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Everything posted by bazz

  1. Hi Here are one of my gta screen shots i took today "Units 7 arrives at the scene of what appears to be the lc rippers 5th victim" Please post your screenshots and comment
  2. yea the holes in the model will show in the game
  3. bazz


    Great picture
  4. bazz


    haha great picture the models look so real, can't wait till this mod is out
  5. ukmod99 is right it needs more detail,also join your polygones togother so there are no gaps as they will show in-game
  6. Looks all good so far,good luck with the mod
  7. Good model i also really like the skin
  8. Great picture the skins look good
  9. Good luck with the scaina,and good luck with Bikeing.
  10. Wow! that great news, i'm very happy to see that this mod won't die
  11. bazz


    Models are looking great so far
  12. very good work,it's a shame that randomperson139 is not helping us no more
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