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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. Anything command that has the "SetGroupID(CGROUP_GETEQUIPMENT);" in it. Meaning it gets put in the secondary "Get Equipment Category.
  2. Thank you, I fixed the script and reuploaded it so it should work fine now.
  3. It causes a glitch with the Ems Captain because there can only be 11 "get equipment" commands per unit. I'm currently looking for a fix.
  4. The command post thing is going to be the last thing I make, and yes in the video I'm using ysb's 4x4 sub mod edit in the video but the script can run on any version of the LA Mod as long as the directory for the prototype for the van hasn't been changed. As of right now the script is set to always call a unit from off the map, I'm working on making it so if you have a van or truck on the map in standby it will call that unit instead of dispatching the unit from of the map. I just got permission from Hoppah to release the scripts I have made, I'll edit the topic and release the scripts when I get home.
  5. Here are the first two scripts I have created, CallTow and CallCoroner. They currently call from off the map and WILL NOT dispatch a unit from the map. Like if you have a coroners van already parked on the map and you hit the dispatch command it wont dispatch that unit, it will call a new one off the map. Download Link is below video!! Credits: Hoppah for the scripts for which i made these from and Myself (Quincy) for doing the edits. Instructions: Add .script files to Scripts\Game\Command directory Open Editor Add Commands to the units you want. WARNING: DO TO A TECHNICAL LIMITATION ONLY 11 EQUIPMENT COMMANDS CAN BE ASSIGNED TO A SINGLE UNIT. THIS IS NOT SCRIPT RELATED IT IS A HARDCODED GAME LIMITATION. Try my new Command Post Script!! http://forum.emergen...d-post-scripts/ Fixed the Coroner Van issue. Command_scripts.zip
  6. There isn't a command to call coroners, tow trucks, special police units (SWAT, Negotiator, etc.), etc. You have to script additional commands then add the commands you made to the person or object via the editor. By the way here's the topic for what I've been mentioning. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/17865-wipadditional-commandsscripts/
  7. Currently it's off map based but i'm going to make it so if the unit is on the map and on standby then it will call that unit. Ill be making more stuff and a special surprise later down the road.
  8. Hey with Hoppah's permission I will be releasing two scripts I just created/modified that will allow units to call coroners vans and tow trucks (two separate commands). I can also make the swat/negotiator one and the getaway car script.
  9. Do you have experience with the C++ IDE??
  10. Awesome job!!!! This Mass kid loves it.
  11. Okay, thank you!!! I remember you're original topic, thanks for the handy program!
  12. Can someone confirms this works?? It just seems a little shady coming from a member with only one post.
  13. Thank you Newfoundking for telling me about the max fires thing. It will come in handy. You're welcome PFD, have fun and enjoy the missions.
  14. Navigate to the Scripts/Game/Mission folder and find the .script file that corresponds to the mission you want to edit. For example lamod01.script is the mission script for the first LA Mod mission (Bomb threat I believe). What you are looking for is: const int MAX_DEATHS = 2; const int MAX_INJURIES = 6; (* The two lines are usually the first 2 lines of the script at the top.) You then want to change the number to some insane number like 99 or something like that. It will make it so the mission will be harder to fail if not impossible to fail.
  15. Send me the spec folder form the LA mod folder, ill edit it for you.
  16. You may have edited the wrong one, upload your specs folder. Ill do it for you
  17. Yes, you edit the freeplay parameters. They are .xml files in the specs folder of the mod folder.
  18. Holy crap I wrote this when I was 13, glad to see you guys found it useful.
  19. Here's my detective, he is modeled after a plain clothes Boston PD detective. Hope you Enjoy it. PM me with any questions or if you need help. DOWNLOAD Credits Model: EM4/911FR Texture: Quincy
  20. Here's my detective, he is modeled after a plain clothes Boston PD detective. Hope you Enjoy it. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/16838-release-plain-clothed-detective/
  21. Here is a quick little addon I made for someone and I'm deciding to release it . Its a Female LASD Deputy, I hope you enjoy it. It also has a version for use with the traffic vest. Feel free to PM me with any questions or if you need help. If enough people show interest I will post my plain clothed detective also. DOWNLOAD Credits Model: EM4/911FR Texture: Hoppah/Quincy
  22. Working on a new Supervisor/Dispatch Audio Mod

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