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Everything posted by NathanDollinger

  1. Well i think this onlie course will be great if i ever figure out what the heck is going on! Maybe more information will show up later this evening or tomorrow tell then i guess its on hold!

  2. 1024x1024 is right! Just play around with it to get it to look right
  3. It could be throughing a error which isn't allowing it to actually fetech the information and just isnt reporting it. If its actually getting the database. And still isn't showing up then there is a problem with how its being displayed. Could be simple like missing a closing/Opeing statment ; or () , [] could be somthing worse like a scripting or codeing error. Make sure that the server is allowing it to show errors. Also put a action check in place. If ( Event ) then ( Event 2 ) Event to could be like can't connect to database then Event 2 which would be unable to reach database I don't know how your conecting to the database or what the code looks like so its kinda hard to point you in the right direction!
  4. 1. Shouldn't have to import any thing. If it appears in the editors objects list simply select it and the place it on the map! 1.2. In the event that there is a building modle in the file but it dosn't show up in the editor pick where you wont the build to be ( House, Vheicle, Person, Objects ) Then click new! A window will open in the editor, Give the building a name! At the botom of the window there will be a place to select the prototype file! Click browse and find the building modle in the correct fiile location ( This will be a .V3O file 2. Unless you have the original tga imiage of the map you can't. If you do have the original tga file the open it in a image editor and change it to fit! and import the texture using the terrain tool in the map editor should be somthing like import -> import texture ( I simple work around to this porblem is to put texture imiages ( DDS format ) in the details files i usally use the markers folder! ) 3.Yes there basicly just virtual objects. ( Polygons ) 4. Most of the time no. But it can happen! The advanced question is probibly the easist to answer hers is a tutorial!
  5. Add the parking spots on the game editor using the same format as what already appears! Make sure to change the numbers to the next inline 6, 7, 8, 9. and so on, In the script find where the parking space are listed in the objects list and add them under the ones there! ( copy and past makes this really simple! ) Next find where you need to add the new spots in the actual script! Once again copy the one of the old codes and past then just simply change to match the new parking spaces Note! This dosn't requier deleting, cuting, or removing any thing and if you do it will mess the script up. below shows what you will need to look for in the script! What the object list looks like const char VO_PARK01[] = "p01"; const char VO_PARK02[] = "p02"; const char VO_PARK03[] = "p03"; const char VO_PARK04[] = "p04"; const char VO_PARK05[] = "p05"; const char VO_PARK06[] = "p06"; What the codes in the script looks like bool ParkinglotFound = false; bool ToDonut = false; ActorList l1; if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l2; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK01, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l2.GetNumObjects() == 0) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK01); ParkinglotFound = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l3; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK02, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() == 0) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK02); ParkinglotFound = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l4; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK03, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l4.GetNumObjects() == 0) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK03); ParkinglotFound = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l5; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK04, l5, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if (!l5.ContainsSquad()) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK04); ParkinglotFound = true; ToDonut = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l6; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK05, l6, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if (!l6.ContainsSquad()) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK05); ParkinglotFound = true; ToDonut = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { GameObjectList l7; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK06, l7, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if (!l6.ContainsSquad()) { l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_PARK06); ParkinglotFound = true; ToDonut = true; } } if (!ParkinglotFound) { v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, CMD_PATROL, Caller, 0, false); return; } & if(ChildID == 2) { Vehicle v(Caller); v.EnableBlinker(BLT_NONE); bool ToPoliceStation = false; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK01)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK02)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK03)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK04)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK05)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true; if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_PARK06)) return; else ToPoliceStation = true;
  6. Ther objects just like every thing eles! The requier a skin image and a Object File ( V3O ) Editing them is easy with GIMP or PhotoShop ( Edit the skin file yes its a image file ) To make a completly new sign u would need a zmodler and be able to well model!
  7. That would be alot of work just to add a parking space line or somthing like a turning arrow 0_o
  8. Not that im a mod or any thing but you might want to read the forum rules befor you get your account locked =/
  9. Dyson solution works! Verry well! ( You must remove the automatic gates though or eles it dose not work! Only the host units will triger the gates ) To go on what Dyson said and make it a bit simpler Find this if (!Game::IsFreeplay()) return false; Make it look like this if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer()) return false; But once again removal of the gates is a must! I wrote my own script for multiplayer ( Its bug free ), Im not really looking to give it out at the moment though.
  10. Good luck to you both! And theres more clans then there are EM4 players now!
  11. Im ready for saturday to start class!

  12. So i should be done with my Firefighter 2 by June 1st Which will give me Wildland, EMT-B, Hazmat, and FFIIAlmost there!

