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Everything posted by pyrothijs

  1. How about checking out the tutorial section
  2. If you mean the patches you need to install before you can play, you only need to install those patches with the German version of EM4. If you have any other version of EM4/911 FR/EM4 Deluxe you don't need to install patches. See this topic for more info. greetz,
  3. could you upload the complete DXDIAG file and logfile via the upload function please? thnx
  4. Hostage situations and the bank robbery are two different things. There can't be a hostage situation in the bank. greetz,
  5. Caps removed from topic title. Topic moved to the help section since it isn't really LA MOD related By default it isn't possible to send vehicles via the minimap.
  6. With graphic settings I meant details, shadows etc. Sherlock only highlights broken codecs. It could be codecs are causing problems, but they don't have to be broken or corrupted.
  7. How about a SWAT 4 (exp) VIP-escort server. That's my favorite game of all time. There are only a few of them now (2 or 3 I believe). greetz,
  8. From your logfile I can tell you have a codec problem. You will have to remove unused codecs. Some known causes are Samsung PC studio, nokia mobile phone software, K-Lite etc. For more information see the crash to desktop part of the TECHNICAL FAQ. You can also try to lower all graphic settings. greetz,
  9. Answer by mnakoff: Yes and it does the same thing it just keeps acting like it going to go out to start a mission and it just stays in that loop. (he accidently send it via pm in stead of via reply button)
  10. AFEM, you're not supposed to tell from what country the cars are, people need to guess. Else nobody can get a turn
  11. Sixteen tons is a German company, so it would use German vehicles. By the way on my box covers, there are screenshots, showing the vehicles you get to play with . The american vehicles is just a sales tactic. Most people like those trucks better then the European vehicles, so the cover will appeal to more people. greetz,
  12. Topics merged, please use the edit button next time You need to download LA MOD 1.8 and you need to open the ports stated in the EM4 manual. then you start the game en select multiplayer in the main menu. You can then join a game. greetz,
  13. I took the liberty of merging your posts Do you guys use LA mod only or do you haver submods (w00ds map / tony's lights etc.) installed? I see Evel has updated his graphic drivers in january this year. Maybe you could try the previous version of your graphic drivers. It shoudln't make a difference, but other members have reported 'degrading' their video drivers worked for them. I can't find any faults in your logfiles that could explain this. Maybe other moderators have an idea?
  14. Thnx I'll change it. Must have forgotten to delete the patch part after changing the links. greetz,
  15. Update: recovery of the aircraft started yesterday. The cockpit will be recoverd first so that the investigators can take a look at the antennes below the cockpit. The haul and wings will be done today (thursday) and they hope to start with the tail section on friday. The wreckage will be stored at a hangar at schiphol airport untill the inevstigation has been completed.
  16. In the Dutch tutorial section there is a tutorial about adding events to freeplay. It only mentions car accidents, but of course you can also use a plane in stead of a car. I'll translate it for you: Car accident 1: go to the prototypes menu (F1) and choose vehicles 2: place a wreck and call it "ccar_1" 3: If you want you can place tire tracks and glas shards (you can find them under prototypes -> objects -> debris), call them "ccard_1" 4: If you want to add an extra car you can call it "ccard_1" add injured with slice-able wreck 5A: go to prototypes -> persons and place a person near a wreck call it "ccarp_1a" (the next victim is "ccarp_1b" etc.) 6: select the wreck where the person should be enclosed and choos the edit traits menu 7: choose person enclosed and choose the person that should be in the vehicle. now go to step 8 add injured with non slice-able wreck 5B: call all the injured you want to add "ccard_1" go to step 8 8: select the injured and go to the edit traits menu. 9: select injured and pick a number (the higher the number the more life energy the vic will have) 10: select energy as the reason 11: select blood puddle for a small pool of blood around the victim. greetz,
  17. You need to download the mod, the tutorial is included there greetz,
  18. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?showtopic=3257
  19. NOTE: you can only pay with credit card and via a German bank account here! Use this referral link to buy EM3 and EM4 Deluxe (together, so it's the GOLD edition) from the EMP store on Amazone.de If you only want EM4 Deluxe, go to Amazone.de and type Emergency 4 deluxe in the white box next to 'suche' and click the yellow 'los' button. Select the third EM4 on your screen (costs 10 euro's, and is VISTA compattible). Click 'in den einkaufswagen' (right hand side), then click 'weiter'. On the right side of the screen you will see a big yellow button with 'zur kasse gehen', click it (and don't mind all the adds popping up to convince you to buy some more ) Select the option 'Ich bin ein neuer kunde' and type your e-mail adres above that sentence (next to 'e-mail adresse'). If you already have an acount log in with your e-mail and password. Next to 'name eingeben' type your name, then type your mail adres twice and type a pasword twice. Then click 'eroffenen Sie ein neues konto'. Fill in the delivery adress in the correct spaces: your name in 'Vor- und Nachname', your street and house number in 'StraBe', the city in 'Stadt', your zipcode in 'Postleitzahl', your country in 'Land' and your phone number in 'Telefonnummer for ruckfragen'. Select yes ('ja') if you want the bill to be send to the same adress. and then click the yellow 'weiter button'. Now choose your payment methode credit card ('Mit neuer Karte bezahlen') or German bank account ('Bankeinzug von deutschem Konto'). For payment by credit card: select your credit card company, fill in the card number (in 'Kreditkartennummer'), fill in the name of the card holder ('Name des Karteninhabers') and select the expiring date. Then click 'weiter'. Check if all the data are correct and click the yellow button with 'bestatigen'. You will recieve an e-mail stating the details of your order and the expected shipping time.
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