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Everything posted by theocd

  1. I wouldn't say its the nasty side. I'd say its the well prepared last resort side. The OC-D
  2. I assume that's for Organised Crime rather than a traffic violation...? That Maserati is sweeeeeet. The OC-D
  3. 1) Will be in Freeplay setting file which can be found browsing folders. I'm sorry, I can't remember off the top of my head. 2) It always happens with this mod, we don't what causes it or how to fix it. I suspect its the amount of complex objects (Tazer, Riot Shields etc.) that makes the game a little bit confused. Sorry I can't be more helpful. The OC-D
  4. Lightings the one thing I can do! I'm set for this mod! Sounds fantastic! The OC-D
  5. Lights are hard. Also, if you're swapping lightbars around between vehicles, are people going to have to light them themselves? The lights and commands are 'attached' to each vehicle so if you change between bars aren't the lights are going to be in the wrong places? The OC-D
  6. I'm assuming this is airsoft as parts are British DPM and parts are black, none of it is standard issue police and, no offence, but you look about 16. Also, Viper are an American specialist in tactical gear that is most commonly used for Paintball, Airsoft or Security in the UK. It looks good, how much did it cost? The OC-D
  7. Definitely Jeans and Flouro Jacket, or Jacket and Black Combats, that's what I see most of. The OC-D
  8. Where are you? I was told there was only about 5 counties that had the 3rd badge, Bucks have the Swan, Oxfordshire has a round flower emblem I think... The OC-D
  9. Well, they keep changing that. Talking to my Divisional Superintendent, they might be getting rid of NCO Ranks (so no Corporals or Sergeants) but keeping Officer's Grade 1 and above. Even then, that's only a maybe. It is needed, we are the oldest military organisation in the United Kingdom, swearing fealty to the Knight's of St John, the day we get rid of ranks will be very sorry indeed. The ones with the Welsh Dragon on are official though (could only find a good pic with Cadets): Its like I wear a third badge on my sleeves, I have a Buckinghamshire Swan underneath my 'Advanced First Aider' tag, its just regional variations. The OC-D
  10. Yep, and we're volunteers. Really makes you feel appreciated. You really need the Maltese Cross on them not the Star of Life. The OC-D
  11. It came in a few weeks ago with 1.7 miles on the clock. Plain white, no registration. Its just gone to the outfitters to get the stretcher carrier, O2, blues and twos etc. Shame I'm back down at LINKs but I'll see it when I go back. Its good, 'cos the only other 4x4 in the area is 'Triple 7' which is an ancient, but beautiful, Land Rover Ambulance Conversion. The OC-D
  12. Awesome, shame it looks dodgy in a U.S. setting but I like the vehicle. Our division has just taken delivery of a brand new Nissan Pathfinder, I'm well excited The OC-D
  13. Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 with all the Expansion Pack (Loopy Landscapes FTW!) was the best. I find an interesting challenge is to try and get the Trains/Monorails/Lifts working as actually methods of transport between the rides or, go on the massive Sandbox map, fence of really quite a small area and try to build a theme park that would work as a travelling fun fair with plausible rides. Just my 2p. The OC-D
  14. 2 posts, no profile pic and poor spelling. I think we've caught a troll. The OC-D
  15. Happy St. George's Day!

  16. Its written in the bloody description. It was the limited Christmas Release of Dyson's NY Submod. I think it no longer exists. Please learn to read. The OC-D
  17. Nice Vans and Vectra, look forward to SJA The OC-D
  18. They'l' be in the original game files. Gonna have to find the .dds, possibly unlock it and then convert it to a .jpg or similar. To put it back, reverse the steps. I think. The OC-D
  19. If you have problems with the Trojans, get them to equip then unequip the MP5's from the vehicle, that normally sorts them out The OC-D
  20. If you have used the 'Armed Arrest Script' it would seem not, some bug with the moving of Hoppah's Script to this mod. If just normally, then you may have a problem with your version of the mod and may need to reinstall it The OC-D
  21. Cool, good luck! Enjoy wearing those cycle shorts The OC-D
  22. Cool, look forward to it You should try and add a wayward/drunken squaddie event, give the RMP something to do The OC-D
  23. What purpose will they serve? They can't act as Police and the Medical Cover they provide will be minimal compared to WMAS and SJA...? The OC-D
  24. I know, units tend to split and then fall off the Radar rather than merging and merging well. Enjoy your arguement, you should win being as you have more than two brain cells to rub together I know, that's what I thought because that's how I got hold of mine. NIcely done, good luck with that. How many Cadets and Badgers do you havr to do paper work for now? The OC-D
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