep i hopeit comes back
  7. should be over in the next hour or two then
  8. I Still Have it open and lolololol hoppah XD
  9. I Ban you for Drinking Whatever it is at the end of your post ^.^
  10. This should be down one Category, in Modding and Modding Help -Brant
  11. Yea i had the same problem, and i didnt know why. but i then realized i still had cops on the map. so i sent them back to HQ and i passed the mission...
  12. Get a 2D picture of a car. and model the sides of them, top of them, and put them together lawl. thats exactly what i do
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