  13. No there is not one, And there probibly wont be one as it dosn't work with the to hospital script! Its probiblie possible to get it to work but as it stands Nope =/
  14. At some point eventually some way i will get hired in a position i will enjoy for the rest of my life! I just hope its soon.... *sigh*

  15. Well today has quite possible been one for the record books!

  16. The LA Patrol Script dosn't make them obay traffic laws to my knowlage! ( Thats why units patroling cause traffic jams ) However im sure its possible. But at this point im not to sure on how to carry it out! I would look at doing somthing like making the car a civil uint, Im not sure what command would have to begiven to do it though or use this some how const char DUMMY_TL[] = "TLT_RED "; Object o(barricade); If (o.EnableTrafficLight(DUMMY_TL)); Game::ExecuteCommand(HALT_VEHICLES, &v, &v); And set it timed some how, Also the Object to barricade my not be set right. But at lest it will give you a direction to look! I looked around for a minute and didn't see any where to do the task force, But in the SDK stuff i found this namespace Game { ActorList GetActors(); ActorList GetActors(const char *Name_); ActorList GetActors(ActorType type_); Actor GetActor(int ID_); int GetNumActors(ActorType type_); int GetNumInjuredPersonNotOnTransport(); GameObjectList GetGameObjects(); GameObjectList GetGameObjects(GameObjectType type_); GameObjectList GetGameObjects(const char *Name_); GameObjectList GetGameObjectsWithPrefix(const char* Prefix_); GameObjectList GetSelectedGameObjects(); int GetNumSelectedGameObjects(); bool IsParamedicWithInjuredInSelection(GameObject *Caller_); PersonList GetParamedics(); PersonList GetDoctors(); PersonList GetFirefighters(); GameObject CreateObject(const char* Prototype_, const char *Name_); Person CreatePerson(const char *Prototype_, const char *Name_); Vehicle CreateVehicle(const char* Prototype_, const char *Name_); void RemoveGameObject(GameObject *obj_); bool ExecuteCommand(const char *Command_, GameObject *Caller_); bool ExecuteCommand(const char *Command_, GameObject *Caller_, Actor *Target_); float MetersToUnits(float Meters_); float UnitsToMeters(float Units_); void PrintObjectText(Actor &Obj_, const char *Text_); bool LoadMap(const char* MapName_); void ScheduleMissionstart(int Mission_, bool isNewMission_ = false); void PlayEmitter(const char *File_, const Vector &Pos_); float GetGameSpeed(); void SetGameSpeed(float Speed_); float GetLastTickDuration(); float GetRealTime(); float GetTime(); void SetDefaultMessageGroup(const char* Default_); void ShowHelpText(const char *Text_, float Duration_ = -1.0f); void ShowHelpTextWindow(const char *Text_, float Duration = -1.0f); void CloseHelpTextWindow(); bool CollectObstaclesOnPath(const char* path, GameObjectList &list); bool CollectObstaclesOnTrigger(const char* trigger, GameObjectList &list, unsigned int typefilter_ = ACTOR_VEHICLE|ACTOR_PERSON|ACTOR_OBJECT); bool CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(const char* vobj, GameObjectList &list, unsigned int typefilter_ = ACTOR_VEHICLE|ACTOR_PERSON|ACTOR_OBJECT); bool IsSquadInTrigger(const char* trigger, unsigned int typefilter_ = ACTOR_PERSON|ACTOR_VEHICLE); bool IsCivilianInTrigger(const char* trigger, unsigned int typefilter_ = ACTOR_PERSON, bool isInjured_=false); bool IsSquadInVirtualObject(const char* vobj); bool IsCivilianInVirtualObject(const char* vobj); bool IsBurningObjectInVirtualObject(const char* vobj); void HideObjects(const GameObjectList &list); void ShowObjects(const GameObjectList &list); int GetNrObjectsWithFlagSet(int flag_); bool ExistsObjectWithFlagSet(int flag_); bool ExistsNormalObjectWithFlagSet(int flag_); //checks only objects with status != FULLBURNED, which arent hidden bool ExistsFreeLandingStage(bool tfmb_); // bool ExistsFreeBridgeInstallPoint(); // bool ExistsFreeTFMB(); bool ExistsFreeFMB(); bool ExistsFreeDLKInstallPosition(); // bool ExistsEmptyFGRR_TRL(); bool ExistsEmptyFGRR_RL(); bool ExistsCoolableobject(); bool ExistsExtinguishableObject(); bool ExistsDrowningPerson(); // bool ExistsInjuredPerson(); // bool ExistsNonInjuredPerson(); // bool ExistsWoundedSquad(); bool ExistsAccessibleHouse(); bool ExistsFreeRescueDog(); bool ExistsDiveArea(); // bool ExistsCarWithEnclosedPerson(); bool ExistsCutableObject(); bool ExistsLockedHouse(); bool ExistsFreeHoseConnection(); bool ExistsAskablePerson(); bool ExistsFreeDLK(); bool ExistsRepairableCar(); bool ExistsHouseForJumpad(); bool ExistsInstalledJumppad(); bool