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buzzben last won the day on September 11 2020

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About buzzben

  • Birthday 10/09/1988

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    Southampton, England

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  1. Hello Been away for a while so a bit out of the loop currently using ZModeler to create models but just cant get on with it at all. Is there any other programs that people use? Ben
  2. buzzben

    Hampshire Mod

    Heres a little update of mod in progress the new HART vehicle
  3. buzzben

    Hampshire Mod

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvQQAKO19fw Heres the first update to the merc sprinter lots of changes to this to make it better
  4. Hello All Right sorry its been so long without anything happening to the mod been moving house and started a new job but now i am settled i am going to crack on with all the work first thing that will be happen will be the adjusting of some of the models to get rid of the box look shape then i will progress onto some new models and buildings hope to have an update by the end of the week.I Have adjusted the merc sprinter ambulance added blue repeaters on the side and on the grill also adjusted the lightbars and tail lift pictures to follow either later today or tomorrow, so mod isnt dead
  5. buzzben

    Hampshire Mod

    Hello All Right sorry its been so long without anything happening to the mod been moving house and started a new job but now i am settled i am going to crack on with all the work first thing that will be happen will be the adjusting of some of the models to get rid of the box look shape then i will progress onto some new models and buildings hope to have an update by the end of the week
  6. 7,091 downloads

    A mod about the rescue services from Hampshire, see screenshot for more information
  7. 3,051 downloads

    In this mod you take control over the rescue services from West MidlandsThis mod includes new vehicles, personnel, sounds, ...
  8. will add more items soon but justmoved out of home so need to get everything sorted out 1st
  9. Heres a first look at the ambulance station hopefully will be more done to it soon. mini version to be released soon without the map changes
  10. Heres a Video of the mod so far with all the vehicles sorry about the sound (again) don't know whats up with my speakers. Any questions or comments are welcome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sa4pdnA1bY
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYpB99cpmwo heres a volvo v50 ambulance response car hope you like
  12. yet another update now iv actually got the "hang" of things- heres a volvo pump ladder enjoy and heres a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUKdbCUXViY another quick pic of the fire service so far
  13. heya another model now fixed is the SEU for the fire service enjoy heres a video of it in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeiEb6fh8Kk
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