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Everything posted by lukas1

  1. hey nice model if you want a idea for electric company why not NEA i send a picture if you want?
  2. hey is this submod dead because i relly like the models?
  3. what company will the Volvo FMX work for? ps do you have any banners?
  4. why is it standing POLIS on one of the side on the police cars and POLIISI on the other? is this a swedish/sumio thing?
  5. yea.It can be a good submod to NYC mod(i don't know if third watch is record on manhattan )
  6. Hello. I really like this mod and how far are you? ps the models is great
  7. happy to know that the mod not dead. love Emergency!
  8. ok good to know that the mod not are dead
  9. hello again i think the mod gonna be great but i was wondering if the battalion is going to drive his car by himself or does he have a driver? keep working
  10. ok but can you upload a picture of satellite1 with te water cannon? greet work of the mod. what are you working on right now?
  11. can we see a picture off all the units
  12. can someone post a picture of the tec units? ps love the station
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