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Everything posted by bennie900

  1. I think I will, I had the BETA before and I must say it did suck a bit. I now have the RC (Release Candidate) and its much better! I love all the features, basically every thing works with it. A defo 10/10 for me, I will be upgrading depending on the price at release (I'm talking to you via Windows 7 now )
  2. Nice models looks clean, do you have any wire frames (don't know if you can in sketch up) and what's the poly count?
  3. I ban you because your not my daddy!
  4. I ban you because I like that Scooby cop car !
  5. Right click the file or what ever you want to save, click Save Target As... or Save Link As... Then save it like normal.
  6. Copy a old one, remove code and replace with that.
  7. The 'map maker' looks a lot like paint.net program lol.... Sounds good though!
  8. Well the same as I'm aware... Only new button icons, background etc... Nothing really hard that's new
  9. If you dont like it... the 'X' button is at the top of the page and have you just noticed the change or what?, also hard? Having a laugh aren't you? Its so easy...
  10. Thats because the faces are the wrong way, you need to select them all and 'flip' them, not sure what 3D aplication you are using, but yeah need to 'flip' them.
  11. You can use what ever file format you want! They all work, but PNG, JPEG, BMP etc... files can all be edited easily... DDS 'locks' the file so people have to convert it first but DDS files can only be multiples of 512x512 for example 1024x1024 also works! I do not see the point in DDS files because anyone can still get inside them and edit them. Hope this helps...
  12. I ban you because you made me laugh!
  13. Why dont you just buy it from that site? Im sure they ship to the US... Its not hard..
  14. I take it the 19,95 is in Euro's? If so the nex info is correct: Live rates at 2009.05.25 22:29:38 UTC 19.95 EUR = 27.9567 USD 1 EUR = 1.40134 USD 1 USD = 0.713604 EUR
  15. I ban you because that sounded well gay!
  16. Hi, There used to be a blueprint forum for emergency vehicles but the owners didn't have time for it any more so i decided to make a new one! Link: http://sm.ukgamers.com/emergency_blueprints/ (bad link for the mo!) feel free to sign up, post blueprints for what ever units you want, what ever! Hope to see you there, Ben!
  17. I ban you for classing "crap" as a bad word, I don't P.S Jacob should be warned due to his bad behaviour!
  18. I ban you because you own a crap box 360 a.k.a xbox 360
  19. I ban you because i might be helping! (if he ever comes on-line, hint hint!)
  20. I ban you for thinking about what you had to say
  21. Yeah i agree, i will get the England Mod team together and work hard!
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