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Everything posted by Fisk1

  1. As randomperson states, this is a job for the Kampfmittelraumdienst, aka the bomb squad. They can be found under dispatch-menu 3, it's the icon with the dynamite bundle on it. This will call for a sedan and two vans, one pulling a trailer carrying a small digger. Good luck!
  2. CS gas? Do you mean the flashbang? I've never seen CS gas in Winterberg mod...
  3. Thank you randomperson. The mystery is still unsolved though!
  4. Yea, that crossed my mind. Maybe I should just download the mod and see... Hm, getting late for that right now.
  5. True. I wonder, where was the screenshot in the first post found? On imageshack itself, or linked in from another forum?
  6. It might be, since there is only one screenshot it's hard to tell. (By the way, thanks for the link to that page, usefull for finding new and complete mods!)
  7. Have you tried the link yourself?
  8. After a little google-searching I found this post on emergency-forum.de. The download is gone and I haven't found anything else... Yet. Might this be it: Luxemburg Mod @ emergency-planet.de. No news here, it's probably dead and gone. It does say though, that Hoppah had some connection to this... Hm. Winterberger too, that's the main guy behind Winterberg mod, if my memory serves me right.
  9. This is new. Hm... Haven't seen these vehicles before. I was almost betting on it being a Wuppertal-screenshot, but the vehicle markings and colors are wrong. Interesting!
  10. They probably have, but this begs the question of recognizabilty. If (for example) Ford was trying to take legal action against a mod that incorporated a Mondeo, they would have to find a violating use of their logo, or other copyrighted elements. If they can find something to base a complaint-case around, action can be taken by them. Let's say that a billboard with advertisement from the GTA IV-game was included in the mod, and that the image itself was copyrighted by RockStar. If the quality of the image is good enough, so that it becomes easily recognizable, Rockstar might feel that this is copyright infringement (and they would be in full right too). There is a lot of probability in your post... Anyway; A**holes or not, there is no guarantee that a company will see beneficial publicity in a copyright infringement. This depends on what the new mod portrays from the original game. This again depends on what is infringed upon. If a brand or company feels that it's name is being portrayed in a unlawful or unwanted fashion, and that this portrayal is performed for a large group of people (there is undeniably a large base of people that play various EM3/4-mods in the world), they may feel forced to take legal action (this includes cease & decist-letters) as not to have their good/mediocre/bad reputation slandered. About the EM-scene not having heard of a large amount of these legal actions against modders might be caused by the fact that most companies etc. don't know too much about the Emergency-games, or the large community of mods and modmakers. This makes it difficult for them to keep track over if and where their copyrighted material is being used without previous agreement. I agree with you in the unprobability of a "big firm" taking action against a small mod, but I only want to bring up the point that the possibilty is there. Depending on what country one resides in, what form of distribution is used for the mod, what actually is incorporated from the original game that the mod is based on, etc. This is not as to say that making mods is necessarily a bad idea or violation of the law, quite the opposite, I merely find this an interesting point of matter to share.
  11. You think, but you don't know? They probably haven't put a copyright claim on the name of Liberty City itself, I was thinking more along the lines of the other content of the GTA IV game. Character names, vehicle designs, map textures, etc. can be copyrighted, and probably is by Rockstar Games. Depending on how much of the actual game is going to be included in the (eventual) EM4-mod, copyright liabilities may occur.
  12. Quick solution; go into your editors and give the FBI negotiator commands for calling police vehicles etc. Of course you would have to do some scripting to make a "Call SWAT / FBI"-command. But there you go; a police supervisor.
  13. Maybe there are some copyright-issues to consider here as well?
  14. Very neat! Can you make an english version? I can't really read cyrillian letters.
  15. Very nicely done cassioeb, you have some major skills in map-making! You should consider expanding the project, making a russian mod. Very interesting for us other europeans.
  16. I bet there is a lot of units on standby.
  17. The problem with a follow-command is that the one used for the helicopter makes the vehicle go in a straight line directly towards the target. This is OK with the helicopter, since it flies over any building etc, but a car would go straight into/through buildings and other obstacles. And then you have a problem... So the command would have to be rescripted and modified for ground travel.
  18. Let's have a look at that then. Thanks.
  19. And again; I don't care about mods that aren't released, mods that are coming... And even less so beta mods that aren't released. Why would I? I'm looking for mods to play now, I'm already waiting for WB7 and NY-mod.
  20. When you look at the minimap you can see all the units deployed. Police units are blue, but of course, this can cause a problem if there are numerous units in one spot. Still, one should be able to distinguish the plainclothes-cops from civilians by observing their actions. Take Winterberg-mod as an example...
  21. Played the RTS mod, see the list in first post... Also don't like to fiddle around with adding lights and whatnot. :/ Anyone else? Florian Hamburg is quite good, it has some points that need development, but a good mod in the making there! Still hanging in for NY-mod and the new Winterberg though...
  22. I don't have EM3, sorry. And besides, I do prefer EM4 due to the more usable controls and better functionality. Okay, just wondering. Guess I'll have to test it, but I am in essence looking for mods that are more or less like the Winterberg mod, or Florian Hamburg mod. I like being able to alarm several units from a button, and not having to "buy" them from a menu. EDIT: I have now added a list over all the mods I've played in the first post. I will continue to update this as I play new mods and you recommend me more to test. Here it is per now: The list of mods I have tested up to now is; LA-mod Winterberg Dänemark Czech Republic DDR (the 8 level demo) Florian Hamburg (version 1.2.2 too) Netherland Helmond RTS, Rescue Training Simulator Thanks for the help everyone! Maybe we can get some kind of review going sometime. Hehehe....
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