Please read it all before quote me. I dont have Emergency 4 yet, but i already figured out witch units i wants to patrol, and how much. 2 LAPD Black and Whites driving around the city. 1 LAPD Undercover. Then an LASD Patrol vehicle around the country And then if its able to change witch inicents that can come i would: Police: All situations. Paramedics: Medical Inicent, Crazed Rampage (He would possible shoot some civilians), Fires that contains casualities. LAFD: Fire: Cause Unknown Fire: A cigarette has been thrown away Crazed Rampage (Possible shoots vehicles at wrong places -.- ) Any kind of explotion EXEPT: Gas Explotion (Im not a proffesional, i cant handle it. My tactic for it is very good, but i cant control it.) Tactic of Fire: Lets say that a car blown near a little round forrest. I will surround the forrest and connect fire hoses to create a circle around it. Police Tactics: Crazed Rampage: I will call two LAPD Cruisers down there (Or up ) and block of the area/road. I will then get the officers that is too lazy to do anything (lol) arrest the suspect(s) Paramedic Tactics: Medical Inicent: Lets say the medical inicent have been out for 5 minutes. Ill call a Emergency Ambulance over there quick. An ambulance will be called over when the person is confirmed alive. All after the situation there possible will come a police cruiser to escort the ambulance if the inicent is critical. Thanks for attention