Okay so here is what i got, when loading i get limitation statement to long as an error ( Around line 60 ) This is playing for about an hour with the code any thoughts? int ETL[] = 1000;const char OBJ_E04[] = "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 Fire Department/engine01.e4p";int OUTTAKE_HOSE = 6;int OUTTAKE_CANNON = 10;int INTAKE_SUPPLYLINE = 24;int WaterLevel;int Engine01Level;object VcmdWaterLVL : CommandScript{ VcmdWaterLVL() { SetCursor(""); SetIcon(""); SetGroupID(DummyGroup); SetGroupLeader(true); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); } Vehicle veh(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_E04); { if (veh)->HasCommand("DummyLimitedWater")) { int numActiveHoses = 0; int numActiveCannons = 0; int numSupplyLines = 0; int Outtake = 0; int Intake = 0; if (veh.HasCommand("DummyWaterSupplyOn")) numSupplyLines++; if (veh.GetVehicleType() == VT_FIREFIGHTERS_GTF && veh.IsInstalled()) } { PersonList Pconnected(ROLE_SQUAD); for(int k = 0; k < Pconnected.GetNumPersons(); k++) { if (Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetEquipment() == EQUIP_FIREHOSE && Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON && Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetFirehoseID() != 0 && !Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->IsFlagSet(OF_HIDDEN)) { Vector TargetPos; GameObject Phydrant = Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetHydrant(); if (Phydrant.GetID() == veh.GetID()) { Person p(Pconnected.GetPerson(k)); if (p.IsCurrentAction("EActionExtinguish") || p.IsCurrentAction("EActionCool")) numActiveHoses++; } } } } if (veh.HasCommand("VcmdWaterSwitch") && veh.IsCurrentAnimation("activate")) { GameObjectList cannonlist = Game::GetGameObjectsWithPrefix("engine_water_cannon"); for(int j = 0; j < cannonlist.GetNumObjects(); j++) { Vehicle cannon = cannonlist.GetObject(j); if (cannon.GetUserData() == veh.GetID() && (cannon.IsCurrentAction("EActionExtinguish") || cannon.IsCurrentAction("EActionCool"))) numActiveCannons++; } } Intake = numSupplyLines*INTAKE_SUPPLYLINE; Outtake = numActiveHoses*OUTTAKE_HOSE+numActiveCannons*OUTTAKE_CANNON; if (veh.GetID() == v.GetID()) { Engine01Level = Engine01Level+Intake-Outtake; if (Engine01Level < 20) veh.AssignCommand("DummyEmptyTank"); if (Engine01Level > ELT) Engine01Level = ELT; else if (Engine01Level < 0) Engine01Level = 0; } if (veh.HasCommand("DummyEmptyTank")) { PersonList Pconnected(ROLE_SQUAD); for(int k = 0; k < Pconnected.GetNumPersons(); k++) { if (Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetEquipment() == EQUIP_FIREHOSE && Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON && Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetFirehoseID() != 0 && !Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->IsFlagSet(OF_HIDDEN)) { Vector TargetPos; GameObject Phydrant = Pconnected.GetPerson(k)->GetHydrant(); if (Phydrant.GetID() == veh.GetID()) { Person p(Pconnected.GetPerson(k)); if ((veh.GetID() && Engine01Level < 20)) { if (p.IsCommandEnabled("Extinguish")) { p.EnableCommand("Extinguish", false); p.EnableCommand("Cool", false); p.EnableAutoTarget(false); p.ClearActions(); p.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.f); } } else { p.EnableCommand("Extinguish", true); p.EnableCommand("Cool", true); p.EnableAutoTarget(true); } } } } if (veh.HasCommand("VcmdWaterSwitch") && veh.IsCurrentAnimation("activate")) { GameObjectList canlist = Game::GetGameObjectsWithPrefix("engine_water_cannon"); for(int j = 0; j < canlist.GetNumObjects(); j++) { Vehicle can = canlist.GetObject(j); if (can.GetUserData() == veh.GetID() && ((veh.GetID() && Engine01Level > 20))) { can.EnableAutoTarget(true); } else { can.EnableAutoTarget(false); can.ClearActions(); can.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.f); System::Log("Disable cannon"); } } } if (veh.GetID() && !Engine01Empty) { Engine01Empty = true; Game::ShowHelpTextWindow("Water tank of Local Fire Truck is empty!"); } if ((veh.GetID() && Engine01Level > 20)) { veh.RemoveCommand("DummyEmptyTank"); if (veh.HasCommand("Extinguish")) veh.EnableCommand("Extinguish", true); if (veh.HasCommand("Cool")) veh.EnableCommand("Cool", true); if (veh.GetID() && Engine01Empty) Engine01Empty = false; } else { if (veh.HasCommand("Extinguish")) veh.EnableCommand("Extinguish", false); if (veh.HasCommand("Cool")) veh.EnableCommand("Cool", false); } } }};