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Everything posted by NathanDollinger

  1. This is simple! Go under the missions folder in the scripts Copy the fp_challenge and fp_freeplay paste and rename copy's to mp_challenge and mp_freeplay and they will work in multiplayer
  2. djfajsdhf

    1. Handsup!



  3. Thanks! With the screenshots it should be easier to add everything. In regards to the scripting, you may add the scripting part that involves the freeplay scripts in the \Scripts\Missions\ folder, because nothing has changed to that. Thanks!
  4. So if the vacuum is on my son goes to sleep... If i turn it off he wakes up and crys ..... 0_o

    1. Ghost Graphic Designs

      Ghost Graphic Designs

      Try white noise, It's almost the same sound. :)

    2. Handsup!
  5. Any chance you could go ahead with the fix for the aerials?
  6. Ready to be home for a couple of days!

  7. Well its been a couple of weeks so i guess lenoir and shelby are a no go =/Looking forward to Asheville's process!

  8. If you flow water off the ladder until the tank is empty then you refill the tank and try to select a object to cool or specific area of fire your are unable to The ladder still auto targets but the player can not!
  9. @ Hoppah - Any chance you could point me in the direction to keep the ladder trucks from bugging after there tank goes empty and is refilled?
  10. We have updated our mods to Version 3! With working water limit functions, Hydrant hook up and more! Stop in and talk with us or submit an application! All mods are for private use by EOC members! Pictures to come!
  11. Two hours and counting!

  12. There are a lot of models out there of tankers ( Google Search ) However some one with modeling knowledge would have to convert them for EM4 And technically the LA mod water tender is a tanker! In the US on the west cost a tender is a tanker and on the east coast a tanker is a tanker! Reason being on the west cost in large wildland fires the fire fighting air planes are referred to as tankers It all depends on where you are in the country
  13. I have never looked forward to taking a test this much..... Sep. 7th come on!

  14. Just for giggles i went and check the Demo Mod and... Bug 1 also occurs in it! If engine A flows its deck gun and engine B flows its deck gun 45 seconds later, Then engine A's tank goes empty engine B's deck gun also gets disabled If engine A then has a supply line hocked up both deck guns flow again until engine B's tank goes empty then both deck guns are once again disabled regardless of the water supply being hocked to engine A If you then put a water supply to engine B both deck guns resume working. ( On a side not this thankfully dose not effect hose connections and handlines)
  15. Okay so i think i found a bug or two! Maybe i just messed up something and its a easy fix! Bug 1 If you have engine A, B, C, and D ( combination engines using waterswitch.script ) And they are all flowing deck guns when engine A runs out of water B,C and D also stop flowing water! Bug 2 If the tank on the Ladder runs empty and you then hook a supply line to same the ladder is still unable to flow water again
  16. The guide is very follow able! However due to the lack of information on the deck gun side of it, It would be a little easier to follow just removing any reference to it at all as far as the combination trucks! Side Note - Hoppah would you have any complaints if i did a tutorial guide for the combination engines?
  17. That worked, Hoppah! Thanks every thing is running smoothly now!
  18. Guess im going to try and do this laying down thing again seeing how may day apparently starts when the moon comes out =/

  19. Here your using NAME_AMBULANCE03 to define your ambulance And here your using this PROTO_AMBULANCE05! Did you change the Objects list to match your script or vise versa? ( PROTO_AMBULANCE00 shout be NAME_AMBULANCE00) Right? You said the gameobjects list wasn't find the prototypes and this would be a cause of that! Also const char NAME_AMBULANCE03[] = "Ambulance03"; <- Define the hole path to your ambulance mod:prototypes/vehicles/ambulance/... There could be one more problem but try that and see what you get! And i think if the other error is what i think it will be it shouldn't be hard to fix!
  20. Based off the below code! GameObject obj(Target); if (Caller->GetObjectType()==TYPE_PERSON && Caller->GetEquipment()!=EQUIP_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER && obj.IsValid() && obj.IsFlagSet(OF_HAS_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER)) { Person p(Caller); if(p.IsValid() && (p.IsCarryingPerson()|| p.HasCommand("HolsterWeapon") || p.IsLinkedWithPerson()|| p.GetFirehoseID()!=0 || p.IsPulling() || p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1)) return false; return true; } return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vector TargetPos = Target->GetTargetPoint(Caller, TARGET_EQUIPMENTDOOR); if (!Caller->IsCommandEnabled("Extinguish")) { Person p(Caller); p.EnableCommand("Extinguish", true); p.EnableCommand("Cool", true); p.EnableAutoTarget(true); } Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, TargetPos); Caller->PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, Target); Caller->PushActionGetEquipment(ACTION_APPEND, Target, EQUIP_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_EQUIPMENT, Target, 8, false); Your looking to do the PushAction parts! of course you will half to define where the person is going to go which i belive would be this part Vector TargetPos = Target->GetTargetPoint(Caller, TARGET_EQUIPMENTDOOR); if (!Caller->IsCommandEnabled("Extinguish")) { Person p(Caller); p.EnableCommand("Extinguish", true); p.EnableCommand("Cool", true); p.EnableAutoTarget(true); }So in theory editing and put this in proper line of the scripts related to the items you mentioned would allow you to do what you wish! ( Im sure it would take some tinkering though! )
  21. Well i have solved 75% of that so i will try to help! Did you give the truck the water supply command in the editor ? If so thats wrong it should appear automatically! You have water_supply_main as a object on your map? You have supper structure prototypes for hose connections named connector0-3? You have child-object names water_supply? You have all engines set to GTF? ( The above is what would cause issues with the water level script showing up and giving the correct display along with any bug with the rapid deployment script such as not hooking to the truck, ) If your doing this with the LA mod You have water_supply_main as a object on your map? You have supper structure prototypes for hose connections named connector0-3? You have added attachfirehose command to personal in the editor? You have deleted the LAEquipmentCommand.script ( For some reason this cause a issue ) You have also removed all Get(W/E).script other then the GetExtinguisher.script ( Also cause issue ) ( Should fix bugs with FF's with hoses and hooking to truck! ) As for the Waterswitch script im stuck in the same spot as you! Hopefully hoppah will be kind and lend us some helpful advise!
  22. Okay so i tryed this out and got it working to the point of the fire fighter setting on the truck, the icons for cool and extinguish show up, and i believe the invisible vehicle shows up however i get no water flow nor will the script deactivate Thoughts?
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