ExistsInstalledRoadblock(); bool ExistsFreeVehicle(VehicleType type_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, VehicleType type3_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, VehicleType type3_, VehicleType type4_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeSquadVehicle(VehicleType type_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeSquadVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeSquadVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, VehicleType type3_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ExistsFreeSquadVehicle(VehicleType type_, VehicleType type2_, VehicleType type3_, VehicleType type4_, int minFreePassengers, int minFreeTransports); bool ActivateTrigger(const char *name); bool DeactivateTrigger(const char *name); bool ActivateWaitingPoint(const char *name_); bool DeactivateWaitingPoint(const char *name_); bool IsInTrigger(const char *name, const Vector &Pos_); void CreateAreaLightsAroundTrigger(const char *name_, const char *nameForLights_, float gap_); bool ActivateLiquid(const char *name); bool DeactivateLiquid(const char *name); bool IsWater(const Vector &Pos_, bool ignoreHeight_ = true); bool IsSubmergible(const Vector &Pos_); int GetPhysicsStep(); int GetTick(); bool FindFreePosition(GameObject *obj_, Vector &Pos_, float radius_ = 100.0f); bool FindAvailablePosition(GameObject *obj_, Vector &Pos_, float radius_ = 50.0f, bool allowHouses_ = true); bool GetPotentialCollisions(Actor *obj_, ActorList &list_, float radius_, unsigned int typefilter_); void ExtinguishAllFires(); void ActivateSceneLens(bool active_); void StopAmbientSound(const char* name_); void SetAmbientSoundVolumeByName(const char *name_, float volume_); void SetAmbientSoundVolumeBySound(const char *sound_, float volume_); void SetObjectsSelectable(bool enable_); void SetMapBoundsBlockCamera(bool enable_); void ForceShowContextMenu(bool enable_); void EnableMultiSelection(bool enable_); void GetTime(int &hour_, int &minute_, int &second_); void SetTime(int hour_, int minute_, int second_); int GetTimeSpeed(); void SetTimeSpeed(int speed_); float GetGroundHeight(float posx_, float posy_); float GetFloorHeight(float posx_, float posy_); void DrawPermanentLine(Vector &start, Vector &end, int R, int G, int B); Vector GetCommandPos(); GameMode GetGameMode(); bool HasNamePrefix(const char* Name_, const char *Prefix_); void EnableUpdateMissiononpause(bool enable_); bool IsFreeplay(); bool IsMultiplayer(); bool IsCampaign(); bool IsMission(); void AddToGroup(GameObject *object_, int group_); bool RemoveFromGroup(GameObject *object_, int group_); bool IsInGroup(GameObject *object_, int group_); };
  17. ^ My point exactly and my goal is not to merge groups! I have not intreset in being one big group cause like you said it wont work! But there is no need for the hostility and we can diffentily be more friendly and have some respect and mutuallity between all the groups!
  18. As im sure any one that has looked into clans playing Em4 knows. Between the 4 or 5 major groups there are major Diffrences! However these diffrences are not with out simularity! We all play or mod EM4! As some know i am the Deputy Chief at Emergency Operations Command! I recently met with some heads of other groups in a effort to bring a mutual agrement and understanding to provided a more friendly atmospher between groups and more opurtunity to play! This in know way requiers mergeing or combinding groups but simply seting a resonable and respectable understanding to provided a better community expirence! I would like to get feed back on this idea in two forms First anser the Poll! Second give any thoughts or ideas you have on this Mutual agrement and how you think it well effect the overall EM4 community!
  19. Any FFII instructors teacing any classes ????

  20. Any one need and want to take PPE in Barnardsville on jan 24th 26th and 29th???? Looking to car pool!!!!!!!!

  21. So who thinks oboma can actually get the inauguration right this time?

  22. My first solution is a simple one! any thing with // remove! Let the hole script run in the game! First off this // Means to block the code from runing so if somthing that is requiered for the script to run right may be accidently closed off. Also Errors are not a bad thing! Read them! Generally they will get you extreamly close to the problem. From there solve one problem at a time! Once you get the script to call the unit then worry about other things like icons!
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