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Everything posted by pyrothijs

  1. Yes there is an English translation for the mod. If you use the webupdater you will recieve a English, French and Italian translation. They're not fully complete but they do translate a lot of the game so that is still playable. You can find the translations in the language folder of the winterberg mod. By editing the metastrings.xml file you can select the language for your version. Change all 'de' terms to 'en' (without ' ') and save the file.
  2. I'm assuming these are the results of a sherlock check? That means that the program called google camera adapter isn't installed correctly. That can cause the problems with other programs. In that case you best can reinstall the google camera adapter or if you don't use it at all just delete it. I believe it is installed when you assign your webcam to G-mail chat. So you probably want to unassign it or look in the G-mail chat folder to delete it. I don't have it myself so I'm afraid I can't help you more then this. Maybe someone who has it can tell you where you can find it on your PC.
  3. You also tried setting it to 1 or zero like Ami said?
  4. How do you mean you don't have LA MOD, how can you have problems playing LA MOD if you don't have it? Anyways, this means you are experiencing crashes to desktop whenever you try to play campaign or a mod correct? Judging from your logfile you have a codec issue. You should remove all unused codecs and then it should work. For more information see the Technical FAQ.
  5. Then could you start the game, try to play campaign and after that please upload your logfile again. This logfile is from when you played the LA MOD. So it isn't going to tell me much about the normal campaign mode
  6. Are you trying to play the campaign in the LA MOD? Did you install any submods or the mission patch?
  7. Look in the Emergency 4\Data\Video folder and see if you can play the video's without starting the game.
  8. No idea, could have the same effect, could make the computer blow up. Who knows
  9. This is purely a gamble, but try the following (back up the files first, I have no idea if it will work!). Go to: Emergency 4\Data\Units\Vehicles\Fire Department\100LF and open the unit;s.xml file with notepad. Remove the line <sendmode value="2" /> Save the file and exit. Next go to this folder: Emergency 4\Data\Specs\ and open vehicles.xml with notepad. Search for the fireplane ("ID_NAME_LF") and remove this line of text: sendbuttons="2"> Save the file and see if it works. Let me know if it worked.
  10. Can you upload a DXDiag file and a logfile please? See the FAQ on where to find the files and how to upload them.
  11. Can you upload your dxdiag file and a logfile please?
  12. Yes the language files won't change any spoken text. But if you want that changed to you can do the following: Copy the folder called Audio from the LA MOD into the Emergency 4 folder and press yes when the PC asks you to overwrite the files. This will not affect the voice of the supervisor (the guy in the green shirt), that will still be in German.
  13. That's because there is no patch for 911:FR, it's already patched to the max in the factory .
  14. You need go to Emergency 4 folder and see if there is a folder called Mods there. If there isn't one create that folder yourself. If that doesn't work delete your browser history and temporary internet files, make sure you accept all cookies and then go to the download centre to redownload the mod. Don't forget to unzip/unrar the file and double click the file with the extension .e4mod. The ModInstaller will auto install the mods then. Moved to the EM4 Mods section and pinned, hoping others will use this topic to prevent them from asking the same question again.
  15. I think I know why, I forgot a small step: when you replaced the language folders go to this folder: Emergency 4\Data\Specs and open the file metatrings.xml with notepad or any other text editor. Now change all the 'de' parts to 'en' and save the file. It should work now.
  16. While loading the LA MOD the game is supposed to 'hang'. Depending on your computer specs it can take 2 to 10 minutes before the mod is loaded and you return to the main menu. After that everything will be translated in English. If you want the game to be in English be default you need to copy the LANG folder from the LA MOD and paste over the LANG folder of EM4 Deluxe. Then confirm the replacement of all files and the game should be in English. BUT FIRST make a back-up copy of the german LANG folder so if something goes wrong you can repair it.
  17. Because it's a zip file, you need to save the file to your PC first, then unzip it and after that you can install it.
  18. Near the south side of the lake there is a smoking dumper truck you need to cool. If you look closely you see tire tracks going into the lake and some bubbles coming from the car.
  19. Near the burning dumper truck there is a car lying in the water. I believe one or two victims are in here. If the buildings to the north have catched fire you need to check those for victims too (only the open houses of course).
  20. Click on FAQ in my signature and the search for the Technical Help FAQ. There is a special crash to desktop section in it.
  21. Yes there is: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&p=85734
  22. A lot of zombies show up on the map and they will attack people, you need to shoot them with police officers untill they're all dead.
  23. You could also try increasing your virtual memory. It might also be an idea to stop the wireless internet connection while playing the game. I found that it makes a lot of difference if I use wireless internet or DSL on my laptop. Probably because the laptop keeps scanning for a better wireless connection, that takes up a whole lot of memory. For more information see the 'my pc is lagging' section of the EM4 technical FAQ in the FAQ section.
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