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Everything posted by buzzben

  1. anyone around now for a game?
  2. beenie going to try and do the uv modeling for me as i cant do it and spent 6 hours the other day trying it so hopefully one model shall be completed soon
  3. mite do beenie :Dcant skin on zmodeler really dont get it but trying hard heres another ambulance . Mercedes UBG modular with tail lift.
  4. Thanks Stan heres another one a mercedes uvg premia bodied
  5. Stopped all work on the London mod as have no intrest in london but more interest back in my home county so im starting a em4 version of Hampshire mod with all brand new models. heres a first look at the start of a Ford transit cell van. will update soon heres the update as promised
  6. Hey guys just wandering if anyone has any ideas why my gmae starts then crashes on a black screen Init Filesystem... Registered FS device "local" Registered FS device "base" Registered FS device "lang" Init UpdateChain... Init Timer... Init Screen... Init Scriptscheduler... !Graphics system: ATI Technologies Inc. RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/SSE2 GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_element_array GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_attrib_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_ATIX_vertex_shader_output_point_size GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parame CPU speed detected: 2983 Init GFX... Init Vision... |Vision DLL path: C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\vision71.dll |Vision(tm), Version PC-4, 7, 28, 0 |Loading entity plugins of directory <C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Data> ... |List of loaded plug-ins: |Plug-in named 'CubeMapHandle_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisionConsoleEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBase_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisBaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisMouseCamera_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisObject3D_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VisActionHelperEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VarManager_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VBaseCameraEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'VCamEntity' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'GameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'Emitter_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'BaseGameEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Plug-in named 'TargetEntity_cl' loaded statically! |Registering plug-ins done ! |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium IV FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration Initializing post processor 'PerceptionCore' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'MotionBlur' * Skipping config file Initializing post processor 'Nightvision' * Skipping config file |Initialising video driver: 0 |Setting screen mode to x:1024 / y:768 / bpp:32 / refresh:0 |Screen Mode is fullscreen, return value: 0 |Stencil buffer: 8 bit / ZBuffer: 24 bit |Initializing OpenGL rendering subsystem |Setting initial Renderer States |Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. |Renderer: RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/SSE2 |Driver Version: 1.3.1072 WinXP Release |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias |Found Extension GL_ARB_multitexture |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 |Extension GL_ARB_texture_env_subtract not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_add |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_env_combine |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_cube_map |Found Extension GL_ARB_texture_compression |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc |Found Extension GL_EXT_point_parameters |Found Extension GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint |Extension GL_EXT_vertex_weighting not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_separate_specular_color |Found Extension GL_EXT_stencil_wrap |Found Extension GL_EXT_vertex_shader |Found Extension GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays |Found Extension GL_ATI_fragment_shader |Extension GL_ATI_pn_triangles not available |Found Extension GL_ATI_map_object_buffer |Found Extension GL_NV_texgen_reflection |Extension GL_NV_fence not available |Found Extension GL_NV_blend_square |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners not available |Extension GL_NV_register_combiners2 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 not available |Extension GL_NV_texture_shader not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program not available |Extension GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 not available |Found Extension GL_NV_occlusion_query |Extension GL_EXT_paletted_texture not available |Extension GL_ATI_separate_stencil not available |Found Extension GL_EXT_texture_rectangle |Extension GL_ARB_depth_texture not available |Extension GL_ARB_shadow not available |Found Extension GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap |Found Extension GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object |Found Extension WGL_ARB_render_texture |Extension WGL_NV_render_depth_texture not available |Extension WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle not available |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pbuffer |Found Extension WGL_ARB_pixel_format |Found Extension WGL_EXT_swap_control |Extension GL_ARB_shader_objects not available |Using ARB_vertex_buffer_object for fast geometry memory! OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. OpenGL renderer: RADEON 9200 Series DDR x86/SSE2 renderer-string: ATI;RD;RD8 Init Input... Registered FS device "save" Init GameFramework... Init Audio... Init XGUI... Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Tahoma 11 bold.xff Font loaded: base:/Fonts/Lucida Console 11.xff ?BLFileSystem::DeviceFromFilename("mod:Textures\Previews\curveview_nos3tc.tga"): unknown device name in URL EM4 Version 1.3f language de Registered FS device "mod" mod found: Los Angeles Mod v1.3 |VisMain_cl::DeInit |DeInitializing Object Data... |DeInitializing World Data... |DeInitializing Surface and Texture Data... |Initializing Vision Graphics Engine |Detecting CPU type and features |CPU:Pentium IV FPU MMX ISSE 3DNow! |Vision Core: Allocated 28 kB of memory for Polygon Chunks |Vision Core: Allocated 9 kB of memory for Entities |Settings renderer configuration |Loading World mod:\Maps\empty.v3d ?ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! |Vision Core: Allocated 38 kB of memory for primitive data |Vision Core: Allocated 5 kB of memory for Patches |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Patch Edges |Vision Core: Allocated 75 kB of memory for Heightfields |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Texture Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 1 kB of memory for Vis Areas |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Planes |Vision Core: Allocated 0 kB of memory for Vis Area Portals |Vision Core: Allocated 3 kB of memory for Lights |Vision Core: Allocated 8 kB of memory for World Vertices |Vision Core: Allocated 21 kB of memory for Vertex References |World contains 289 vertices, 256 polygons, 0 patches, 0 lights |Vision Core: Resized memory for Patch Edges to 1 kB. |Loading Font allyouneed.VFN |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Scanning units... Scanning equipment... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F010Fire Extinguisher/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F020Fire Hose/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F030Jaws Of Life/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F040Chain Saw/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F050Axe/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/F060Jump Pad/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P010Flash Grenade/... Loading equipment mod:Units/Equipment/P020Road Block/... Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/010Fire Fighter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 505 vertices, 590 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighternorm_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 822 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighternorm_upgrade2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/020Fire Fighter Masked/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 498 vertices, 561 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefightermask_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 570 vertices, 615 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefightermask_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/030Fire Fighter ABC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\firefighterabc_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 664 vertices, 527 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/firefighterabc_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Fire Department/040Diver/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 668 vertices, 644 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Fire Department\diver_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 743 vertices, 706 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Fire Department/diver_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/010Doctor/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 573 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 524 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 773 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\doctor_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 586 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/doctor_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/020Paramedics/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1446 vertices, 1070 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\paramedic_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1514 vertices, 1110 polygons, 42 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded.e4p precached ?Cannot add default animation set to P: incompatible bone structure? Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/paramedic_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Ambulance/030Dog Leader/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 369 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Ambulance\leaderrescuedog_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 496 vertices, 568 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Ambulance/leaderrescuedog_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/010Policeman/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 588 vertices, 480 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 413 vertices, 512 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 27 kB. Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_f.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_m.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 883 vertices, 604 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_m.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\policeman_upgraded_f.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 562 vertices, 619 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded_f.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_m.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/policeman_upgraded2_f.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/020Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 733 vertices, 612 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\shooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 899 vertices, 682 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/shooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/030Sharp Shooter/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 435 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\sharpshooter_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 589 vertices, 596 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/sharpshooter_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/040Scout/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 418 vertices, 500 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\scout_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 506 vertices, 555 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/scout_upgraded2.e4p precached Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/Police/050Profiler/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 367 vertices, 468 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\Police\profiler_upgrade.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 451 vertices, 498 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/Police/profiler_upgrade2.e4p precached Scanning personnel... Loading personnel mod:Units/Personnel/TEC/010Engineer/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 613 vertices, 506 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer.e4p precached |Loading Model mod:Models\Persons\TEC\engineer_upgraded.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 777 vertices, 656 polygons, 20 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded.e4p precached Prototype mod:Prototypes/Persons/TEC/engineer_upgraded2.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/010RW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1707 vertices, 791 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 118 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 33 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door05.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 31 vertices, 14 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_door06.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\rw_spotlight_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 148 vertices, 84 polygons, 0 bones, 4 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/rw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/020GTF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1343 vertices, 891 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\gtf_tube_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 83 vertices, 72 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/gtf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/030TLF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1244 vertices, 818 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 95 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 16 vertices, 10 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 14 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_door04.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 20 vertices, 12 polygons, 0 bones, 59 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tlf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 160 vertices, 91 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tlf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/040DLK/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1595 vertices, 883 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 240 vertices, 162 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l1_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 88 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 64 vertices, 34 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_basket_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 156 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_canon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 35 vertices, 33 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dlk_l4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dlk.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/050LPF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1238 vertices, 591 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 70 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 18 vertices, 8 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lpf_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1292 vertices, 785 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lpf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/060DEKON/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2046 vertices, 1265 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 81 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\dekonp_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 61 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/dekonp.