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Todd15 last won the day on March 13 2022

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About Todd15

  • Birthday 12/04/1991

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  1. Noticed something strange, I'm assuming you're already aware. The parking lines are less white than the officers lol. (really hope its not an AMD issue)
  2. Love the mod! Only things I'd suggest are spine boards, traffic vests for pd/EMS, tasers, traffic cones for more immersion. I also noticed the dolphin CG helicopter can't drop or pickup a rescue swimmer. I assume the rescue swimmer is just a reskin of the engineer in the base game?
  3. I'm still in shock over yesterday. Who would have thought a brushfire could cause such wide spread community destruction. We aren't talking about a normal wildfire in the mountains. This was a suburban area where the fires destroyed everything and anything in its path. I've never seen a fire move this fast in my life. One second a brushfire, next second homes, neighborhoods, and towns completely engulfed in flames. I used to think Emergency 4 wasn't realistic when fires got out of hand and spread from building to building in minutes but now that scenario feels all too real. My heart aches for those that lost their homes. I live an hour north in a very similar setting and I still can't imagine suburban neighborhoods like the one I live in could be burnt to the ground. One day you can have a roof over your head and the next day it could be gone. Be thankful for what you have, it can all easily be taken away or destroyed quicker than you'd ever think. Praying for everyone that is going through the difficult times. Just for perspective, severe drought mixed with extreme winds one day.. snow and winter storms the very next day. All this could have been avoided if it would of snowed just one day earlier. Over a thousand homes completely destroyed. An event that will stick with me the rest of my life. A true hell of a fire storm.
  4. Prayers for all those effected in the Marshall fire. I've never seen such suburban neighborhood devastation. Only thing I can compare it to is a tornado. Hits wayyy too close to home.

  5. This year?.. or do you mean next year? Haha
  6. I figured. Just thought I'd throw it out there
  7. Any chance firefighters will have the option for bunker gear without the SCBA for car accidents? Also wish more mods had an optional reflective vest for firefighters and medics
  8. Nice looking mod! Keep up the good work. The level of detail looks pretty amazing
  9. Hope you are able to fix your system. No man should be without a working PC. Maybe it will give you a chance to catch up on some life stuff. I remember my gpu breaking which set me back a pretty penny right before covid. I fear my psu might be outdated as well. Did you have any sound indicators before it shat the bed? I think I have an old fan bearing going out on mine.
  10. I guess its all dependent on the department. Wellington Co. the town I volunteered in is basically a small city at this point so even though the department is made up of mostly volunteers and reserve crews its starting to become more of a city than the small farming town that it used to be. Mostly medical calls, MVA, few structure fires luckily. They also run an engine for medical calls so I'm not sure that is standard practice for smaller towns.
  11. Most Volunteer departments don't cary extrication tools in a tiny brush truck. Its usually stored in an engine or rescue truck because of its size
  12. Possibly a future idea for a map, where my uncle lives in Montana the fire station is a shared building with the police station. Kinda a cool setup Also if you haven't already came up with a hazmat idea I know that the Laurel Mt area has a bunch of oil refineries and train yards. Just some ideas to potentially add to your town. I'm guessing you are looking more towards the non industrial more agriculture feel but the dirty refinery towns need some love too haha.
  13. I'd just assume it's never going public. If it does end up going public than it will be a nice surprise, until then it's best to not even get your hopes up. Nice mod though
  14. As a former admin on Arma 3 I used to tell people "12 units of time" every time someone would ask for a "release date" Btw you are a scripting genius. I'm hoping for some advanced parking action. Hopefully there are some EMS related scripts?
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