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Everything posted by pyrothijs

  1. I don't know but i don't think so. There do is a translation available at the winterberg forum greetz,
  2. There will be a new freeplay map with two brand new fire stations added to it. Some scripts will be added or adapted and all know bugs from version 5.8 are supposed to be fixed.
  3. Hope it wil be a little less scripted. I only find it frustrating if their are five police cars responding to a house fire (cause they're all in the way and blow up...) But I do like the idea that you only need to push a button and that the vehicle will come to the place by itself.
  4. Haha you're right. From a dutch point of view everything in the US is west
  5. Wow actually looks pretty good!
  6. And that's correct! The proof You may think of the next challenge, congratulations!
  7. You do have to choose between both, so what's it gonna be: 'de Gelderland' or 'de Batauwe'?
  8. Last Sunday we got a call for a housefire in an appartment building with one person still missing. A women saw smoke coming from the bedroom and she couldn't find her boyfriend. My partner and I connected the engine to a hydrant while another team went upstairs with an attack line (small hose). They tried to open the bedroom door but it was blocked by something, we thought it was the missing boyfriend, so we used something to bash in the door. It turns out that the door was blocked by dirt, the guy had a mariahuana plant in his bedroom. He just coverd the floor with dirt and put the plants in there. We had much fun tearing the place appart (the fire was in the walls, so all the bedroom walls had to be broken with a crowbar to extinghuish the small fires behind it) and removing all the drug growing equipment (some of that stuff really weighs a ton!). But we couldn't find the boyfriend anywhere, so we suspected he ran away because he was afraid we'd find out about the plant, the assumption was correct: he was arrested when he visited the police station the day after to see how his girlfriend was... The same day we also helped a lady that got her hand stuck in the antitheft mechanism of a soda machine. Her soda can got stuck and she tried to loosen it but instead she got stuck herself. We freed her by removing the springs of the anti theft mechanism. She was taken to hospital.
  9. Sorry for the long wait. Was at the station, we had a fire in a house where there was a mariahuana plantation. Took a long tiome to put it out cause we had to be really carefull about boobytraps and such. All right let's try a boat for a change: It's a boat of a Dutch fire department, it can be used for rescuing persons from the water or to drop a fire crew aboard a burning ship and extinghuising fires. Good luck!
  10. Hazmat 1 from the Dallas / Fort Worth Airport fire dept. See the photo
  11. Correct the vehicle is owned by the The Hague FD. It is also used by the lifeguards (KNRM) of Schevingen in summers, but Scheveningen lies in the County of The Hague. Congratulations Martijn and good luck finding the next challenge! @ newfoundking: all fire trucks in the Netherlands have the same paint scheme. It's mandatory by law. If you look in my siganture you see the new paint scheme on the right and the old one on the left. Old paint schemes do not have to be repainted, because of the costs. But if the vehicle gets replaced the new vehicle must have the new paint scheme greetz,
  12. already changed the numbers, saw so many numbers come by on the search Well let's see... It's a vehicle from a Dutch Fire department used for beach patrols in the summer. It can also be used to transport wounded from the beach to the road (where the ambulance hopefully awaits). Same question: what fire department? First person to name the city wins. Good luck!
  13. Is it rescue unit 5300 from the city of Pittsburgh (PA) in the US?
  14. Because there isn´t one. You can disable the lights by pressing SHIFT and B together. You can also disable the ligths by turning of the auto sirens and make the vehicle got to the fire house. Next time you call the vehicle the lights and sirens won´t work. greetz,
  15. We need to know what you edited to see what went wrong, can you place the changed lines here please. greetz,
  16. How do you mean flashing lights? If you mean the red and blue lights on top of the vehicle, that isn't scripted. You need to change that in the editor itself. And I really don't understand what you mean with the bottom, maybe you can eleborate a bit or post a screenshot. greetz,
  17. You need to adapt the scripts. The script is still looking for the LA MOD vehicles to send from the base, but there are NL mod vehicles in it, so the game can't find the right cars and crashes. greetz,
  18. I don't mind helping with the editor part, but I'not a very good scripter...
  19. Yep here too: sun, birds, flowers. And I'm inside studying for my midterms. :1046276030_flop:
  20. Just wait. After a while more and more people will come and join the demonstration. If you want to end the demonstration simply pick up the guy holding the sign. greetz,
  21. I'm not sure if it is possible, but it could be an idea to create the officers as pedestrians. That way the would randomly show up, walk a route and disapper from the map again. But I don't know if you are able to give commands to the pedestrians appearing on the fixed routes. Maybe something to look in too... greetz,
  22. sorry should have explained it better: inthe folder \Emergency 4\Data\Specs there is a file called audiocommands.xml If you open that file and you scroll down you will see these lines of text: <command name="MoveTo" comment="Aktion bewege zu"> <sample file="COMMAND_02.wav"/> <sample file="COMMAND_03.wav"/> <sample file="COMMAND_10.wav"/> </command> I believe those are the siren commands for when vehilces move to a specific point. Maybe you need to edit those as well.
  23. Loading World mod:\Maps\empty.v3d ?ERROR: dynlight.vsf Version or higher required! That's where the problem is. There is something wrong with your graphic drivers, I don't know what exactly, but it seems that Nvidia has an update that cancels the problem (read it on a german forum), don't know where you can get it or what your supposed to do about it though. Sorry. Greetz,
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