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/070FMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1910 vertices, 898 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\fmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 242 vertices, 93 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/fmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/080TFMB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1371 vertices, 934 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 45 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\tfmb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/tfmb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/090FLB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2377 vertices, 1536 polygons, 3 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\flb_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 38 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/flb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Fire Department/100LF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Fire Department\lf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2019 vertices, 1794 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Fire Department/lf.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/010NEF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 591 vertices, 456 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\nef_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 23 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/nef.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/020RTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1301 vertices, 1031 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 101 vertices, 70 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rtw_door03.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 30 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/030RHF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1033 vertices, 778 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 67 vertices, 43 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhf_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 125 vertices, 59 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/040ITW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1183 vertices, 876 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 28 vertices, 18 polygons, 0 bones, 2 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\itw_door02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 42 vertices, 28 polygons, 0 bones, 12 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/itw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Ambulance/050RHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1220 vertices, 737 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Ambulance\rhc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 38 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\rhc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 372 vertices, 244 polygons, 0 bones, 93 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Ambulance/rhc.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/010STW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 688 vertices, 528 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\stw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 46 vertices, 30 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/stw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/020MTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1334 vertices, 664 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 44 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\mtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 137 vertices, 56 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/mtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/030SW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1152 vertices, 676 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 56 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\sw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 114 vertices, 58 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/sw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/040WAW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1489 vertices, 868 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 78 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\waw_cannon_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 119 vertices, 73 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/waw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/050GTW/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1124 vertices, 867 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 52 vertices, 44 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\gtw_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 36 vertices, 24 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/gtw.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/060PHC/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1844 vertices, 1055 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\phc_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 43 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\phc_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 374 vertices, 240 polygons, 0 bones, 88 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/phc.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/Police/070FLIGHT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 523 vertices, 477 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\Police\getawaycar_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 68 vertices, 50 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\drivebyshooting_rifle.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 214 vertices, 94 polygons, 0 bones, 25 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/Police/getawaycar.e4p precached Scanning vehicles... Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/010FGRI/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 839 vertices, 654 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 48 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgri_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 65 vertices, 52 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgri.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/020ASF/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1360 vertices, 792 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\asf_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 32 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/asf.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/030FGRR/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1079 vertices, 641 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 50 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 77 vertices, 40 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm2_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 60 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_base_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 268 vertices, 150 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_hook_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 53 vertices, 49 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm3_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 24 vertices, 16 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_arm4_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 100 vertices, 48 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/040FGRB/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 4888 vertices, 1958 polygons, 5 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Vision Core: Resized memory for Entities to 63 kB. |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 98 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_ship_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 954 vertices, 490 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgrb_stand_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 130 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 6 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgrb.