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Everything posted by JesseRossman

  1. well...the first day of school was ok...it is very confuseing...um..my votech class is fun...and i only hav 4 high school classes for the day...the teachers dont seem too bad..yet my lunch comes at a bad time....

  2. well..this summer was one to remember...

  3. ok..who the hell just called me

  4. well apparently Salem Elementary school (in berwick) is burning

  5. finally got an actual job...

  6. well...this week sux......colleen left me,i got sick,i need to cut the grass but i cant breath because im sick,i said some things to colleen i wish i never said (not bad things),i had a family member in the hospital,i cant stop coughing,and i cant really sleep because so much goes through my mind when i try....and the week isn't even over...and its just terrible....

    1. DuxburyFD


      Dont worry my best friends girlfriend just broke up with him and he is sad but i just told him tomorrow is a new day try to get over it. PS my prob with cutting the grass is fixed we have a ride on lawn mower since2 weeks

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