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/050FGRT/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1144 vertices, 900 polygons, 0 bones, 7 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 32 vertices, 20 polygons, 0 bones, 8 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_t_super.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 120 vertices, 64 polygons, 0 bones, 18 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Objects\ObjectChildren\fgr_t_rotor.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 724 vertices, 412 polygons, 0 bones, 192 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_t.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/060RL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 2302 vertices, 1224 polygons, 0 bones, 26 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 112 vertices, 80 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb_dozer.e4p precached Loading vehicle mod:Units/Vehicles/TEC/070TRL/... |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 1153 vertices, 656 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_wheel01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_dozer_wheel02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 60 vertices, 36 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model mod:Models\Vehicles\TEC\fgr_rb_door01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 186 vertices, 92 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes Prototype mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/TEC/fgr_rb.e4p precached command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/AimedShot_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/AimedShot_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/AimedShot_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/AimedShot_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/AimedShot.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/AimEnd.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/DropWithCrane_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/DropWithCrane_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/DropWithCrane_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/DropWithCrane_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/DropWithCrane.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/EvacuatePerson_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/EvacuatePerson_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/EvacuatePerson_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/EvacuatePerson_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/EvacuatePerson.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/FlyTo_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/FlyTo_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/FlyTo_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/FlyTo_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/FlyTo.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/GetFlashgrenade_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/GetFlashgrenade_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/GetFlashgrenade_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/GetFlashgrenade_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/GetFlashgrenade.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Lift_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Lift_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Lift_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Lift_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/Lift.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LiftWithRope_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LiftWithRope_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LiftWithRope_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LiftWithRope_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/LiftWithRope.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LoadUp_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LoadUp_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LoadUp_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/LoadUp_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/LoadUp.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M10EnterHouse_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M10EnterHouse_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M10EnterHouse_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M10EnterHouse_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M10EnterHouse.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EnterStation_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EnterStation_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EnterStation_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EnterStation_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M11EnterStation.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EvacuateStation_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EvacuateStation_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EvacuateStation_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M11EvacuateStation_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M11EvacuateStation.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M14UseShears_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M14UseShears_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M14UseShears_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M14UseShears_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M14UseShears.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M15LiftWithRope_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M15LiftWithRope_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M15LiftWithRope_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M15LiftWithRope_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M15LiftWithRope.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M16UseShears_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M16UseShears_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M16UseShears_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M16UseShears_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M16UseShears.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EnterStation_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EnterStation_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EnterStation_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EnterStation_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M18EnterStation.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EvacuateStation_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EvacuateStation_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EvacuateStation_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M18EvacuateStation_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M18EvacuateStation.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterPanelRoom_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterPanelRoom_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterPanelRoom_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterPanelRoom_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M19EnterPanelRoom.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterTunnel_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterTunnel_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterTunnel_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M19EnterTunnel_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M19EnterTunnel.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M4EnterStation_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M4EnterStation_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M4EnterStation_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/M4EnterStation_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/M4EnterStation.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PickUp_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PickUp_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PickUp_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PickUp_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/PickUp.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Pull_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Pull_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Pull_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Pull_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/Pull.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PutInCar_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PutInCar_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PutInCar_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/PutInCar_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/PutInCar.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/RemoveEquipment_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/RemoveEquipment_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/RemoveEquipment_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/RemoveEquipment_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/RemoveEquipment.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/RemoveFirehose_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/SearchLightOff_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/SearchLightOff_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/SearchLightOff_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/SearchLightOff_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/SearchLightOff.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/SearchLightOn_disable.dds not found command icon 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mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldSmoke_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldSmoke_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldSmoke_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldSmoke_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/MoveToFieldSmoke.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldDummy_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldDummy_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldDummy_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldDummy_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/MoveToFieldDummy.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldHouse_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldHouse_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldHouse_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/MoveToFieldHouse_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/MoveToFieldHouse.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/TutThrow_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/TutThrow_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/TutThrow_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/TutThrow_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/TutThrow.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Unload_disable.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Unload_normal.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Unload_over.dds not found command icon mod:UI/Game/Icons/Commands/Unload_mousedown.dds not found cursor mod:UI/Game/Icons/Cursor/Unload.dds not found Loading strings meta list... Loaded lang:infotexts.xml Loaded lang:poi.xml Loaded lang:portraits.xml Loaded lang:fail.xml Loaded lang:ingamehelp.xml Loaded lang:objectives.xml Loaded lang:hints.xml Loaded lang:missiontitles.xml Loaded lang:missiontips.xml Loaded lang:mission.xml Loaded lang:talk.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:supervfail.xml Loaded lang:supervresult.xml Loaded lang:supervtut.xml Loaded lang:tutorial.xml Loaded lang:command.xml Loaded lang:supervobj.xml Loaded lang:credits.xml Loaded lang:supervquest.xml Loaded lang:quest.xml Loaded lang:supervaward.xml Loaded lang:events.xml Loaded lang:supervevents.xml Loaded lang:superveventsobj.xml Loaded lang:mainmenu.xml Loaded lang:gui.xml Loaded lang:score.xml Loaded lang:strings.xml Loaded lang:voices.xml mod found: Los Angeles Mod v1.3 Init Network... ?VVideoTexture::InitTextureRenderer(): failed to add source filter [80004005] ?VVideoTexture::InitTextureRenderer(): failed to add source filter [80004005] ?VVideoTexture::InitTextureRenderer(): failed to add source filter [80004005] Campaign: 24 entries loaded |Loading Model base:Models\Objects\misc\theobject01.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes |Loading Model base:Models\Objects\misc\theobject02.v3o |[VNUM=1.43] |Model contains 592 vertices, 962 polygons, 0 bones, 0 muscleanimframes ?UIDialog: Could not load 'base:UI/Game/MissionResult/FreeplayRanking.xml' ?VVideoTexture::InitTextureRenderer(): failed to add source filter [80004005] !WARNING: global listener object is still registered! Unregister listener before destroying
  7. 2 car rta on the dual carrigeway all 3 emergency services on scene, still dont know how i managed to get a 2 car rta with entrapment lol
  8. hey guys sorry its been such a long time since an update started a new job and was doing all the training. But the FRU is nearly finished but might change the light bar to suit the new modern vehicle.
  9. Hey guys sorry tfor the long period without any news just that work has been extreemly busy lately especilly after yesterdays antics but hopefully i will have some free time soon and crack on with the mod :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  10. here is the first model that im producing a FRU (Fire Rescue Unit) for LFB
  11. well there are two types of mercs in LFB The newest being by papaworth http://lfbsite.com/photos/e34big.jpg and the second by TVAC http://lfbsite.com/photos/f48-dpl-mer2.jpg
  12. started the blue prints of the mecredes atego type 1 appliance accurate?
  13. They dont have subies ne more theyve gone to skoda's :'(
  14. Hello Just wandering what peeps would like to see in the em4 version of london mod. I will be focousing more on this if not enitrely than hants as there is more available to mod and a greater variety of vehilces. I will be making toatally new models and using some i have already made. Any suggetsions ?
  15. 21 NEW PICS ALONE IN HAMPSHIRE POLICE!!! :1046275747_biggthumpup: :1046275747_biggthumpup: Also upadted preserved police and St Johns Ambulance http://benwestley.fotopic.net/
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_C34vxJN5I video of my pics on you tube tell me what ya think :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  17. 2 new ones Totton ambulance station whilst the rrv in the garage and two front line vehicles are outside http://benwestley.fotopic.net/p41349874.html and the rrv on its own later notice the sleek new mounting of the light bar so when it comes to resale it has a higher value as it dosent create any holes in the roof http://benwestley.fotopic.net/p41349873.html
  18. http://benwestley.fotopic.net new pics Hamspire ambulance Hampshire Fire and recsue New Page St Johns Ambulance
  19. http://benwestley.fotopic.net/p40116443.html new pic hants fire at a grass fire in North Baddesley
  20. They say they wont ship to the uk ???
  21. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l319/buzzben/1234.jpg 2x dpl for St Marys attend 1x private car in left road into tree. Hants Amb FRU in attendance along with police
  22. oh yeah the signs that i have made in the hampshire mod? :1046274367_lol: sorry
  23. I need some help/advice with adding new equipt,ment i have made thenew scripts but atm im trying to add the signs into vehicles but im really confused on how to do this can any1 help me ? regards Ben
  24. this problem can be sorted by pressing the browsing button in german and going to the patch 3 file that u downloaded and making it take from the crack file this will sort out your problem as i had the same and it works fine
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